Oh, dont mind me. just the greatest kid-friendly cartoon to ever grace the airwaves coming through

oh, dont mind me. just the greatest kid-friendly cartoon to ever grace the airwaves coming through

What did he mean by this?

Me and my dad loved this while I was growing up. Out of all the action cartoons that I've watched, this one's still my favorite and it always will be.

How's it play on a rewatch? I've heard it fucking crawls on the later seasons.

I haven't seen the later seasons in a while to be fair, but I don't think the show ever gets too terrible.

This, BTAS, and Justice League.
Plays great through season 2, I've never actually even finished 2 so I'm excited to go through that and 3 whole seasons I've never seen. 2 is the longest season by far and I can vouch it's great throughout. I actually prefer 2 to 1, I think 2 is when the action is at its best with the exception of the first episode.


I liked season 4 with the Oni, it had some good character development for Tohru and Uncle. And I liked how they fucked with expectations at the end when Jackie assumed that the items they used to remove the Oni masks would work again, because that's how it worked with the Demon Sorcerers, so they had to come up with a new plan.

I could never watch season 5 because everything I heard about it just sounded awful.

i think that the last season was the worst. it's the one where shendu's son becomes the main antagonist and didn't seem that great. the season 3 villain was funny b/c he interacted a lot w/ uncle.


i love dark uncle from season 2/3


Every season was the same damn scavenger hunt over and over.

Wait a minute

theres a ton of episodes in season 2 after the initial scavenger hunt where they're just self-contained adventures, with the larger villain being dark uncle.

I felt the show show jumped the shark somewhere during the third season. Things definitely got stupid during the fourth, no idea what the fuck I'm looking at in the fifth, pretty sure I stopped watching it completely by then.

It was kind of weird how they introduced episodes in the second season that chronologically belonged in the first.

>wait why is tohru with the bad guys again

>not MIB

shoot i gotta watch that still
yeah right? theres like 3 episodes that seemed like they were supposed to be in season 1

best episode the Enter the Dragon homage?

The show definitely had a Super Sentai / Power Rangers feel with how they introduced new antagonists. I don't remember much past season 3, but I do remember the show having a definitive and satisfying ending. I'll need to go back and rewatch.

>but I do remember the show having a definitive and satisfying ending
Definitive sure. But satisfying?


>super sentai/power rangers feel
kek i think this is exactly why i love it so much. it had great action, exploration of mystical bs and artifacts, adventure, i mean Jackie's literally an archaeologist. and of course the top notch humor

Name 5 things that aren't Jackie Chan

someone didnt watch ATLA