
What did he mean by this?

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He means "The party of civil rights" is about to reap what it has sown.

6D chess move.

is obummer kill?

It's hilarious actually. I know a couple of libs who are already unironically crying about it. They even say shit like "It's OK with Obama because he at least has restraint" as if that makes something that is completely unconstitutional acceptable.

So wait I'm confused, does Julian plan on releasing documents on Trump or documents about Obama?

I wonder if he'll "drain the swamp" when it comes to that sort of stuff. I highly doubt that he will though

>Snowden and Assange come back triumphantly

The only good thing about Trump becoming president is that liberals will start to care about those things again.

>mfw Trump assassinates the entire washington pedo ring

Just trying to score some points with crybaby liberals that blame him for Trump.


I am totally ok with them getting droned with righteous Hellfire

>come back triumphantly

Assange has never been a US citizen.

As much as people like / are interested in what Snowden dumped/leaked/revealed, he broke the law and he should be tried as a criminal.

Same thing I mean when I tell lefties that trump literally wants to put mudslimes in concentration camps.

>What did he mean by this?
They are asking to get droned.

mfw Hilloly was right

assange is playing 12d mahjong


Snow is a CIA nigger and a faggot.

Assange is cool

Assange deserves to be pardoned by Trump

too bad chris is such a liberal cuck
now i need new laugh gifs

>What did he mean by this?

It means that Wikileaks will be looking into the Trump administration's dirty laundry. Wikileaks isn't partisan - if (and I do say *if*) Trump fucks up and starts using the same underhand, unethical methods as Obama, it'll be leaked to the public in due time.

>Hillary won't just be put to jail
>she will be assassinated by a CIA drone that will be recording a live feed to the whole nation


trump's leaks
>hes isnt tht rich
>hes just a brand name
>a sell out to the elites
>played the dumb whitties to vote for him
>hill will not be jailed

No one actually thinks Trump is fit to be President. People only voted for him "for the lulz" as the kids would say.

At best he will be unremarkable, a disappointment to his supporters. Most likely he will embarrass himself multiple times, and lets be honest, has almost no chance of reelection.

>blaming anyone else for your shit


Trumps twitter feuds are about to get legendary, Looks like someone had a little accident....

We're in for some fun. For once I can't un-ironically say, THANKS OBAMA!


Bump. And just in case...
WikiLeaks MEGA Pack - November 2016 - 562.93GB
Contents: WikiLeaks Data Dumps and Insurance files
Magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:stxqmvzmspdy3sf6hbv5ub4palmbqjov

i'm sure they wont let him handle his own twitter when he's prez. he's too much of a wild card, needs to buckle down

yeah Obama has restraint, deported more people and attacked more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined

>does Julian plan on releasing documents on Trump or documents about Obama?

I imagine Trump will be releasing a lot of documents to wikileaks to gather public support for the housecleaning

He does seem big on rule of law so I don't know what he'll do with unconstitutional programs. I don't think he'll be a friend to the CIA. It'll be a surprise.

No shit, that's why we threw a fit about it. Because what happens when it gets in someone else's hands? Rather it go to Trump though.

laws can be just or unjust ...

martin luther king broke the law by sitting on a place reserved for 'white people' as a protest...

if "reporting a crime" is a crime, it means you are being rulled by criminals.

He is taunting the establishment with how all the shit they came up will haunt them now.

What? He's saying that Dems were perfectly OK giving unconstitutional power to the president when it was cool black man in power. Now that power is going to Trump, tickling Obama's balls with all that power is going to come back to bite them in the ass.

Inauguration day is in 71 days.

The establishment have given themselves many unconstitutional powers. Now Trump, a man outside of their control, will have them.

He's saying that they put powers to do shady shit in the presidents hands because they were expecting it to stay in the cabal; little did they know that it's in trumps hands now and they will reap what is sown.

I hope you've been saving your pesos to pay for our wall.

exact same thing that was said about Reagan and GWB

I think he's got the dirt on the elites that nobody could pin on them with a "smoking gun". They will start a war before going to jail for pizza.

Stealing and leaking SCI and Top Secret military documents, programs and intelligence is hardly the same as "reporting a crime".

What's with this guy and his amazing laughs? Does he know it's a meme and plays it up or what?

He can be pardoned. Liberals would love it if snowden got pardoned, it would make everyone happy

>The outlaws are now the aristocrats

Top revolution, m8s.

Our president kind of "broke the law" because he sat on a monument to take a picture.

Tldr some laws are stupid

Kek. The chickens ware coming home to roost.

He means the establishment created the beast which will devour them.

>Who will watch the watchers?

>I imagine Trump will be releasing a lot of documents to wikileaks to gather public support for the housecleaning
well then you are a retard

"Don't fuck this up, Trump. You owe us."

Trump is totally going to fuck over Assange & Snowden. Believe me

It means all that was done with executive orders that the GOD EMPEROR can do away with or use against them. PRAISE KEK

When your plan to win the election was hidden in your emails

The exact expectations when he first declared his intention to run for president. People didn't take him seriously.

King nigger obama used executive orders to ge all of his shit work done during his time in office.
Trump can overturn every single thing he did with his own executive orders.

Obama's "legacy" is going to be wiped away in one fell swoop and all that will be left are memories of the nigger that tried to ruin healthcare forever.


>Drone strikes