Why are democrats allowed to be violent, malicious hate machines, but when conservatives do it we're evil...

Why are democrats allowed to be violent, malicious hate machines, but when conservatives do it we're evil, racist monsters?

Bump. Genuine question.

they arent
end the fed!
100% atomic
end public school!
force iphone to be made in USA!

Because democrats run the media, simple

Because MUH DICC

Liberals are fucking up big time. Fence sitting whites are getting redpilled major tonight. I hope the protests spread and get even more violent. Democrats will get swept away from being a major party, all because of some retards can't just accept defeat.

You spelled kikes wrong.

Because some animals are more equal than others.

>Ill see myself out.

my mom was asking the same thing today

they won't for long, they had a use back in the old days before trump but now they simply fade away. Don't worry though, the new left will actually know how to wage guerrilla war instead of holding up signs and looking sad.

>Why are democrats allowed to be violent, malicious hate machines, but when conservatives do it we're evil, racist monsters?
Because you're asking the liberals

Usual answer to any Sup Forums related hipocrisy

we dont burn down liquor stores

answer still right

Democrats do it out of fear.
Republicans do it out of hate.

Because they know the msm will absolutely refuse to cover it. Therfore they can get away with acting however they like.

>even monkeys have better looking teeth than japs and brits

we good guys. other tribe bad guys.

and this is what should terrify normies, but it does not

Go Trump!

>current year
>listening to jewish narratives

lmao do you even lift?

Double standarts

The biased MSM and social media try to make it acceptable.

I agree. These entitled little fucks who can't comprehend a loss are revealing the true Democratic Party. A vindictive, nasty, and violent group of sore losers.

Funny, because your party is out there right now blatantly preaching and chanting HATE

Real fun starts when angry young people start beating liberals left and right, ridicule them, and beat them at logical discussions because they got fed up with their bullshit

Trust me, Poland are champions of xenophobia and dealings with leftist scum

Sky doesn't stop being blue just because it pisses you off.

The answer to every stupid thing liberals do is entitlement

They believe they are entitled to the presidency, largely because they have demonized us as evil

You will never not be evil and they will never not be entitled to your house and your wife and your money and your country because you are evil

This is their thought process, realize that they simply hate you

Actually It's being covered like crazy because the MSM is cucked hard after the conservative sweep.

I do not understand deeper sense inside your post
>obvious shit is obvious?

That's physical harm + power
>malicious hate
That's vitriol + power
That's transhumanism + power

>that's all about to change...when the far right start beating the shit out of them and the cops just turn a blind eye until it's all over.

Yeah but it's "righteous anger" not "entitled delusional tantrums"

Such is life, whites are pretty good at rising above negative shit directed at them.

Whatever fits their narrative.