


C is for the creampie I'd give to her

Fuck her there`s much better girls in that show.

Such as?

D is for the D she needs

E is for the Erection I have for her


A is for her Ass that I want to eat

Lorna, Beatrice, Sara, the daughter that appears for one frame in the last episode.

I'd be her no good, two-timing, low-down handsome man

>ass eating
Gross. Thread's ruined, pack it up guys.

B is for this bitch that I'd like to rail

Oh pls, that gorilla is clearly fake.

C is for the creampie I'd give to her

D is for the D she needs

E is for the Erection I have for her

F. F for the way that IIIIIā€™d ffffffuck her.


G is for the orgasm I'd like to Give

H. H is for the Holes I'd fill

With cum, that's a C

I is for cum in your eye

J is for the Jizz i'd fill her with

K is for the Kama Sutra we'd read together

Jimmy B, you stop posting on Sup Forums right now and go make an honest woman out of My. Langtree!
That poor woman is lonely as can be

L is for the love I would shower her with

And M, M is for Motherly. Motherly as Langtree.

N is for the Need I have to plant my face in her chest

O is for the Orgasms she'd receive

p is for the pussy i'd love to fill.

>being a pedo

>fucking an engaged woman
You wouldn't stoop that low, would you?

Q is for the queasiness I feel when I hear the name Ms. Langtree

R is for the rimjob that I desire from my future bride

>he wants an old hag

bad thread

>not Jizz, that's J after the other poster had already put down I'd for I
Are you fucking sorry?!