Am I the only one who

Fucking LOVES the final episode of Samurai Jack, despite pretty much hating most of the season?

Episodes 1-3 were great too, but episode 10 is the only one which was like what I expected to see when I first heard the show was being revived. And I obviously don't mean that it's the actual conclusion of the story, I mean that it's a fundamental Jack vs. Aku confrontation like many original episodes, except with vastly heightened tension and generally higher production values.

Conragulations, you have the taste of utter pondscum. Thanks for encouraging genndya awful writing with your shit taste faggot. Jack was supposed to be happy in the end and i will never not be mad.

Nope, I really liked it.

I liked the rest too, though.

The ending image you posted is what made the finale for me--as a callback to the tree Jack showed Ashi in Aku's wasteland, except now surrounded by life instead of death, was a cool bittersweet conclusion to her story and an indicator of what her sacrifice accomplished.

Also, Jack expressed sadness that he thought he'd never see the beauty of his former world again, and the idea that she (and everyone else) was willing to sacrifice themselves to make his world beautiful again was something I found really romantic.

I won't say it was perfect, but I was able to enjoy it.

He accomplished his DECADES-LONG MISSION of liberating THOUSANDS OF YEARS and generations from horrific tyranny.
He is also reunited with his family AND (presumably) restored to his place as the future Emperor.

Oh, but he lost a girl he loved. Tragic? Yes. Comparable to that? No.

(AND he still clearly has his youth at the end, so if we assume he ages normally there's no reason he couldn't find young love again...)

>I liked the rest too, though.
I didn't like episodes 4-9 because with very few exceptions (e.g. the ending of ep 9) they were incredibly childishly written. Basically fanfic-tier.

He killed everyone in the future through wiping their exsistance and didnt learn to save the future and let go of the past. The ending was fucking bullshit

I enjoyed it, even if the show it was imitating did it far better.

As someone who really loves all of Samurai Jack and has defended season 5 over and over, I must say I like it. I think it was rushed as hell, but it didn't keep me from enjoying it.
I honestly think that despite only having 20 minutes to wrap it all up they could have made a better use of their time. Some changes I'd make would be having Ashi disappear as soon as Aku is dead and dedicate the screentime that the wedding required into a quiet reunion between Jack and his parents. Then I'd keep the rest the same.
But anyway, I still liked what we got. That ending shot with Jack wandering through the mist and finding the fields of trees was beautiful and connected with me perfectly. Despite it being a bumpy ride it was one I'll never forget.

I like it too; i wanna see Jack back to the past, and he did it.

>but muh future
>killing tousends
>intro song meme
>Ashi was a mistake

Just shut up...

It's implied that was a sacrifice everyone was willing to make. Everyone heard the story from Aku's broadcast, they probably knew what would happen.
Jack himself has always prioritized the well-being of others before his quest--it took all the others he's won over finally doing the same for him for him to accomplish his mission. A future without Aku, even if it was one in which they'd never exist, was one they were willing to fight for.

Yeah i liked it too, its just the whole 'oops i dont exist now' felt like Genndy grasping at something to not going full happy ending

>even if it was one in which they'd never exist
Yeah thats fucking bullshit, stop trying to defend genndys awful writing

I liked it. There were a few moments I didn't like, mostly Jack spilling spaghetti, but as a whole I thought the season was good. People mad that he went back to the past when it was the entire premise of the series are absolutely retarded.

Your retarded you shit writing loving faggot. He was supposed to learn from mistakes and build from the future, not go back selfishely because he hasnt gotten over his parents whove been dead for hundreada of years like a child

Why do you think his not happy?

His wife is dead. Theres nothing for him now.

There future were already kinda fucked with Aku making everyone life shit
Changing it , like Jack did prolly made it better.
Yes, we don't know but saying "they don't exist anymore" is a bit of a stretch

I don't LOVE it, it could have been better, but I still get mad when people rant over how it's awful and ruined Samurai Jack forever, especially since I knew they would as soon as season 5 was announced.

>He was supposed to stay with my favorite characters because they're cool, not prevent millennia of suffering and the universe turning into a hellish dystopia filled with evil because it's the right thing to do!

Well, obv there is. he didn't fall to his knee and cry for the rest of his life, the ending didn't show that.

but...that wasn't the story.

He shouldve learn to get over it and let the past be the past and not hide in nostalgia like a fucking child
Its obvious hes depressed for the rest of his life user

Your right, it wouldve been a much better story then that shit writing hack could come up with

He's a ridiculously capable man, with a loving family, and he's prince to the throne.
He's doing alright.

Having someone you loved (like Jack's Wife) die is painful but it shouldn't control your life. I think thats what t he ending is tryin to say.

something something theres always a rainbow after the storm.

They never implied any of those themes.

If we had let the past be the past and not gotten nostalgic the Renaissance wouldn't have happened.

>mist everywhere (blinded with pain)
>remembrance of a loved one (ladybug)
>mist clears out revealing a beautiful landscape (hopeful future)
It couldn't be more spelled out.

>It never implied his family loved him
>It never implied he was a prince
>It never implied SAMURAI JACK was a capable man
I'm starting to understand how you were surprised he got back to the past.

Yeah, a fucking ladybug. If anything that was to symbolize how much ashi meant to him, not for him to move on
Im saying he shouldnt have gone back in the first place

I thought the ending was fine; getting the sword back is where I've got most of my gripes. Episode 7 was in general a bit of a mess; reuniting with the sword could have been much more meaningful, as well as dealing with Blue Jack. Ashi's fight with her mother is also wasted; putting her against an army was dumb and a waste of time. They should have focused the entire fight on the High Priestess.

Probably. I didn't hate it but it was really rushed and unsatisfying.

>Yeah, a fucking ladybug. If anything that was to symbolize how much ashi meant to him, not for him to move on
One thing leads to the other. Ashi sacrificed herself to restore the world Jack thought he'd never see again, as shown in episode 9. Another theme that was consistent was Ashi's devotion to nature, so having a ladybug being the one to shake him out of his misery if only for a moment of contemplation is perfectly reasonable.

It was only a fleeting moment, if anything that reminder is going to make him feel more like shit. He deserved a happy ending and not this forced bad end shit just because genndy thought it was edgy

>>Im saying he shouldnt have gone back in the first place

Jack was a man of conviction. He said he would go back to the past to kill Aku and he did. Fiat justitia ruat cælum; may justice be done though the heavens fall.

Just because someone you love dies doesn't mean your entire life is forever fucked; Jack is stronger than that. He now has an entire kingdom, a loving family and a second chance at living a happy life. Ashi will live on on his memories and that's enough.
The idea of a sacrifice being made is not so outrageous; I think that calling it a bad end is you being obtuse on purpose.

>He deserved a happy ending and not this forced bad end shit just because genndy thought it was edgy

I wouldn't call it a bad ending when he got 90% of all he ever wanted, the 10% being the recent addition of Ashi as his wife. At worst it's a bittersweet ending