Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

Butcher. And he knew he was, that's why he recruited WeeHughie in the first place.

Butcher, there was probably a number of ways he could have made Hughie kill him that didn't involve pulling the dead parents shit on him


Butcher, for devising the most retarded suicide plan possible.

Ennis for his weird autism about superheroes.

Simon Pegg, he ruined Star Wars.

This, love Ennis for the most part, but i'll never understand his problem with traditional superheroes. Especially when he wrote Frank taking more punishment and surviving injuries that would put Spidey and Captain America in a coma.

Hughie and Butcher, for thinking that joining a fully deniable, off the record CIA group would end well for them
I still can't get over what happened to Frenchie and the Female

He made dengar great again

I miss them

Butcher the guy was basically just as bad as the superhero he hates

The punisher, simon pegg does no wrong

don't forget about mothers milk

Honestly it would be a lot better if he did dig deeper into these characters rather than just going for low hanging fruit. Like during that arc with the not X-Men, could have done something smart with it. Make it about how even if he is well meaning, it is fucked up for a guy to take impressionable teenagers and recruit them to a school that also doubles as a military training facility and are taught his ideology. Well instead we got 'HE'S A CHILD MOLESTER! BOOGA BOOOGA BOOGA!' which is just fucking dumb.

Butcher. Without question.

I still miss Frenchie and the Girl...

I do but he had a chance to fight, which makes it tragic but understandable. Those two just had a moment of fleeting happiness and boom.

> a genuinely harmless and well-meaning superhero group exists
> but only because they're all developmentally disabled and incapable of self-care

> B-tier superhero group exists with socially problematic stereotypes
> one of them is a fucking Neo-Nazi so it's absolutely clear that he's LOL EVIL

Ennis is actually great at making morally complex characters so it's always annoying to see him take the lazy way out.

i think it's a matter of perspective for me it was kinda sweet, frenchie relling the female "i love you" and then everything was gone in a second

Shit nigga, that's some deep ass stuff I gotta ponder. I'm honestly sad about all of them but those two I really wanted to get out okay, they were still pure.


He couldn't go that way, because part of his issue with capes is their collective lack of training. He bangs on that drum over and over during the Boys, like training somehow something capes could never ever get, despite the fact that training sequences are a huge part of at least one of the franchise he's dumping on.
God it sucks.

The comic went from great to meh as soon as Butcher injected Hughie with the superhero juice. Butcher still does clever stuff to kill supers without needing super strength, but mandatory injection felt like a really stupid move that instantly made the supers less threatening.

This was just a few episodes in. My expectations just started tumbling further and further with the occasional dick, dildo, and fart jokes. Also, whoever did inking in the later issues needs to be kicked in the shins. Art started to look terrible after a while.

The comic went from great to meh the moment you realize that it is quite frustratingly one-note in regards to its edgy 'commentary' on superheroes. It's literally just "You see that stand-in for your favorite superhero team? Well guess what? YOUR FAVORITE HERO IS A DEGENERATE RAPIST/PEDOPHILE/LITERAL NAZI, NOW WATCH AS MY COOL AS FUCK OC TEAM BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM"

You want a good commentary on Superheroes? Read Watchmen. You want a good commentary on superheroes that's funny and tells the same jokes in a more nuanced way without wearing the gag out? Read Marshall Law. Both series do what The Boys does in a quarter of the amount of issues and in a far more deft way.

Never heard of Marshal Law before. I'll be sure to check that out. Thanks.

>Well instead we got 'HE'S A CHILD MOLESTER! BOOGA BOOOGA BOOGA!' which is just fucking dumb.

Someone on Crazy Days and Nights wondered if Ennis was doing a take on Bryan Singer and the rumors surrounding him.

rumors? they even paid that kid he bone during the filming of AoA to keep his mouth shut

Simon Pegg

Butcher was right all along

All the Supers needed to be genocided

Looks like we got an edgefag in the room, clear the way before he teleports behind us with his katana while saying fuck, just like Butcher the hamneck.

I-is that Kanye

It's because he lacks the self-awareness to realize that he fetishizes soldiers the way other people fetishize superheroes.

Butcher knows he's fucked in the head, but the bloke won't stop.

>Simon Pegg

The hell happened to Sup Forums where everyone is ripping on Ennis this way?

I think people forget what those in power act like, just look at Trump, now imagine a man like him who was given super powers.

Now imagine there was a lot of them.

I'm not saying Ennis is showing us what the World would be like, but he is showing us the idea of absolute power corrupts absolutely and while a few people might try to do good, think of all the people you've met and how many of them out of EVERYONE you've ever encoutered would legitimitely try and do the right thing.

The other thing is, he's Ennis, so expect toilet humor and things that seem extra edgy, but look deeper into characters like Wee Hughie and you'll see amazing stories simply about people.

I'm really surprised at how many people are hating on Ennis here...

I for one fucking love him

>muh Ennis ;_;
Grow up.

In this particular, very contrived situation the excuse was superpower falling into the hands of sociopaths or vice versa superpowered people being raised to become easily manipulated by indulging hedonism or being sheltered makes for a bad situation where Butcher's extremist response to reset is somewhat sensible. The measures of sadism he himself takes to get there aren't however, though Garth hints and then swiftly glosses over that fact through Hughie noting Butcher himself had become a sort of superhuman scheming villain. But of course Butcher waves it off as little more than a nice bit of banter.
Then again I guess Garth couldn't really let it (visibly) sink in too much given Butcher's character by that point. Him breaking down or giving up would have been empty or pointless.

Though really that just speaks volumes about the conclusion more than anything. He claimed he was trying to wipe the slate clean for normals at any cost, and then Hughi also implies he wants to be stopped from doing this, but either way I just can't see the sense in dismantling the Boys when the problem they're poised to address remained. Just turned into a cock up that makes me think Garth didn't know how to wrap up things for the team after so morbid a life and world and decided to just cross them off and leave Hughie with the bags but paint it as a torch passing thing. When really, no, it was just a cock up. Vought, incompetent or not, is still out there, the compound is still in people just waiting end up causing problems, Hughie is under resourced and out of his depth. There's no Justice League to save the day by Garth's own design, this only goes one way with enough time.

Oh give me a break, Ennis is certainly a more than competent writer, but the Boys is a shitheap. Full of one note characters, juvenile edgyness, and lazy writing. It's far from what he's capable of, and if you hopped of his one inch wonder long enough you'd see why.

Fair enough



So that's where that comes From

Superheroes in general are shit heaps of comics, with some runs and stories being fantastic. But capeshit is exactly that, capeshit.

A satire of capeshit is obviously going to go the other way and thats how I read it. I found it really enjoyable and a good read.

Though it might not be for everyone and that's fine too, I was just very surprised as most 'The Boys' threads I remember seeing all were praising it and talking about our favourite moments/characters, not shitting on it because it was '2edgy4me' (when I feel that was a point in itself, though I could be wrong).

This guy... is a good guy.

Neither, they both got exactly what they wanted. Hughie got to become the hero, and Butcher was able to turn Hughie into the hero he failed to become. It's really a beautiful story in a kind of sick, twisted way.

Yeah. I love Punisher MAX, Hitman, and Preacher, but The Boys misses a lot more than it hits. It doesn't feel as polished or refined as Ennis's other books. Just feels like him leaning too much on his signature traits (admiration of the military, hatred of capeshit, muh Ireland) that he forgot to tell a story compelling enough to last for 72 issues.

I liked it a lot, but it did have some pacing issues. Could've been shorter. Then there's that thing of how one of the most important events in the series happened in the Herogasm mini which a lot of people skipped.

But yeah, flaws and all, it's good. As usual with Ennis, when it hits it hits fucking hard

It's Ennis' oh so subtle love-hate for cape comics in general.

>I shall destroy all the big hero comic companies in one fell swoop!
>But this will destroy ALL comic companies, including us!
>But this way, we'll die *last*
>You're Welcome!

Ennis is just a bit bitter he can't just do military comics like in the 40s.

It also doesn't help that his go to Twist is TITS & GORE, something you usually don't see in your son's superhero comics.

But that's not what the supers are like in the Boys universe. You got a bit of the humanity with the group Hughie tried to infiltrate, nearly everyone in the higher echelons of the superhero shit however were complete and utter dickbags.

I've read Marshall Law and I don't understand why so many people on here think it's somehow on a higher level compared to the Boys. I mean hell, their Batman expy was about as degenerate as all the other antagonists in the Boys, maybe even more so. I like Marshall Law too but lets not act like it was more nuanced or anything.

anybody have those Ennis rankings of comics where it's all irish gibberish for the tiers

Butcher more or less got everything he wanted out of it

Butcher had the whole thing planned out from Day 1.


>Preacher that low
>The Boys that low
It's not the worst ranking I've seen but I disagree with a lot of it.

Preacher should be lower

Rover Red Charlie is way too high. I know people like it, but moments like the girl rimming the dog or all the characters shouting "I'M A DOG!" every page were so stupid that I couldn't take the comic seriously.

>all the characters shouting "I'M A DOG!" every page were so stupid

fuck you

Nice rebuttal

thanks, I thought so

>Boys being that low

What the fuck

>mfw Hughie managed to impale himself on a spike that wasn't even facing the direction he fell from
The wee fucker must have bounced.

>the girl rimming the dog

>lords of order
>the source
>the voice
>the phantom stranger
>the spectre
>the guardians of the universe
>the new gods
why aren't they stopping Dr. Manhattan from fucking around with the universe?
>killed Owlman and Metron
>killed Pandora
>resurrected Jor-El
>sealed away Mr. Mxyzplx
>destroyed Fate's towers

I always thought that made no sense but to be fair if anyone could fuck up that badly it'd be Hughie.