
I kinda miss CTR

We're actually going to have to debate people with facts now :C

They're shitposting in hell now ;_;

do you think they at least got their final paychecks?

If leafs were to leave I wonder if Sup Forums would miss us like this.

H-how will they ever recover?

>trumptards cant shutup for like a day already

confirmed for IQ80ers


always in our hearts ;_;

I can be your ctr oniichan


Well, I really hope that $8 an hour was worth it to them. I wish I could taste their tears right now.

fucking end your life cuck

It's not the same anymore my man

I wonder what percentage fell in love with the place and will come back on the regular

Most probably were just spouting prepared lines they didn't believe

Like my gf yesterday who was getting paid $20 sn hour to hand out flyers and shill for Hillary outside a polling place
She didn't even bother voting herself

It wasn't CTR.
It was fellow anons pretending to be liberals to keep us sharp and on our toes ready for combat.
I personally sometimes played devil's advocate for the sake of it.
(I'm a leaf)

There is an interesting phenomenom among a large group of anonymous people that work toward a certain goal and that is that a group of people start working against the goal to account for the people that won't be active enough or those who will be overactive.

There was an interesting experiment done with a pong ball game where they game remote controllers to like 400 people in a theater, half control the left plateform and half control the right. And every single remote controller has 1/200 the efft, so every individual is equal in their decision/impact ratio.
What they saw was it was utter chaos at first, because some people overreact and some dont react enough but then it stabilizes because a spontaneous portion of people start going the other direction to account for that factor. Interesting stuff.

R-racist... b-bigot...


Just a reminder CTR doesn't actually exist. It's a republican funded lie to smear Hillary.


idiot Drumpfy thinks his candidate won, he actually lost the popular vote and is probably going to be impeached as soon as he gets into office and the recount isnt done yet

I came here in 2012 to shitpost about Obabo winning and ended up staying for many years.

look at all the memories we shared, you will be missed ctr

Kind of sad to have no real opposition.

for once I can see this and not respond with a great meme.

We're still here. We have no where else to go.No more cash is coming. =(

Thanks for trying, but it's just not the same.

Is this a LARP because I feel like Sup Forums might have some genuine questions about your organization now that the dust has settled.

The mods keep deleting threads with pro-Hillary stuff in them. The Sup Forums has become )))pol((( censoring the opposing side.
They kept on deleting our threads last night which blocked our meme magic to help /ourgirl/.
This thread will get archived after this post :^].