Are you excited?

seems legit
stop posting fake buzzfeed shit you faggots

Johnny Bravo reboot 2019
India superpower 2020

>using buzzfeed as a source

>This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post.

Alright everyone, go home.

Bubsfeed aint funny

No, this seems like a terrible idea. Either way, you get super feminist, woke J. Bravo or there’s gonna be a new article weekly criticizing the misogyny of Johnny Bravo. Not to mention that the constant rebooting of old shows is a cash grab to get money out of nostalgic millennials and will probably end up like PPG.

>it's another "OP falls for Buzzfeed clickbait" thread
We've been getting a lot of these lately. Why?

Fake news aside, i think johnny bravo is what america needs right now

if they did it right ofc

Oh geez user generated buzzfuck maymays

>OP falls for Buzzfeed clickbait
More like they're the ones that wrote it and are shilling it here.


I think I speak for everyone by saying that we would have honestly preferred cartoonbrew.


1. Buzzfeed. 'Nuff said.
2. Even if it WERE true (which it is not, see point 1), well, then it's another "childhood memory that a soulless corporation is going to rape and pillage looking for loose change and nostalgiabux" episode, and given what just happened to poor Luke Skywalker, I think I've had enough of that for the next ever.


I'm glad this image is at least accurate to what Timbox actually likes (Tartakovsky, dinosaurs, Avatar, Asian actresses/characters), unlike the anons who try to attribute him to some Nickelodeon fanfic.

What's with all the faggots posting Buzzfeed articles as if that's evidence lately?

At least you people aren't falling for it this time.

So let me guess they would end up making him a "woke" fat black transgender non binary lesbian.

Needs to be updated for Ashi.

Johnny Bravo won't work in 2017.

if this is real it will be highly less """"""""""""sexist""""""""""""""""""""""""""