Would Pol still be racist if the average Kangz looked like this?

Would Pol still be racist if the average Kangz looked like this?

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pol isnt racist


Races must be separated.


>Would Pol still be racist if the average Kangz looked like this?

Her hair don't look like that.

this, its a meme newfag

The point is it's just a black white woman.

Its almost like anonymous has multiple personalities

It's not about how nigs look, it's about what they do, you faggot.

>implying white people never do fucked up criminal shit

Yes. We wouldn't be if they behave almost like us.

Maybe if the hair was completely white so she would look like a girl from my Eastern asian telenovelas.

>what is statistics

I'm still going to be memecist

blacks do it at high rates

Now make her white

She still has to go back

Go ahead, post them, lmao, I'll wait.

against girls: no
against guys: yes

Honest to god I have nothing against how black people look. I've fucked a slim black girl and dominated the shit out of her ass. I'm a 22 yo cis white hetero male.

The problem that we have is niggers. There's a difference between black people and niggers. Being "black" is just a skin color, there are plenty of blacks who have contributed to society in some form. Nothing wrong with being black. Nothing wrong with working hard, contributing to the good of society, etc

Being a nigger is different. Being a nigger is cultural. Not all blacks are niggers. Niggers are literally one of the worst fucking things in existence.

The EU knows what is up

Whats it feel like to be such a faggot?

>haha would pol like blacks If they weren't black haha

it's not about looks it's about the content of your character :^)


>Not all blacks are niggers.

I'm black, and people who say this need to be fucking gassed.

>white guys does some fucked up awful shit

Oh goodness what an awful person!

>black guys does some fucked up awful shit


>black person just exist

Whew good thing you aren't acting niggerish melvin still have to keep my eye on you haha

You're still condemning all blacks to a racial boogey man.


No they're still fucking gross. Id rather fuck a full-blooded abo then that.

She gross

I love black bitches

And yet the number one non-natural cause of death of black people, is STILL black people.

It's all about the looks and whiteness. If all Mexicans were blond/blue eyed then there would be no border between US and Mexico.

Asians commit less crimes than whites, and blacks commit more crime than both put together.

By the numbers blacks commit roughly half of all murders in the USA, but are about 1/8th the population.

Would you feel safer being in an all Asian or all black neighborhood at night? How much safer would you feel in one verses the other?

I'm literally not though. There is a clear night and day difference between niggers and just being black. I deal with civilized black people. Part of my wife's family is black and they invite me to shit like weddings and cookouts and shit.

As a white person, I can admit full on that there are people who are just full on white trash. As a black person, you should be able to full on admit that there are niggers.

I live in Chicago which is the epicenter of nig. There's shit that you can only know from personal experience. You don't even know how it is here. Literally, the cheapest properties here are purchasable at like 15k$ for a full house, no loan. Why so cheap when housing is like 200k$+? This is only in nigger-centric neighborhoods. Because nobody wants to be there because of niggers.

Yes that's why Britain and France are one country.




Who is this semen demon?

No niggers are barely human.


She looks like a flip from my work but extra dark and dyed hair



>Whites double the rate of Asians

Why are whites such savages?


Yes. Freckles are disgusting.

>muh dikk
>bbc, how can da wytboise evan compeet??

I would rather jew than nigger tvg

Ok, This is now your average mexican man and woman. Open borders or build a wall?

t. has a jungle fever

I wanna put my wiiiieeeeener in her

Who cares how they look like, i care that they live their life(culture) and stay the fuck away from me. I might visit them as a tourist, but don't want them in my bed.
>le sex le muh penis

That's not jungle fever. I am 100% sure that's considered white in USA.

One of her parents was an aryan, the other half is an ugly nigger. Would look twice as good if she was pure aryan. You can't deny that.

Can you autistic thirsty betacucks go back to Sup Forums? The election is over we don't want you here

i'm 100% sure that if they looked like that they wouldn't be so stupid/destructive

What if this was the average kang? You would all like black people as much as you like your a v e r a g e Korean qts

if that was the case, Mexicans wouldn't have been immigrating in the US in the first place.

whites complain over niggers.. you stupid motherfuckers brought them there..

>implying it's about their looks
It's about how they behave
Although I would still smash dat nubian pussy

The separation of the human races is not "racist". The mixing of the human races is "racist".

I'm already not racist because that's a bluepill from the talmudist/satanist what ever the fuck this cannibal pedo cult moloch shadow government we've uncovered is

like the 8 goddesses of south Korea, the united states has their pizza pedo cult, as UNFORTUNATE AND EMBARRASSING it may be everyone needs to own up to it and get to work

the Coli and Sup Forums need to team up on this one




That is fucked up. Do you have more proof?

We dont give a shit how they look. I just want the inner city and dirty south nigger to act human.

Disgusting. Miscegenation should be illegal.


I have that jungle fever!

I'm not a niggerlover if I would love to go deep inside those brown sugar walls?

Muh cherry picking. Chechen pls.

It's not about skin colour, it's about degenerate genes. Asians are different, but they are good people.

> race mixing is bad
> e-except for my Asian waifus, they're okay


Fuck off, your kind has a homicide rate of almost
18 times that of the Asians...

This literally happened.

>Would Pol still be racist if the average Kangz looked like this?

I would be even more racist.

She looks like overcooked average Stacy. (lookate her tan lines you idiet)

Well, Kunta...
If you don't like white man's system, invent the
wheel and boat then fuck off back to Africa.

Hey he's Russian they have a lot of Asian looking Russians, you know?

>guy tries to defend black people from being niggers
>black guy goes full nigger about it
Niggers everyone.

>Would Pol still be racist if the average Kangz looked like this?

yes, it's reasonable to expect Kangs to look like men

Well, go ahead lmao, make your case now

>blue eyes
>white features

Bl-bleach this!

that's a big ass

We're a jack of all trades!Shut up!

>murder less than a mile from my house a couple days back
Looks. Do not. Count for shit. Personality does.

Do they still act like shit-flinging chimps?

Exactly. We're a board of peace. Praise kek!

She looks like she'd listen to rap and Spice Girls and then dress like a hooker.

Not racist but I'd wash my hands hard if I shook her fake nail claw.

>black people
Two different things completely.

Being a racist and hating everyone is retarded, save your hate for the ones that deserve it.

We as a whole, are not racist, it is only a minority of us who are.

degenerate azteco genes

I pretty sure you misinterpret the "60%" figure. Outside of "white hispanics", white americans are very little mixed with non europeans
And she's brown so whatever. I don't hide the fact that blacks with white blood are cuter than full kangz.

Yes, she's disgusting

It's how they act is the problem



>guy defends black people
>nigger chimps out


she`s probably has more white genes than you muhamed

80% white genes

Wallah on the Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) delete this