Riddle me this Batman, what has a single eye but cannot see? Hint: it's not a needle

Riddle me this Batman, what has a single eye but cannot see? Hint: it's not a needle.
If you can't solve this riddle in time, I'll blow up Robinson Park in an hour!

An ass.

A Storm.

Muh dick.

A walking clock?

A hurricane
An obvious reference to the NHL finals , between the Carolina Hurricanes and the Gotham Blades.

You're not getting the Stanley cup Riddler.

Oh no, we'll never solve this in time!
Nah, only foolin. We've got this.

Fuck you Riddler I’ll just use a Bat EMP wave on Robinson Park

A one eyed pirate wearing a patch on his good eye.

So did Google ruin The Riddler?

I think he actually would make a good Riddler. He already has this air of smarmy cocky douchebag.

I imagine Riddler has some sort of walking clock

It must be I of course. I have a single I but not a C.

So that IS Sheldon?

Muh dick of course

How would that work if he makes his own riddles?

One of those fish with vestigial eyes exept one was lost

>what has a single eye but cannot see
a penis, often referred to as "one eyed beast"

A penis?

...my god, Riddler's gonna rob the Gotham Dildo Factory!

A One-eyed blind guy

>live action riddler
>not Matthew Lillard

Sammy Davis Jr.'s corpse! My god, Riddler is going to kill black people. Quick everyone, take your Bat-sleeping pill and go to bed. We are crime fighters after all.


>perfect casting choices don't exi-

a television