Just bought this for 43¢ after tax, what am I in for?

Just bought this for 43ยข after tax, what am I in for?


Even 43 cents seem like a scam for this shit

Unironically this

You're in for a treat.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

You got ripped off bro.


you remember a time when comics were about escapism, the simplicity of good vs evil, and the ability to solve complex problems with masculine testosterone and the application of physical violence

Yep. And America continues that fine tradition, just in a stupidly overwrought, ham-fisted manner.

I figure it'll make good kindling by January if nothing else.

Buyer's remorse.

dont use it as toilet paper you will get anal aids

you are confusing comics with SJW lectures on liberal progressive politics, which is what this steaming turd of a book was.

Yes, it was. It was also escapism for a crazy racist who can't speak Spanish, who solved all of her imagined problems, that are simple WHITE PEOPLE EVIL/BROWN PEOPLE GOOD, with testosterone fueled violence. Exactly like what you said.

A refund.

Wanting a refund

And who thought a literal shitpost was genuine praise.

That was a good day.

One hell of a ride.

I wonder what Marvel brass REALLY think of this comic and Gabby.

The time of your life, OP.

Is it weird I want to fuck America?

America's hot on the outside (questionable art quality notwithstanding.) She's just ugly on the inside.

so are women niggers now? They dont smile in pictures