Brazilbros: what are your thoughts and predictions on donald trump based on what you experienced with Lula?

Brazilbros: what are your thoughts and predictions on donald trump based on what you experienced with Lula?

They're literally nothing alike.

They're nothing alike.

>Comparing an american with a br

Well who's worse?

>tfw check id

I'm brazilian but not one of them REEEEEEEE



wasn't he seen as sort of a protest vote too?

Probably the worst comparison I've ever seen

Well, let's see what happens in Trump's management first.

Lula is the opposite of Trump.

Trump is more of a Vargas. There is a thing that you have not noticed what Trump is, but you will soon.

You will learn of Paternalism.

In this case, it is a great age for America. You will find true respect in your neighbors.


Also this, i would pick Trump over Lula any day.

Hillary Smelled like our gommie impeached ex president. You guys did good for the rest of the world. And its time that we stop imigrating. we need to make our own shithole great for once.

Lula is a commie.

>Brazilbros: what are your thoughts and predictions on donald trump based on what you experienced with Lula?
>Brazilbros: what are your thoughts and predictions on hillary clinton based on what you experienced with Lula?


Squid and Jewma are comunists and leftists.

Lula was a poor factory worker which lived on disabled checks after losing his little finger. He only worked for a couple of years his whole life. Then he became an union leader. Also, he was the leader of the workers party, not an outsider. They have nothing in common

Well how can it be great when the war on drugs is dominating South America so fucking hard ?

this should clear things up.

Corrupt shit head who lies through his teeth, pushes the lefty agenda just enough to benefit people who are loyal to his cause while shitting on the poor in the long run.

His party wasn't the most corrupt but by God did they try to be number one!

He also gave a shit ton of funds and assets from Brazil to other pseudo socialism hell holes like Venezuela and Bolivia.

If Trump is just an inept leader he would be better than Lula.

Not the worst. Lula has some of Trump's unhingedness and simpleton charisma that appeals to worker class voters. They probably have similar atitudes towards women as well.

Also, Lula tried to copy the Clinton Foundation by creating an institute where he accepted bribes as donations and public speaking fees

They shared one thing in common. The hability to talk to the masses. Thats all. They have different views and diferent political orientation.


we have nowhere to go now. we need to face it. trumps wall is logical you know. HE is not building a phisical wall, because thats both dumb and impossible. He will make it harder and harder to imigrate ilegally, and probably short the bottleneck on imigration even more.

In the sense the both are charismatic leaders and populists you are right. But that is the of it. There is no evidence to sugest that Lula's atitude was anything similar towards women or anything.

Hard to compare. Trump has promised less taxation and regulation, plus stronger border control. Lula has some charisma, promised more protectionism, and appeal to the working class, but the similarities stop there. He's essentially a left-wing populist.

>Well how can it be great when the war on drugs is dominating South America so fucking hard ?

This is what i know about war on drugs :
- there is no political will to end it.
- trying to arrest users dont solve it.
-legalize it is problematic since our heath system is broken (we have a huge number of crack addicts roaming the big centers like zombies).

So what must be done in brazil ?
reduce the inequality on wealth by creating more jobs and enforcing education.
how ?
investing on production, making it easy for the private sector to employ and reducing the taxes on products. The fucking labor lagislation in brazil is retarded. To employ is to take so many responsabilities that a small company can end just because something went wrong with an employee.

Taxation is a mess. For each 10 beers consumed in rio the profit from 7 goes straight to the government.

but i digress.
Drug Traffic is not our biggest problem. Its our bigger symptom, the cause is our political system, and those that suck our money.

Why don't you guys just pull an Indonesia and shoot drug users on sight?
Seems like something Bolsonaro would be willing to do

don't listen to these idiots, they're most likely underage or learned politics through olavo carvalo

they do have a few similarities, they both represent(ed) the ''protest'' vote as you said BUT Lula had way more leftist rhetorical when talking about social matters even though he wasn't that of a leftist on economic issues in his first term
anyway i'd say comparing Trump to Dilma is more appropriate

>implying that works at all
>implying Bolsonaro isn't just another corrupt as fuck career politician

seriously, don't expect to learn brazilian politics on Sup Forums
most br users on this board are literally subhumans

>Sup Forums users on are literally subhumans

Lula was a full blown leftists from the start.

I don't think Trump will be a miracle man from the start. but he will deliver.

This is a very far fetched comparison.

Lula was hard leftist candidate that didn't complete highschool and spent his entire life as a low industry worker. Got votes mainly from the poor "proletariat" huehue people.

Trump is a billionaire who studied in Ivy league places and beat down an establishment that was completely against him, also arguably center right candidate, if not fully right.

The right wing equivalent of Lula in america would be to elect some hillbilly that worked fixing cars for his entire life and can't complete a sentence without saying "beer".

The only similarity is that neither are considered to have the right experience for the job. Lula made lefties VERY happy, so much so that him and his party basically reign over Brazil with obama - like policies for 16 years.

If Trump turns out to be Lula for the right, you might have 20 years of AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in a row.

But yeah, they're nothing alike.

USA will grow, but the corruption too.

Lula may be a corrupt cunt, but everyone in huezil is

before you bring up the commie meme, you have to understand that brazil's (((right wing))) are neoliberal cunts that want to give our oil to foreign companies and make us slaves to IMF again. Lula was literally the lesser evil, even if you're conservative