Show was originally going to be more of an action-adventure with drama elements like the movie was

>Show was originally going to be more of an action-adventure with drama elements like the movie was
>In the end, we got a forgettable slice of life with very little of the charm the movie had

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I liked it.

It was ok. Although, I am curious what drama elements the show could’ve had.

Just because the beginning and end had a spaceship chase doesn't mean the entire middle chunk of the movie wasn't family slice of life sequences. Unless you think

>Lilo at dance class
>Nani meeting with a social worker
>Lilo and Nani having a yelling match
>Nani apologizing to Nani while she brings her a slice of pizza
>Lilo going to a dog shelter
>Lilo hanging out with Stitch at random local shops
>Stitch wrecking Lilo's room
>Nani trying to find a job
>Lilo training Stitch to be like Elvis
>Stitch giving an Elvis performance on the beach
>Nani singing to Lilo for what she thinks is the last time brimming with action-adventure. Only thing you're right on is the drama, I wish the dramatic moments hit better in the show. They had a few cute moments, but none ever quite as sad as, "Iost".

Lilo still adjusting to her parents death and they stopped making her weirdness as a coping mechanism and more she's just plain weird

When was her weirdness illustrated as being a coping mechanism strictly? Something like Pudge the Fish was a coping mechanism, but she would have believed in a little fish being able to control the weather regardless of her parents dying. She also believed in vampires, had a backstory for her doll about a bug laying eggs in her and that's why her head was swollen, and liked to take pictures of fat tourists and none of that was to cope with her dead parents. That was just Lilo being Lilo.

There is a day and night difference between lilo from the movie and lilo from the show. She was lonely, had no friends, and her parents are now dead and was having trouble dealing with all that. In the show they flanderized that to where she was weird and acted like this was perfectly normal. She was depressed and knew she wasn't normal in the movie.

>She was lonely, had no friends, and her parents are now dead and was having trouble dealing with all that.
And the reason she doesn't act like that anymore is because she had Stitch (friend), Jumba (crazy uncle), and Pleakley (aunt) keeping her company. All while Nani is able to balance out having a love life with David and there was no longer a looming threat of the social worker taking her away.

A character is suppose to change by the end of their original movie, that's what an arc is. The entire ending montage is months passing as she's having fun and being happy.

>it was supposed to be pokemon
>it wasnt pokemon
missed opportunity

Friendly reminder that this show confirmed that
>Lilo and Stitch
>American Dragon: Jake Long
>The Proud Family
>Kim Possible
>And freaking Recess
All take place in the same universe despite having vastly different art styles.

>Recess crossover 2 years after everything else related to the show had ceased production.
Even as a kid I thought this was weird as shit.

> In the end, we essentially got Disney's equivalent of Pokémon.

Fixed that statement for you, OP.

Cobra felt like he was Norwegian

Actually forget that, at least he didn't take Lilo away for the sake of not liking her lunch

No, it didn't, what is multiverse theory?

I dunno if I like the idea of a more dramatic action cartoon starring a cute and unusually realistic five year old, at least not for a full ongoing series. The movie was heartwrenching enough, I’d hate for that tone to just continue to be how Lilo’s life kept going indefinitely.

Those were all coping mechanisms, Satan

>believed in vampires,
Her way of demonizing Nani’s job and justifying her ill feelings towards something that made her now only caregiver have less time for her, and Nani needing this job is a direct consequence of the parents’ death and a part of the changes in Lilo’s life
>had a backstory for her doll about a bug laying eggs in her and that's why her head was swollen,
The doll is a metaphor for Lilo herself and her trying to rationalize her not fitting in with the other kids. If her parents weren’t dead, she’d probably have an easier time fitting in because she wouldn’t have this trauma making her weird in the way.
>and liked to take pictures of fat tourist
This is her way of dealing with the casual racism in her day to day life, turning the tables on the tourists that treat her family like a spectacle and making a spectacle of them in turn. Another issue her parents may have been able to help her work out in a different way, and a behavior directly linked to her relationship with her cultural heritage.

Tv shows rarely turn out the way they were meant to. Especialy partial adventure shows always slowly start to have less and less adventure *cough*pastelhorses*cough*

Lilo and stich coping mechanicism fags are autistic. It's no good debating with them.

>She was depressed and knew she wasn't normal in the movie.
And Nani had her hands full trying to prevent social services taking away her only living relative.
Not to mention she, too, had lost her parents.

Every Disney show takes place in the same universe, user.