He better fucking put Hillary in prison. If he goes back on his word, I'm seriously going to REEEE

He better fucking put Hillary in prison. If he goes back on his word, I'm seriously going to REEEE.


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Hillary will kill herself.

I think he just wants a mooth transition. He made that pretty clear in that speech.

He needs to be inaugurated first.

This. He wants to try and smooth things over and reassure the American people that no, he is not some crazed lunatic without any conception of restraint. The media has been lying about him for so long that there's a lot of damage he has to fix before he actually gets sworn in.

He has to play nice right now until he's inaugurated.

Your post implies that he didn't make all those threats and that the media just lied about what he has said in every rally, heard by hundreds of thousands of people
>inb4 he just spoke in hyperboles for the whole election

Why? He fucking won the election legally and democratically. There's nothing they can do short of assassinating him to prevent him from being inaugurated.

obama will pardon shillary before he leaves office so no charges can be brought against her

either way, she's no longer a threat because nobody is going to give them clintons money as the clintons can't give favors

If he spills his beans faithless elector can pick Shitlary.

kill yourself

electors aren't legally bound to vote for the candidate their constituents voted for


need to back off this line of thought so Barry doesn't see a need to pardon her.

You're either twelve or literally autistic if you believe that going in with guns blazing, tactlessly shitting on every "establishment" relationship for the next four years would actually be his strategy. This is just the standard fare of diplomacy and peace that every president is expected to show. Grow the fuck up Sup Forums, holy shit.

Most of them are and the rest aren't gonna nuke their careers over some dumb cunt that half the country hates.

They are not (they are in some states though) but Trump, ie his campaign, is the one THAT SELECTED those people.

Because he is smart and doesn't want to alienate half the population, and the democrats needed for supermajorities in house/senate?

Winning the presidency does not equal him being able to do everything he wants, a lot of policies he wants to pass requires 60/100 supermajority, the GOP only has 51, so he needs to also get some democrats onboard. Starting out by shitting on the opposition would make this impossible.

He should re-open the investigation, make public damning evidence, then pardon her himself and cite the necessity of continuing the ideals of the republic.

This neutralizes clinton, damns the democrats, and positions him on the moral high ground. The only downside is that he can be called a promise breaker.

Hillary does still have connections that Trump can exploit if he agrees to not put her in jail. I think these riots are a warning and they could continue our stop if he plays ball. I think he should wring Clinton dry so people like Soros back off. If Clinton is prosecuted, Soros will hang.

in 29 states they are, and he won by 38 electoral votes. Can you imagine if 38 electors chose to defy the democratic result? There'd be fucking riots everywhere, it would be the end of democracy. There's no way it would happen.


No fuck you. Hillary needs to go to prison. Seriously fuck you. She needs to be made an example of.

He wants to be a unifier, something he's constantly criticized Obama on.

He can't go after King Nigger and keep his followers under control.

He needs to get into office WITHOUT BEING SHOT first. He won't do that unless he looks like a unifier!!

Once he takes office he can just not help her... HILLARY IS A FUCKING CRIMINAL, she will get HER SELF in jail for what she did. Just by Obama NOT helping her crazy ass she will get locked up!!

>dumb retarded children on Sup Forums dont get what politics is about
he shows humility and grace

imagine if he said he'd put hillary in jail. the country would go nuts with riots, hillary wouldnt have conceded, a lot of innocent people would have been hurt

Trump is a REALPOLITIKER just like Putin. he does not care about ideals, he cares about results. he genuinely loves the USA so he will do whatever it takes to MAGA and even if that means putting on a farce

Why would he do that? He is a populist. He said he wanted to lock her up because that is what it made you idiots support him on the internet.

Now that he has won, he doesn't need that crap. Trumplusconi will find new distrations. Hillary is going to be just fine.

Besides, how would he jail her? The wikileaks emails are completely useless from a legal POV.

I'm not saying he won't have her probably investigated (in which case she is fucked), but there is no need to go out on day 1 and piss off the democrats (whom he rely on for some of his policies to pass). That would only make it harder for him to be the successful president he wants to be.


She acknowledged us, lol


>alienate half the population
Apparently he already did that just by "winning".
Fucking crybaby shitlords.

Why pardon her? I voted for for him and if he did this I wouldn't Re-elect. He promised her prison, we want prison. He pardons, he's out and becomes part of the establishment.

On a serious note, what would happen if Obama pardons her and everyone else before he leaves office? Can we still go after her?


>plane crash whole pizza crew onboard.

If Obama pardons her it would mean that there is nothing Trump could do to prosecute. Presidents are known for issuing pardons their last day in office so if Obama did end up deciding to this it would probably be then. However... Obama probably doesn't want his "legacy" to be focused around a pardon for Hillary.

Who knows...

Personally, I hope Trump acts like he's going to do nothing and simply goes through a smooth transition into office and then suddenly goes hardcore on fucking Hillary in the ass.

HE SAID : he would put a special team to investigate it .
that gives ENOUGH room for her to talk / buy herself out of it .
without him giving her the pardon.

He wants to be successful above everything else. He wants to be remembered as a president that did everything right.
He won't achieve that by shitting on the opposition, only by trying to woo them to his side.
His first real priority (regardless of what he will say otherwise) will be to win over enough democrat votes for the senate supermajority to no longer be an issue.

He will when he takes office.

Press asked him just now if he would go through with the muslim plan, he just walked away. Best not to talk to these lying fucks.

Obama can't pardon her.
Comey left the case deliberately open.
"She did illegal shit but we recommend no charges".
Also any "new" evidence defeats any Double Jeopardy bullshit.

There was no trial, no double jeopardy involved in this shit, since they never recommended to the DOJ.

>Obama can't pardon her.


Are you not familiar with how pardons work? If she was to receive a pardon before Trump takes office it could be for any/all crimes even if they aren't known about yet. If she gets a pardon, the only way Trump could prosecute her at that point is if she did something else illegal after the pardon was issued.

No chance, he's never go forward with that. He's too inexperienced, not enough connections with the establishment to pull this off. There would be immediate backlash from the dems.

Also, about that second statement, he needed to appease to Hillary supporters to try to keep the peace

Except no, he couldn't.
Seriously, crack a fucking book.
He also has no further reason to pardon her. She's fucking worthless at this point.

She needs to be charged with something to be pardoned. Otherwise it's implying that he knows something illegal was done.

Hence why the Foundation investigation will finish when Trump is in the WH!

Again... WHY couldn't he pardon her? You guys need to actually read about how pardons work.

A president can literally pardon someone for any and all crimes even if there was never any formal charges and even for potential crimes that no one even knows about.

Where the fuck do you guys get your information from? How about you read the ACTUAL laws and the limitations of a presidential pardon. wtf?

>Thinking he'll show his hand and give Hillary a chance to be pardoned or flee the country

You forget Aussie, this centipede, is a predator.

>Hillary in prison
oh, that little thing got sorted out when she called him to congratulate him.

She doesnt have it in her. (insert monica joke here)

pardon her for what?

Mishandling classified information?
Campaign Finance/Cooperation?
Obstruction of Justice?

Is he going to pardon her for all 4 of those?


The point is that he COULD pardon her for ANY past or present crimes. As long as she doesn't break the law AFTER receiving a pardon she couldn't be touched.

Having said that, I don't think Obama will actually pardon her. He's concerned for his legacy and if he issues Hillary a pardon his legacy will be overly focused on that.

He could offer an amnesty! However she could still be impeached!

>WHY couldn't he pardon her?

Legally, there is no reason he couldn't have pardoned her months ago.

But it's the message it sends that is important.

If he pardoned her before the election or even now, and Hillary accepts it, it is an admission of guilt before the entire American public. Hillary doesn't go to jail, but everyone so much as looking at sitting on the fence between the two sides shifts to R.

Not to mention that it further destroys Obama's legacy and reputation, making him just another corrupt piece of shit instead of whatever the left paints him as.

Obama and Hillary lost that game of Nth Dimension chess on their first move.

Won the election and already become a cuck. That was quick.

No one is going to pardon her before charges are laid!

Also if they're involved in child trafficing and pedophilia maybe we should watch it pan out!

>he knows soros will throw protesters out the next day
>he doesn't give them gasoline to throw on the fire

seems smart in the moment desu, He's not president yet. He needs to keep his head in more than one.