Ozai did nothing wrong

Ozai did nothing wrong.

This is actually true.
Ozai didnt start the war and he couldnt have stopped it either.

He wanted to incinerate an entire continent full of people, and was willing to do it personally.

He makes Hitler look like Swiper the Fox.

I know it's bait, and I regret nothing.

>I'll burn all this land full of potential future resources, instead of committing genocide against the northern water tribe, which is mostly an icy wasteland that contains water bender who are the main foil to our element

Trying to Burn all the Waterbenders to death just seems tactically unsound. Unless the Fire Nation gets their mitts on some very specific chemicals.

>willing to do it personally
Well, you can't call him lazy.

now that you mention the whole foil thing, fire would be everyone’s bitch if we were folliwing pokemon-ish logic. Put it out, blow it out, cover it in dirt.

yeah but in practice you don't "put out" a firebender. you throw rocks at him hoping to cave his skull in while you inevitably suffer severe burns from fireballs and flames that may not even be hitting you directly

Ozai was using Sozin's comet to end the war quickly. I dont know who wrote Season 3 because the first two seasons made it clear he wants to end things before all nations suffer heavier casualties.

he is literally Stalin with all that "burning your son's face for fun, turning your daughter into deranged sociopath and going through with mass genocide" bits

>Ozai didnt start the war and he couldnt have stopped it either.
If he couldn't how comes the war stopped when he was defeated?

>nothing wrong
He jobbed to a twelve yea old pacifst.

because the avatar replaced him with an earth kingdom sympathizing puppet

That was literally unironic, unapologetic cronyism. The show attempts to convey it as power of friendship and a new generation ushering a new age and all that, but the fact is Zuko being friends with the Avatar is the only thing that allowed him to sweep a lot of war crimes, many his own, under the rug.

If Ozai had tried to call quits and free prisoners without any backing from an Avatar, chances are those slighted by the Fire Nation would have just taken out their grievances on his people during an eclipse. Then there's the fact someone like Azula and his zealots would have likely only feigned agreement while stirring shit in the back.
He's illustrated as a cackling mustache twirling villain because it's clean and convenient for Aang when he has to slap him around without too much thought, but the reality is Ozai only had so many options and so much power as to how to handle the situation of handling the colonist engine his people relied on. Zuko was given multiple get out of jail free cards by fate.

He's illustrated as a cackling mustache twirling villain because that's exactly what he is.
I'm not saying that wouldn't be interesting nuance to not only have the ultimate villain be just like his son in that he feels trapped his role and feels the honorable thing would be to fulfill his expectations and win this war even if he recognizes it's causing senseless suffering but...they didn't write that. He's just a fucking asshole.

>Ozai did nothing wrong.
He sexually abused Best Girl.

Nie he didn't and that's what he did wrong

How different would things have been if Aang manned up 100 years earlier and mastered his bending, formed a Gaang, etc. I know Bumi would have been down.

It would have been like anytime they try to invade Russia.

Is that even possible?

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't resist daddy

Ozai only gets aroused if gets to NTR someone.

It's not that he didn't do anything wrong, because he did lots of bad things. It's that he didn't do anything no other government would love to do and get away with.

He did exactly one thing wrong:

He lost.

Ozai was Emperor Hirohito. The Fire Nation conquering the Earth Kingdom was based primarily on Imperial Japan's plan to take over parts of Mainland China, Korea, and a few islands in the Pacific to expand their influence. Compared to his real life counterpart, no rapes or instances of Unit731 happened because Avatar's all over the place with it's allegories.

Amon was the closest thing to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Taiping Rebellion.

SOZIN was the one that did nothing wrong. Ozai was just a cunt, while Sozin actually wanted to expand the fire nation for more than two fucking islands.

Except that Ozai wasn't allowed to keep his job while Zhao got blamed for every single bad thing the Fire Nation did.

neither did anything wrong

Well he is non white, so he isn't actually able to be racist and he was just acting on his cultural impetus to conquer the world and eradicate the other races

it's a world entirely populated by Asians

Because he was more or less the stand in for everyone to blame. Essentially the hate sink figurehead.

If he had tried to stop the war then it'd be likely for the EK and WT to just continue the war against them in a wave of revanchism. Zuko only manages to stop it because from the eyes of world he "overthrew the tyrant with the help of the avatar" and has better PR.

He lost.
“There is only one sin, defeat. There is only one grace, victory. Everything else is meaningless."
t. The Black Knight

>a chink
>didn't do anything wrong

>"it's another X did nothing wrong" thread

the real reason why Azula was such a bitch is that Ozai wouldn't let her be a lesbian, why do you think she only had female friends and lost her composure when her mother tried to help her?

>Ozai wouldn't let her be a lesbian
Except she was crushing HARD on that Chad in the mandatory beach episode. What she really need was to feel the power of the dick desu senpaitachi.

He'd be NTRing Zuko, who wants his daddy's love so bad.

She might have been over compensating.


>nothing wrong

That was his grandad, Ozia just attempted one.

The Fire Nation still supports Ozai because installing a kid as Fire Lord without political advisors to guide him was a mistake.

Ozai is a guy who only gets aroused by the throne
the moment his ass touches the chair he gets a massive erection
and the more ppl are watching the harder it gets
he only had two kids and never remarried becouse women humping on his dick was ruining the throne sitting experience

Azula never got along with Zuko because her young and inexperienced mouth couldn't suck as hard as Ursa's
she hated her brother because he reminded her of her failure as a women just as much as she craved the opportunity to prove to herself that she can make him cum with her puss harder than mom ever did

and poor Zuko just wanted to tap Ty Lee's ass but she preferred to watch so all he got was Mai - a repressed girl with fuckdoll fetish

Trying to burn the Earth Kingdom was pretty stupid. That said, the world would have probably benefited from the Fire Nation being in charge.

>Zuko just wanted to tap Ty Lee's ass but she preferred to watch
couldn't she just bend over backwards and watch him fuck her ass?

to being with the fire nation would never take the earth kingdom.

even with the more advanced tech fire nation have no manpower to take a entire continent, and even if they do it, at the end of war the fire nation would get bankrupt

The show never really specified why the Fire Nation winning the war is bad. Ozai burning the Earth Kingdom down would've freed the Earth Kingdom from being ruled by a puppet king and secret police.