I would have let him do it

I would have let him do it.

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That's probably one of the reasons you're not an Avenger, Op.

I wouldn't have let him be created so he could do it.

>beaten by jarvis ai on the net
>allowed wanda to read his mind and let the twins escape with his body
>vision removes his ability to escape back to the internet
>avengers win by playing king of the hill and beating his drone army
>three laser beams take him out
>thrown out of a jet by the hulk after he decides to randomly shoot at hawkeye instead of trying to escape
>wanda kills his main body
>one drone escapes and is easily found and killed by vision

Jesus Christ what a fucking loser, I almost feel sorry for the guy.

I would have made him a robot waifu too so he wouldn't be so salty.

Does he even have a dick, or could he just like, download pleasure or something?

I would have let him do me.

I think of he had a dialogue that said he wants to destroy humanity because humanity is cause of so much suffering and pain he would be one of the best villains ever and he would be right.

why did he kill strucker? That was dumb

That conversation with Vision though...
> Stark wanted a saviour and settled for a slave
> I guess we're both disappointments then

I wish that this was his entire character.


Huh. I gotta watch avengers 2 again.

>his elaborate doomsday plot involving a floating city killed less than 200 people
really pitiable when you think about it. The Avengers villains in general (Loki and the Chitauri, the Other, Zemo, Strucker, and Ultron) are a bunch of putzes. The worst moment had to be when he said he had the Avengers right where he wanted them for their final showdown, "all of you, against all of me"... and they just effortlessly kill "all of him" without taking a single scratch, not even the ones with no superhuman durability at all. And that's it. He just loses. The heroes don't do anything clever, there's no epic showdown, they just beat him up. Because he sucks.

You really don't the few good moments of Ultron are immediately counteracted by him making some terrible joke.

I hate that Ultron so much.

With a couple of hundred drone bodies, surely he could have had half a dozen doomsday plots on the go.

He failed with the nukes because of Jarvis, fair enough. But dropping a town was the next-best plan?

Oh, alright then.

>is elaborate doomsday plot involving a floating city killed less than 200 people
To be fair, the Avengers put some extra effort into it by saving as many as possible, before the fights started.

It's almost like you're going to run into problems when you rewrite and neuter the Avengers' entire history.

I dont get WHY he had all of his 'Bodies' in the area. Shouldnt he have anticipated the possibility of failure and stashed a backup elsewhere, maybe had a few copies in different locations ready to go?

Why even engage the avengers in direct combat? He's an AI, not a MUH PRIDE Warrior type or something. Just have the drones engage and explode during combat, or even better, DONT engage.

Because Ultron wasn't supposed to stick around at all after that movie, and Whedon is a hack.

Also the MCU wasn't nearly as well thought out as marvel studios likes to pretend it was.

He made the Vision to be his body and it looks like Viz and Wanda are hooking up now so he must have built one into Viz.

Ultron knew what was up.

Most MCU villains are bitches, so it's not surprising