Is DC ever going to bring back the Question?

Is DC ever going to bring back the Question?

Last time was indeed the monkeys paw.

Best to be cautious user

Yeah in 4 years.

I'm gonna write it.

If ever there were a character King would kill at, the Question would be it.

Speaking of which.

watch them bring back hitman

are you talking about the Convergence mini or the New 52 version

Godspeed user

>speech bubbles are switched

they're not switched, Batman has a Superman costume, and Superman has a Batman costume, hence the glasses.

Nah dude. Lois and Clark switched outfits with Bruce and Selina.



the state of Sup Forums and not reading comics

well, check it out statistically, only one guy didn't read, and the poster of the image along with two anons knew the context, so one out of every 4 Sup Forumsmrades is up to date with Batman, that's not so bad

I just want the entire thing up digitally, not just the first few issues.

sorry King's Batman has actively turned me off thus far, user

I miss Vic

Granted it would be hard to top what happened to Vic, character assassination-wise in Suicide Squad, but I can see the following happen:

Bendis gets to write Superman

Brings back the "Clark is a TV reporter" shit

Makes Clark a news anchor on the network owned by the Starr family (IE Vic's bosses in the old Charlton stories)

Vic is the new Steve Lombardi, an asshole bully boy who exists solely to terrorize Clark

Vic is now 100% racist, sexist, right wing fear monger and openly supports Trump as far as Vic supporting Trump a sign that Vic is the villain. Basically the worst aspects of Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck combined, along with Bendis having Vic having zero integrity and routinely lying and making shit up to push his right wing agenda.

Vic exists solely so Clark can upstage/humiliate/scoop and eventually gets Vic fired for journalistic misconduct on a grand scale by the end of Bendis' run.

Good Question

listen man if they brought back the bug-eyed bandit no one's off the table

It'd be pretty nice if they pushed him again, I bet they would reprint all of the O'Neil series. Man, I would love an omni, or even better a couple ultimate collections, of that whole run.

> I bet they would reprint all of the O'Neil series. Man, I would love an omni, or even better a couple ultimate collections, of that whole run.
Nice things don't happen though user so that will not ever happen.

He will get watchmenized just like captain atom

>Nice things don't happen

They've printed some great omnis this past year. I just got my Fourth World book last week.

Well mine still hasn't arrived yet so there. I'm sure they'll make another edition of Year One though, people really could use one.

They did. He jobbed out to Batman and Superman on a double date.

The Question losing to Batman and Superman isn't jobbing

I keep hoping they'll throw him into arrow. It's be a perfect way to bring him back into the limelight and we got Ralph fucking dibney this year, so I can only hope.

Why not read Mr. A instead ?

Get off the internet Ditko.

probably depends on wether or not they incorporate the watchmen characters into the mainline DC universe after doomsday clock.

because if they do they'll probably just push rorschach instead

Bruh, this run was so fucking cash. One of the best runs of DC for that decade imo. I've got the singles for it, late 80's comfy af

It is honestly easier and less expensive to track down songles for this run than it is to find the trades (and totally worth it). I still wish that DC would give us a nice collected set for this, or at least reprint the trades.

Hate me all you like Sup Forumsmrades

But I think Tom King would write Question really well especially if it was a more episodic series with less overarching plots and more looney mysteries, also with inspiration drawn from Pax Americana Question. Thinking best artist would be Cappullo.

O'neil should be writing him, since he's still alive. For an artist I'd go Mignola or Mazzucchelli, but those would never happen.

that is a great inquiry

>not bringing Cowan back
His art is even better nowadays

Gotta promote the movie somehow


Oh so they're gonna ruin Vic now?

Well it's DC so that was going to happen no matter what

Monkeys paw already struck with new 52

But Mazzucchelli Question would be amazing. I'd never hate on Cowan though, the 80s Question run was top tier.

Ok I agree with you, Mazzucchelli would be amazing

Right? I happened to find Zen and Violence at a local shop for $20 a year ago, and nearly shit myself.

Why a movie? Wouldn't a show make more sense?

If it's going to be a show, please don't be on CW
I don't want a 20s-something Question with a leather jacket asking Felicity for help

Let's be honest, if they ever decide to bring the Question back in any form, it'll be Montoya. Because life is suffering, apparently.

What do you mean "now"? They've already ruined him twice over, as the Question and as Vic.

>let's make Vic a random bureatic villain for the Suicide Squad for no particular reason

That is the question, isn't it?

The Question and Moon Knight are like the only two capeshows I'd like to see be put into production from he big two. A movie would ruin Question, but a TV show would be bitchin.

A mid budget neo noir film would work fine for the Question, but they're probably not interested in doing that.

Oh, I've never read New 52 Suicide Squad

Question! Hell yeah!

new 52 I think, was where they did that odd thing where he's some magical being who literally has no face

I can't wait for the Watchmen release that has every individual page in a hardcover.

I'm surprised they haven't pulled an Incal yet and published each issue as a hardcover

They did actually

well fuck me, I guess

Wich question?

That's the question


If they do bring him back, I would love to see one modeled off the DCAU one. The paranoid conspiracy theorist who is there to kind of keep the other heroes in check and keep tabs on them when they get too big for themselves, or at least is deeply suspicious of big figures

>let's make the Question a cosmic-level superbeing, then immediately throw him in the trash and ultimately never use him again except as a background character, ruining him and ensuring he disappears forever in one fell swoop

>I would love to see one modeled off the DCAU one
Yeah, read O'neil's run. It'll fix this for you.

different user, I like both

>the question just shows up in infinity war to do nothing, then disappears in the very next issue

Oh jesus.

What if black Rorschach becomes the Question?

I also like show version but he's incredibly one-note compared to the real deal. Without some kind of sidekick or team-up I doubt he could carry a book on his own.

Fuck, I meant Trinity War. I'm a retard.

can you imagine

DC will have a question ongoing by someone like Abnett or Ray Fawkes. So no thanks.