Where do you stand on abortion?

Where do you stand on abortion?

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It's immoral. The circumstantial fact that right now non whites use it more dies not change the immoral nature of the act.

I have pro-life leanings, but sometimes I use rhetoric that is a little heavier-handed than I actually feel

I've never had to make a difficult personal choice about it

On her stomach preferably

I stand on the stomach just to make sure


I don't give a fuck.

Abortion is legal before the third trimester

partial birth or late term abortions can be done only if the life of the mother is in danger.

Free abortions for minorities

Definitely against abortion except in case of life of the mother (The baby usually has low survival rate in these instances too).

I have mixed feelings when it comes to rape.

its an easy out for subhumans
but because I don't want a bunch of subhuman spawn making the world even worse than their parents already are, I tolerate it


It's the only thing keeping black numbers in check. And it's still losing the battle. Fuck your feelings.

I don't personally like it but there are a lot of things I don't like that should be legal, like country music, the New England Patriots, Japanese cars

late term abortion is murder in my eyes. an extremely early abortion in the first month or two under certain circumstances is understandable, although not getting pregnant if you don't want a baby is the best choice.

What about the marihuanas?

Abort it
But that's bad.

Up to you.

If you don't legalize it, people go to Mexico or Canada or wherever next door, or just shove a coat hanger in.

Moral or not, it's gonna happen better to regulate it and keep it safe in the open then return to dirty clinics in Mexico and forcing miscarriages

Not that.

I think at most we should have birth control be provided for free like condoms to keep the minorities away from fucking up and making more.

But an abortion is a costly surgical procedure.
It should not be on the taxpayer to pay for that.

Scientistifically speaking a fetus in the 3rd trimester has central nervous activity thus qualifying it as sentient life.

I have no real opinion on it because I can see the merits in the arguments of both sides and it's not an issue that personally affects me, so I don't really care

You say that like it's a criterium.

I think it should be legal, have smoked it a few times, haven't in years and it doesn't appeal to me. I actually think most drugs should be decriminalized.

I agree. I now see the error of my thinking

> abortion
> "womens' health"

fucking libs make me sick trying to frame literally killing babies as "womens' health issue", or "my body, my choice"

no you fucks, its the baby's "heath issue" and the baby's "body rights". You sluts are just a vessel



It involves killing a goddamned baby. I don't approve of killing babies. I like babies.

Central nervous activity is a requirement for sentient life

Plants: not sentient
Animals: sentient


i'm conflicted. on one hand i support it since it kills babies, but on the other hand i oppose it since it gives women a choice.

Good man. I just want it distributed legally so the stinking Africans can't make a living selling that crap on German streets.

Pro choice but voted Trump.

I don't care. Late term / partial birth makes no difference to me.
If someone had to do it, chances are they are not fit to be parents anyway and I don't want to have to inevitably deal with they do spawn.

it's unnecessary, all it does is further my confirmation bias of how stupid alot of women are

if woman are pro choice. can't they choose not to have babys that will potentially get aborted?

here is your first choice, the second choice is the baby right to live.

After watching this: youtube.com/watch?v=jgw4X7Dw_3k

Abortions only allowed for first trimester or if you were raped. Shit was traumatizing.

Late term should still be possible when the birth of the child could harm or kill the mother.

Sentience and Sapience are two different things.
Even if the fetus can feel at that point, I haven't seen anything saying it can have complex emotion and a sense of awareness.
If I had to chose between the life of a sentient animal and a sapient human, I'm going to prefer to keep the human.

Wake up idiots:

The most abortions are from blacks.

Roe vs Wade is why crime dropped 16 years later, when all the niglets weren't there to raise hell.

>Clinton pro-TPP
>immediately flip-flops when election rolls around to pander to voters
>Trump pro-choice
>immediately flip-flops when election rolls around to pander to voters
rly makes u think......

Liberals like to find alternative ways to a solution, so why is the first option to kill the fetus as opposed to finding ways to avoid having to kill it in the first place.

if someone wants to murder an unborn child in t heir stomach why should i care? life is not sacred.

i think ethically the mother to be shouldn't use her right to abort a fetus that would be able to live if it was removed from her body, but any time before that idgaf

Its taking a life, its murder. If you fucked up cause you're a whore and couldn't be bothered using one of the 50 different kinds of birth control available, that's on you, you have to pay the price. You can't commit murder and kill a human life just because you're a whore.

Obviously in cases of rape or threatened physical health, I'd be willing to make an exception.

Otherwise its always wrong and should be illegal.

but you pay for them abortions
its good because it backs people into a corner when it comes to having kids,next step is to cut benefits

Pro-Aboriton. It keeps the nog population down.

That said, I think there should be like a point of no return, maybe the start of the third trimester?

>Abortions illegal
>welp guess I'll just jam this coathanger up my twat and cause irreperable damage to my reproductive organ

You really don't think there aren't any women that might consider raising the child or at least having it and putting it up for adoption?

Kill your baby if you want, but don't pretend like you didn't just kill a baby. Is my stance.

So what if you knock up an obnoxious SJW cunt who also happens to be a nice piece of ass? Would you really just stand there and say to yourself "Yep, gonna have a leftist kid"?

On their dirty cunts

What do think is a better investment?

paying for an abortion or a life time of welfare checks?

Needs to be improved: financial abortion for men is needed, also when the woman is married, the husband's approval should be required unless the pair has at least two children.

You find a solution to avoid the sjw getting knocked up in the first place.

less niggers, so fuck it.
If we are okay with killing animals, we should be okay with killing barely alive organisms with even less capacity to think than full grown cows or pigs or what not. Anybody who is pro-life but is not a vegatarian needs to get their heads checked.

If my girlfriend gets pregnant, I want an out.

On all fronts, I am pro-choice.

>the husband's approval should be required

Please go back to Erdoganland, Mehmet.

Kill your baby if you want to, I just don't want to foot the bill for your poor decisions.

They do- sexual education. Abstinence only education- primarily pushed by conservatives- leads to more pregnancies and abortions.


What if she's a massive hippy cunt who doesn't like pills and condoms, but you still really want to give her the best hatefuck she'll ever get?

In short, why do you assume I'm in control of my dick? Fucker does what he wants.

The choice was to have sex that resulted in the formation of a human embryo.

That was the choice. They made it.

Killing the baby is not a choice, it's murder.

This is the objectively correct opinion.

Its OK.

>That was the choice.

Like hell. He chose to bust a nut. If you're going to be this much of a fundamentalist spoilsport, we might as well surrender to ISIS.

are you saying that animals don't have a sense of awareness. They are aware that they exist and have simplified emotions

Fatherless children are the bane to society.

Giving shitheel dads a pass isn't on my agenda.

Then you are selfish.

Should be allowed on early stages.

Otherwise dumb bitch doesn't know she's pregnant after 5 fucking months? Should be illegal when the baby's almost formed. Like what Trump said on the stage "when you abort on the 9th month you rip the baby apart."

All drugs should be legal. People are going to get them one way or the other. Making them illegal does no good. It drives up our incarceration rates and ruins peoples lives that otherwise may not have been ruined. Not to mention that punishing people for doing drugs just makes them more likely to use once they get out. If it's a long sentence, being shunned from society, not being able to find a job, most of your friends and family have moved on and forgotten you, what else do you have to turn to but drugs again?

To tell someone they can't do drugs just because you don't like it makes zero sense. Most people are able to use them responsibly.

Make all drugs legal, but make irresponsible use highly illegal. DUIs and any drug-fueled crimes should be felonies to encourage responsible use. But there's no reason I shouldn't be able to trip the fuck out on acid in my own home if I'm not hurting anybody. America is supposed to be the land of the free.

States issue
Should be heavily discouraged by society
Should not be outright illegal because that will just lead to illegal abortions

Less abortions would result in more fatherless children tho
It's a bit baffling. On one hand, you seem to believe we should be all behavioral-ecological and simply accept it when a female gets knocked up. But on the other, you think we're above animals and should be celibate if we don't want kids. That doesn't work.

Do you know how many children right now are up for adoption? This isn't an Eminem music video where the parents who aren't financially ready to raise a child become millionaires.


One more reason to get that abortion, right?

Simplified emotions, yes.
But they do not have the ability to process any kind of complex emotion.
They are literally just beings of survival, looking to eat and mate.

Some animals do have levels of sapience, like mammals and birds being able to feel love towards another creature.
But I would still take the human over the dog, though the choice is tougher.

However, all that is even beyond this level of discourse as puts it.
The late term fetus is even BELOW an animal in terms of sentience and sapience.
Thus, if that being is going to harm a fully sapient human through it's birth, then I say yes, let the sapient being have the option to abort it safely.

And again, it's all about the option.
There are some mothers that would be willing to risk their lives for their child's birth. More power to them, but that doesn't mean others shouldn't have the choice.

>Anybody who is pro-life but is not a vegatarian needs to get their heads checked

You're going to get a lot of shit for this on Sup Forums but scientifically speaking you are correct. Humans are simply complex animals

I fucking despise Reddit btw

I am against it both my wife and I would never consider it. I would speak against it if asked. But it's your choice, you do it, you live with what you have done. That's all.


If it's found to have a major birth defect (down's syndrome, retardation) and the mother refuses to have an abortion then the child/mother is barred from any government subsidies/welfare. Why should we condemn someone to a life of down syndrome? And if they're on government subsidies even though they have no prospects of supporting themselves then they're just pets we keep alive to feel good about ourselves.

You think people are going to stop fucking because abortions turn illegal? That's a lot of faith in minorities. If you make abortion illegal, there will be many many more fatherless children. Your opinion contradicts itself.

>They are literally just beings of survival, looking to eat and mate.

And humans aren't? I agree with everything else you said btw

let them happen.

if a woman choses to have the child, the man can opt out of financial responsibility. when this happens the woman must waive all responsibility from the government, basically saying "i can afford to raise this child alone so i will keep it"

That is what the asshole is for.


If you are against abortion you're a shitskin living on your child's welfare


Also this

>women's health issue

so we agree just aborting babies because you're an irresponsible shit is wrong

I don't have an opinion on it. Let the states decide.

Roe v wade says abortion is not a states issue

Planned Parenthood is the number one preventer of abortions

You can either pay for their birth control, their abortion, or their welfare check because poor women do the third when the first two aren't free. Why not support the first two when the third costs you (taxpayer) so much more?

>I just don't want to foot the bill for your poor decisions.

Would you rather pay for the damn abortion or 18 years of welfare? You choose.

I've never understood the Americans anti-abortion obsession.

If you're using abortion, it means you didn't use birth control. Outside of unforeseen situations, e.g. drastic changes in personal financial situations, domestic violence, rape etc, there's no need to abort, especially with day after contraceptives.

There's also no clear threshold as to when a clump of cells becomes a human. You can ask yourself a theoretical question where you hold a fully grown baby in one hand and a still developing child in varying states of development and have to drop one on the floor. Which one do you drop? At what point would you no longer hesitate?

I'd rather people have the personal responsibility to avoid having to answer that question by using the wide range of contraceptives we have now. The abortion question itself is silly because it's simply trying to address a lack of personal responsibility by trying to let the lack of personal responsibility continue.

It's immoral but sometimes a necessity to stop a growing population of poor people.

I realize that. My opinion is that it should be the states decision. Beyond that I don't care.

Tell that to the hundreds of ratchet people living in 'merica
America needs abortion because otherwise you will spend millions of taxpayer money on unwanted kids in ghettos

>If it's found to have a major birth defect (down's syndrome, retardation) and the mother refuses to have an abortion then the child/mother is barred from any government subsidies/welfare.
I see where you're coming here (am somewhere between pro-choice/anti-natalist) but this could suffer unintended consequences since then women would refuse getting ultrasound if they wanted a kid regardless of birth defect or not.

some people are incapable of displaying personal responsibility and we need to give them every means necessary to not reproduce, including abortion. People aren't going to stop fucking unprotected just because abortion is illegal.

only dumb christians would say no

>projecting this hard
You're the first one to mention religion in this thread.

kill as many black babies as we can


If a nigger raped your wife/daughter and got her pregnant, how would you feel about abortion?