Is becoming irrleveant and unpopular because nobody likes bland musicals and princesses anymore

>is becoming irrleveant and unpopular because nobody likes bland musicals and princesses anymore
>buys marvel and star wars to appeal to more people
>ruins them by making them conform to their PC kiddish company image
>now is even hated even more

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm sure they're devastated.'re joking right? Disney banks and makes their money on women young and old. They know that women are the piss easiest demographic to satisfy....that and manginas. But essentially the female demographic is all they need to stay profitable. And Disney has been for girls since Snow White's animated flick by the studio.

Disney is Gynocentric trash.

Yeah I’m sure they’re regretting the massive amount of money they’re making it’s a business strategy to have a mass market appeal even if it kinda kills what made it special

>This entire post

this thread is gonna be a fucking ride.

Making everything about women is a shit strategy. Now all the fans of the franchises they bought and turned into comedys or feminst trash are fighting back
Even normies hate TLJ

Oh no. How will the Disney megacorporation ever cope with being the most beloved entertainment media corporation ever, making several billions of dollars each year?

>being the most beloved entertainment media corporation ever
This is what disney fags really believe. Anyone that has half a brain and isnt some religiously obsessed disney drone fucking hates them and the garbage they make.

>Making everything about women is a shit strategy. Now all the fans of the franchises they bought and turned into comedys or feminst trash are fighting back

Are they? People have short attention spans. They easily forgive corporations making garbage. Not only that, but even if they hate a product people's mentality is "I'll still buy and subsidize it because I got no self-respect." So really fuck people. They are to blame for garbage being made simply because they outright buy into the stuff they claim to dislike.

I don't see much difference between movie goers and videogame fans. Different media, same sheeps and morons who love being ripped off.

>>is becoming irrleveant and unpopular because nobody likes bland musicals and princesses anymore
they haven't made a 'traditional" princess or musical movie since princess and the Frog.

also, Frozen was and still is, one of their most popular films, and it was both a princess movie and a musical.

>Even normies hate TLJ
I dreamed of the day that even normies would turn against Nu-Star Wars, I feel vindicated

The MCU is still the most relevant film series in normie eyes,at least till we see the post infinity war series,considering the Mouse doesnt run the comics part of marvel I cant blame them for its slump

Thank you, as much as i hate disney i hate sheep who support their shit just as much
>Frozen was and still is, one of their most popular films
Little girls are retarded and shouldnt be panderd too

You should show your hatred towards Disney by buying several Disney merchandise and burning it while recording it. That will show those Disney pigdogs who's the boss.
And then repeat it again to double mock them.

>a company that could make a shitload of money off a demographic shouldn't do that because I said so

why aren't they only pandering to me ;_;

>giving them money instead of shoplifting them as a fuck you to both disney and stores stocking their products
I see what your doing fiege

They haven't done jack shit. Last Jedi is NOT a flop. The brand alone is enough to get multiple hundreds of millions at the box office AND successfully sell a ton of merchandise. To stop Star Wars normies need to not go to the movies, not buy the merchandise, definitively do not buy the Blu Ray releases, not buy the videogames, etc.

If you're going to truly turn your back on something you have to literally NOT buy into it. And you need to do this not individually, but with many people. You know, a collective of millions.

No, they shouldnt ruin franchises to cater to feminazis non fans. Whats the point of buying IPs if you change it completly and ignore the fanbase. Besides, its biting them in the ass because women dont like star wars or marvel comics and real fans are getting pissed.

I was talking about the princess franchise you dumb nigger.

You do realize maevel studios and maevel comics are run seperately,and maevel studios makes a hundredfold in profits over comics which have been in decline long before the disney acquisition

>Last Jedi is NOT a flop.
Its making significantly less and the audiance score is the worst in the series. Your right we need to stop loyalists who are too blinded by fanboyism to see how shit it is now and how disney raped the series. No joke, their were three people dressed as jedi with those 500$ lightsabers posing for pics in line when i saw that shit movie on friday, it was cringey and i felt embarrassed being around them.

Little girls are idiots and only like princess shit and unicorns, all of which are so stupid that media should ignore them completely
Making serious franchises into shitty quip fests are a disgrace to the source material. More marvel films need to be like logan

Disney still wins because they get insurance money.

It's made $500 million dollars in less than one week of release. It's one of the most successful movies of all time.

>audiance score is the worst in the series

you mean by trolls from here and russian shills

>Are they? People have short attention spans.

Only if the time between stuff is stretched out, or there's an actual attempt to appear like you've improved.

There was enough time between Revenge of the Sith and Force Awakens for people to forget about the prequels and on top of that Abrams wasn't Lucas.

But if they're pumping out bad stuff on a regular enough basis, it's harmful. People said that Marvel Comics could coast on its success. Yet in the last two years they put out really bad product regularly that they harmed sales on their comics, to the point where it didn't help retailers.

I think a similar thing may happen if Disney keeps insisting that a new Star Wars movie be released each year.

Everyone who unironically liked it deserves to be put in camps

>t.buzzfeed writer

>Disney shouldn't make media and products for their main income source because I think it's stupid and instead of making billions they should do as I say

>the audiance score is the worst in the series
Even worse than the prequels?

Its like people making minecraft. Its utter shit and a cancer on culture, but it appeals to autists. Dont you agree they should be stopped from making that shit? Plus, im upset theirs never been a series disney animated film like a horror film. The best we got was treasure planet.

Yeah, significantly

Episode 1's audience score is 59%
Episode 2's is 57%
Episode 3's is 65%.

That being said, it's not the lowest score for a Star Wars film; that goes to Clone Wars (2008) which got 38%.

No I think if they find something the mass public wants and are able to make millions on it they're intelligent even if the thing itself is stupid.

Someone must like it. At this pace, it should make $1 billion before the year is over. I don't know if it will make $2 billion, but there's a chance of China loves it in early January. In any case, it should make more than $1.5 billion

All praise Bob Iger, smartest media mogul of all times.

>and russian shills
You burgers are pathetic, are you gonna tell me that the pigeon that pooped on your icecream was also trained by the KGB? The reason that you can't get a gf is because the Kremlin is after you?

Look, i hated disney movies since i was a kid. When frozen cane out i was seething how something so stupid was popular with people. I understand what your saying, im just saying my opinion that it should be illegal to make such horrid shit and im entitled to that opinion
It just means more people need to get a shower

You talking about Disney will earn Disney more money, because now more people will talk about Disney, thus spreading knowledge about Disney.

If its negative thoughts then thats good because people will hate them more abd boycott them

Are people really blaming TLJ being bad on russians? I know this is a shit post but is their truth behind it

Imagine being this hurt lol

>expecting Marxist to understand economics

i'd fuck the shit out of anyone if they wore that full Minnie costume desu
i have weird fetishes

The closest is this:

>Is there a Russian force behind this?

>I know it's hard to believe many things you see online these days, but a quick drift to the Rotten Tomatoes audience ratings for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" reveals a stunning number.

Other articles do other things like claiming not to believe the RT audience score because the Cinemascore is more reliable (it isn't; that's usually used to guess which will do really well at the box office. Last Jedi got an A, but so did Transformers 3 and Age of Ultron.)

They will hate it by going to watch it, so that it infuriates them, causing them to go watch it again so that they can absorb every fault they perceive and then talk about it on the internet.
>b-but stealing
Haha, no. Those hyperhater-autists will not wait for a few days. They need to see the thing they hate now, so that they can impart their wisdom on why it's bad to everyone.

>imagine accepting utter shit taking over the media and saying nothing like the coward you are while letting disney take over everything
Its fags like you that let the nazis get in power

>seeing something you hate and giving money to it just to shitpost
Sup Forums was a mistake

If the nazis had funny mouse ear helmets, they would have been far more popular, and even the Jews would have been fine with being gassed.

Dumb nazis.

>Even normies hate TLJ
Do they really? I've never seen it, though I thought TFA was lackluster. It seems pretty successful from what mainstream media I've seen.

This HAS to be bait lmfao

So I assume you've never spoken to anyone except bitter teens and twenty somethings?

Yeah, i see alot of hate for it online. The only people i see defending it are diehard fanboys and feminazis who love thier shit mary sue character
>anything i dont agree with is bait
>saying lmfao unironically
Hows your tumblr blog user, you should really go back their

>Luke admitting to trying to kill younglings is standard Disney kiddie stuff

The only people who like disney that are not idiotic children are faggot nostalgiafags who like shit like pinnochio or fantasia. Most adults hate the evil megacorp theyve become

Still better than his pappy who actually did kill younglings.

>anyone who doesn't like them doesnt like them
Wow huh you don't fucking say what a revalation.

They're still raking in the shekels, dude.

Every disney movie has atleast one dead parent. And its not kiddie stuff thats the main problem with star wars, thats mostly marvels problem, its shoving PC shit in it like getting an untalented bucktooth bitch as the MC whos annoying as fuck and not interesting at all.


>disney fag in denial 90% of the world hates his company
Again, stay assblasted faggot

Dead parent =/= dead kid.

What part of that statement seems like it's denying anything or shilling anything?

>Most adults hate the evil megacorp they've become
Most adults are people with jobs and families who really couldn't give a shit either way so long as their kids are happy.

Its basically the same fucker
It looked like you were denying most people hated disney. Are you admiting most people hate disney?

>Yeah, i see a lot of hate for it online. The only people I see defending it are diehard fanboys and feminazis who love their shit mary sue character
So just like TFA, then?

>Most adults are people with jobs and families who really couldn't give a shit either way so long as their kids are happy.
Its these sheep that are doing nothing to stop disney from raping media and fiction as a whole. Their traitors to cinema and good storytelling.

I love Disney, and I hope that by acquiring Hulu through Fox, they will crush the remains of Netflix.

marvel was going bankrupt when they went to disney to make a deal and starwars was passed on so it can continue as a franchise.

without disney, marvel wouldnt exist and starwars would have ended with episode 3. stfu butthurt faggot

>this board is flooded by so many disney shills i genuinely dont know if this is ironic or not
Either way your better off dead
>marvel wouldnt exist and starwars would have ended with episode 3.
Better then it being a mockery of itself and being turned into fucking shit. You shut the fuck up you disney defending shit

Marvel was just starting to make the MCU and was a huge success with iron man and lucas was starting to write a new trilogy in 2011 a year before the disney sale. Shut up you fucking retard.

>because nobody likes bland musicals and princesses anymore
>Frozen and Beauty and the Beast are among the highest grossing films in the world, the latter of which released this year so it's as relevant a reception as possible.

>Frozen and Beauty and the Beast are among the highest grossing films in the world, the latter of which released this year
Retards who like shit girly wholesome shit need to die

You ever wonder what happened to Zayne and crew after this series?

Youre retarded, it's jist saying how ducking stupid if a statement that was to make, and if you take anyone who dissagrees with anything you say as some big bad evil dude and obviously a supporter of what you hate you may need to step away from the keyboard for a bit.

Your the one whos retarded kiddo. Also, yes, sheep who support disneys cancer are just as responsible and should be culled.

Good riddance.

Fuck Star Wars fans, biggest manchildren you will ever meet. These subhumans actually dress up as stormtroopers and shit and act like it makes them cool. Absolutely LOVE seeing them suffer. I personally drove past a movie theatre last Friday with a megaphone and blasted “Luke dies” to the crowd of faggots waiting in line. Almost crashed but got away and boy were those faggots pissed hahahahaha!! A few even tried to chase me but gave up because Star Wars fans are largely fat cunts I guess. God I will never forget the chorus of groans when I spoiled the movie for those pussy nerd faggots. Best feeling I’ve had in a long time.

If you like Star Wars you deserve to be gassed.

Star Wars and Marvel comics : So serious

>Fuck Star Wars fans, biggest manchildren you will ever meet.
You deserve to be gassed you disney sympathizing faggot. Get fucked you absolute bitch
Marvel is too pussy to seriously adapt most of their characters, get fucked

I can't tell if this thread is some COINTELPRO shit to discredit people with legitimate grievances against Disney by making anti-Disney people sound like edgy faggots.

>implying Disney is the one making everything PC and not the directors and writers

>anyone who hates disney is edgy
Sorry, most people dont like childish films with obnxious singing in it and no depth what so ever
There at fault for not reeling them in more

>Even normies hate TLJ
Do they? All my normie friends loved it, I know it is only anecdotal but I don't care to go after more information.

Time to invest in "offshore activities" and spook the corporations into not being retarded.

Ok friend keep hiding behind the same tired shitposting. I havent said a single good thinf about Disney but I must be a Disney shill if I called you out right? After all yoire the good guy and I can only dissent if I'm the bad guy.

Ive never seen so many people bitch about a star wars film the day it comes out. A whole lot more people hate it then TFA

By saying you support people who supprt disney then your siding with them. Your either with us or against us.

Yeah and the MCU became a quip making cashcow (as if it wasn't that already) and got rid of George's new story treatments. Fuck you.

You know youre in too deep when you see someone shitting on disney properties and you're still calling then a Disney sympathizer. Give it a rest.

I didnt do that either but ok m8 keep it going youre not coming off as stupid at all.

Holy shit this is advanced concentrated autism.

Yeah, this is boring. Hope your family hasn't suffered too much from your Disney hissyfit, user. If you're nice enough, maybe they'll buy you the latest Call of Duty that you've been screaming at them about.

And it turned to fucking shit and is becoming stale as fuck, fuck you
Your stupid for not being more concernd with how disney is buying everything and fucking franchises up
>implying im immature for hating disney shit
Nice meme cuck

This is falseflagging right? Like you're trying to make your side look bad on purpose? You know what dont answer. If You do I'll lose some faith in humanity.

Luke's character assassination was a part of the radical progressive deconstructionist political propaganda and sublimal messaging by the religious group that must not be named, just as expected of Disney.

I mean every word of it, bucko.

Sounds fake, no mention of illuminati.

>ITT: triggered Disneyfags taking extremely obvious bait
I thought Sup Forums knew better

> I'm a grumpy 30 something who is upset that my childhood franchises are not growing up with me, but are still targeted at kids.

if you left your house one in a while your see Disney fandom is higher than ever. kids with princess and movie hero shit. adults with nostalgia shit.

be as angry as you want that kids programming isn't what you want it to be. the rest of the world is going to have fun and go on without you