Is Trump going to be the president that finally legalizes weed?

Is Trump going to be the president that finally legalizes weed?

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he probably won't. but at the same time he would not strike down any state who legalizes it

He will leave the states do what they want, so it's on them, really

So that's technically a yes?

So what you're saying is, we should make alcohol illegal?

Is it possible that once enough states legalize he just says "fuck it" and legalizes it federally?
While still allowing state laws prohibiting it of course.

>marijuana non-addictive
I don't know about you, but when I buy myself a stash I'm capable (and almost always do so) of staying in my apartment for like a week just smoking and going to the store to buy shitty food. I'm not capable of drinking the entire day, though.

>grows brain cells
lmao weed dudes are this delusional


>adding another drug to the public market for people to abuse while driving

You're the definition of a faggot.

No. The DEA has to bump the weed from a class 4 to a class 1 drug

that would still piss off a lot of republicans, whose support he would still need in the house/senate
Kinda related
When will we know about fucking Maine for sure?

in 10 years automatic cars will be widely available anywys so who cares


Tbh I stopped reading there, you're a retard.

>I'm not capable of drinking the entire day, though.
I am.

why not ban alcohol then?

Does not define moral right
Pot is the green shit that is worshiped by junkies
Pot makes people essentially retarded
and behave like animals
pot smokers are the scum of the earth

Well you're a Finn
But then again I'm a Balkanshit
My point is they're both addictive anyway

you have that mixed up, it's Schedule I now (ZERO medical uses, even meth and PCP are Schedule II lol), needs to be Schedule IV (like... benzos?)

You missed the point. People already abuse Alcohol. If you legalize weed, you just added ANOTHER drug to the public market. That's TWO legal drugs people will abuse while operating motor vehicles. That means an even HIGHER chance of death via DUI.

Besides we already tried that.

>scum will be scum anyway
why not using them to create businesses and expand the tax pool instead of letting them give the money that they'd spend on weed anyways to foreign/google smugglers

>cures cancer
>zero deaths in history
>saves police & nhs billions
>no od
>grows brain cells

Weed isn't addictive, not chemically anyway. People have no doubt died from stupid shit they did while on weed but no one has OD-ed from weed, which is what the shitty infochart meant.

Does not define moral right
Alcohol is the liquid shit that is worshiped by bums
Alcohol makes people essentially retarded
and behave like animals
alcohol drinkers are the scum of the earth

>Cures Cancer
Holy fuck, I'm /ArtSchoolDropOut/ now


The irony of making that claim in this context.....fuck LMAOWEEDBROs

> Dude I have not waked and baked yet
>Dude I can't remember anything I have smoked to much weed in my life
>Hey Dawg, We gonna jack this guy for like 2lb of weed the police won't care he's a dealer
>Dude I can't function without smoking a bowl
> Dude I love playing video games stoned

No. Read the post again.

it's shit images like this that keep marijuana illegal. it's a fucking depressant drug not the pill from the fucking bradley jooper movie you airheaded nigger. maybe if you got a job instead of trying to tell people weed will make you immortal and give you a coon dick people would take your recreational pastime more seriously

But it's too late to stop weed, it's become so common. Keeping it illegal hasn't caused it to go away so far and it never will. Might as well make money off of it. At the very least the penalties for possession and usage need to be less ridiculously severe.

Both are degenerate

A bunch of states legalized it. It was on the ballot for I think cali, nevada, maine, arizona, and some other. All passed but arizona.

Don't think he is gonna touch weed. Mostly gonna be a states thing. It's spreading though.
>tfw in Texas
We're gonna be one of the last

We should just execute all smugglers
Have higher standards for your life

>cures cancer
That's why I'm always hitting a blunt after lighting a cigarette.

1 in 6 people develop a mental dependency on weed. Most of my friends can't quit, or quit for a bit but always come back to it and much harder each time.

I think it's degenerate and the definition of selfish to get high. I hate it. But whatever faggots gonna fag

No. He said he doesn't believe in recreational use, only medical

Weed is addictive though

My brother has a weed problem and it maked him lazy, stupid, depressed. It's not a myth I've seen its effects first hand.

Alcohol makes you more outgoing when in a social situation or event, people don't become depressed because they drink, they drink because they are depressed. Both are addictive.

*it made him

>grows brain cells

>Weed isn't addictive
Wrong. Educate yourself.

Maybe in year 4, I don't think it's impossible with this guy, but it defo won't be a priority.

It's already legal in my state

Because you can't put detailed explanations into an infographic:

weed has 0 chemically addictive components, the addiction people can get from the drug are mental and will not cause any kind of physical withdrawls

weed is not a CNR depressant unlike alcohol, it doesn't refer to mental depression

>cures cancer
it actually stops the growth of certain cancer cells, though a lot more research needs to be done

>zero deaths in history
this has more to do with no one ever dying from doing nothing but smoking weed, people do die from doing dumb shit that they would be just as likely to do sober

>saves police and NHS billions
this is a no brainer, I don't think I need to explain it

>No OD
another no brainer, you could eat an entire weed plant and get nothing but wicked diarrhea and a high

>grows brain cells
it literally does, opening neural pathways allows access to previously inactive braincells and in general promotes neuralgenesis

I have never heard or met anyone who had an accident while high on weed. Alcohol on the other hand.

Weed makes person think different - normal one from the ground with no chemicals in it.

Here one of the burgers says better than me about the effects of certain narcotics and why they are not desirable by the guberments and religions:

Thought control.

Say hello to lung cancer!

stopped reading there

>Cannabis isn't addictive
>Saves the NHS billions when it causes psychosis, chronic depression and other mental illnesses
>Zero deaths from psychosis and chronic depression
>Cures dancer

Burger education

Educate yourself! It's the current year!


Do you have anything to disprove him?

He said he would end federal prohibition on medicinal weed and it would be up to the states if it's legal.

Winners don't do drugs


I hope this is bait none of those things are true about weed

>will not cause any kind of physical withdrawals
Debatable. It is a physiological addiction but can lead people into thinking they are having physical withdrawals. Take anxiety for example, it's purely mental but can make people think they are physically in harm. The brain is a powerful thing. If it thinks it needs something it will make your body feel it. Just because you don't get cold sweats and seizures when you stop smoking doesn't mean it doesn't have side effects.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the therapeutic half of weed, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is what fucks people up in the long term.
THC is also the part that gets people high and therefore plants with higher THC levels are selected for, resulting in ridiculous THC:CBD ratios in plants today.

>cures cancer
>grows brain cells
they need to add
>makes you retarded
to that list

[Citation needed]

Sorry, can't hear you anti weed pussies over how loud my pot is. Stay mad faggots I'm living in a legal state. This is the true meaning of freedom.

>not chemically
Learn to read.

Even if Trump wants to legalize.
That's not what the GOP wants.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it gets banned on a federal level, so no more states making their own marijuana laws.

Here in the Netherlands the right-wing parties also want to ban it, btw.

I don't care if you used a fancy word. You're still wrong, retard.

>smoke cures cancer

Who has managed to OD on weed?

here in colorado i can choose a strain with like 23% THC and 3% CBD or vise versa. I hit the THC heavy weeds when I need to be creative for work and hit the CBD heavy strains when i want to relax and before bed

The Free Market.

Anyone who smokes DUUUUUUDE WEED is a degenerate little faggot and they should kill themselves.

>technically wrong
>for some people, true
>not by itself, but misleading
>technically wrong, but it's damn near impossible to OD on weed

t. pothead

Maybe when his presidency is hitting the shitters, he'll legalize and tax it in an attempt of save face and revenue.

Then again, there is a reason we haven't legalized it federal yet. Something to do with criminalization = profit? idk

It doesn't have a chemically addictive property. The post you linked is true, and it doesn't at all refute what I said. Chemically isn't a fancy word.

I've only heard people say the first and last one. Who the fuck do you hang out with?

>Weed isn't addictive, not chemically anyway.

Mental addiction is way tougher to overcome than physical addiction though.

When you go cold turkey on nicotine, you're no longer physically addicted after two weeks.
For drugs like heroine it's even just a couple of days.
All very doable.

compare post quality
>muslim education

>grows brain cells

I mean, come on, I like weed and everything, but that's bullshit

It is addictive. Just because it doesn't have a, "chemically" addictive attribute doesn't mean you can't get addicted.

see: alcohol, ecstasy, LSD, literally any fucking drug

If you take enough of anything your body will become accustomed to it. Without it you will experience psychological effects which will in turn effect you physically.

>anectode incoming
My father has smoked pot regularly since he was in college, and recently he had to stop due to court bullshit over a traffic ticket. He's had zero negative effects overcome him, and he acts and functions exactly the same as before.

>what are edibles, tinctures, topicals, and vaporizers?
Anyone who says weed and specifically CBD has any significant negative effects or doesn't have any medical benefits are confirmed pharma shills

i find when i quit for a short period i lose sight of where i should be. and im not kidding, im afraid to stop

Descheduled is what you're looking for

What that person described is literally a psychological thing. Not a physical thing. A physical thing is Krokodil rotting your skin off, or Zoloft giving you a brain hemorrhage. You getting super paranoid is not a physical detriment, nor is it even vaguely reasonable enough of a point to ban pot.

And I said weed wasn't addictive in a chemical sense.

I agree with you, I don't get what you're arguing for.

Awful lot of ignorant eurofags who have never seen or smoked weed in their life. Keep thinking its a bad drug while you chug your vodka and kill your liver.

I drive stoned all the time, it is fine

you can say the same shit about ice cream. which in the long term has more negative effects than weed. Should we ban that too?

Anyone against legalization is a legit moron who doesn't understand that it costs MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A DAY to enforce criminalization. Just because you hate the stoners at your high school doesn't mean we should piss away cash busting niggers and teenagers smoking blunts.

ivanka is a jewess

They tried that and it went pretty badly.

You're not wrong. I'm arguing about it being addictive, though.

>driving while high
literally have done it every day for over 6 years

video games are addictive in that sense too

Lets ban them.

While we're at it, the internet too

>weed will make you immortal and give you a coon dick
Whom are you quoting?

Pussy you're just afraid of the night sweats.

But yeah you're gonna need to quit longer than a few weeks to get back to normal.

He doesn't have to legalize it, just stop fucking with states that do.
A major reason legalization failed in CAL back in 2014 was because Obama's appointed Drug Zsar rattled his saber and threatened crack downs if legalization happened.

nice flag

I smoked weed for like 2 years straight and for at least a month I was flipping out not being able to smoke. It was probably worse than when I quit smoking cigarettes.

I got high last weekend for the first time, and smoked 2 bowls which apparently was a bad idea (I blame my brother) I felt fine and giggly at first, then my body freaked the fuck out and my muscles were having spasms and I couldn't follow what was on TV anymore. Then I eventually knocked the fuck out and slept on the couch.

Still gonna try it again, only one bowl this time. It did make me feel good at some points.

>mfw my fellow Arizonians voted no

>LSD, literally any fucking drug
t. clearly someone who's never done hallucinogens

No shit, if you consume a substance every single day for 2 years your body will crave it

try an indica strain. you probably had a sativa-dominant strain which is more of a "mental" than "body" high.

Reminder that not all weed is the same

We dont know. We liberally have no fucking idea what he wikk or wiol not do because this was an emotion election, not logic. He hasnt said shit about his politics. Its all open for speculation. Thats how retarded your country is.

Yeah I just tried whatever my brother had. Since weed is legal now in MA, what kind should I get? That won't make me freak out and have parkinsons again...