When is the Question getting rebirthed?

When is the Question getting rebirthed?

Last week

One of the only good things about the Question being made by a Randroid is that it gives future writers license to dunk on Ayn Rand using the character.


I hope he's like the O'Neil version and not just Rorschach lite.

DCAU question or bust


I think what's great about the question that any future writer should know of is how philosophy-oriented the character is.

Started out as a model for objectivism

then became zen

then there's Morrison's spiral dynamics thing

I love how the character embodies a philosophical concept. Not that I would necessarily care for this, but I think if they bring him back, they might use an existentalist Question

I hope the first issue comes with a downloadable reading by Jeffrey Combs.

God damn i love his Question voice in JL.

I'd love to see him come back but i have a feeling that they're going to just use rorschach instead.

Renee Montoya isn't doing anything right now

Shut the fuck up

>wanting DCAU Question when O'Neil's Question run exists
As good as DCAU's Question was, that's still some pleb taste, user.


I mean, it was a ton of fun, but that sure ain't the character's best showing.

Rebirth is dead with Bendis.

Here's a conundrum, who would win, The Question or The Fact?


What does rebirthed even mean? A comfy comic where Question would spout quotes about hope, gets married to Myra and lives happily ever after, because that's what it is supposed to be in reality?

Rebirthed refers to a character coming back and returning to respectability after being treated unkindly during the nu52.

>Rebirth is dead with Bendis.
Rebirth ended when they removed the banner.

>Cartoonfag please gtfo

I unironically think this would be one of the things Bendis could do, because Question is a gritty street crime sort of character, something Bendis has actually been good at.

Defenders has been shit.

He's completely lost his touch with street level stuff


Well no shit a title that was only created to tie into a television show isn't going to be good. I could give two shits about Bendis, but given the chance to write something without the constraints of synergy, we may see a return to his old styles.

Bendis writing Question would be a disaster for a couple of reasons.

Worse case scenario is that he would demand to use the Renee Montoya version and would shit all over Vic Sage, because Vic is a white male and began his life as a Randian.

Best case scenario is that Bendis COMPLETELY bastardizes the O'Neill run and instead of making Vic go zen, he turns Vic into a full on SJW type asshole.

If Bendis uses Vic Sage, it will probably be a perverse defilement of the Veitch Shaman Question.

He'll make him into a full on Jack Hawksmore rip-off, make him a pathetic stalker who is madlly in love with Lois and constantly trying to get her to cheat with him, and maybe even go the route of making Vic a stand-in for notorious conservative cuck Jack Hunter, complete with changing the entire origin of the Question character design (IE blank faced guy in a suit) as being Vic's version of Jack Hunter's masked wearing Southern Avenger persona

When does this unbirthing start?