Wallyfags should accept that Barry is now the most famous, popular Flash...

Wallyfags should accept that Barry is now the most famous, popular Flash. Wally is his "Dick Grayson" and there's nothing wrong with that.

Whatever happened to Max and Jesse?

Everyone should accept that Superman Family, Flash Family, Batman Family, even Darkseid Family is just DC's attempt to restore the interest from aging manbabbys, and filler because the Flash stories have all been told, and now it's just waiting for the next Opposite/Nega/Ebil/Reverse Flash to show up.

Sorry if it isn't as good as the Hawkeye-family or the Vision-family or the Iron-family.

What is that panel from?

nah, The superfamily and the batfamily have interesting places to tell, although they are the subject of much fujobait.
The problem with the flashfamily is generated with everything that came after the geoff run

I accept it, now you acknowledge Barry stole a good portion of Wally's material

Who's the fastest/most powerful/capable speedster of the flash family?

That's like asking "Who's the most powerful Justice League member?"
DC characters don't have anything remotely like consistent power levels.

Wasn't it Bart?

Some say it’s Bart
I say it’s and forever will be Wally

Does current Old Wally even count as a Speedster anymore? Last time I checked, he was doing some Zoom shit

Anyone, please?

"death of the flash family" by geoff Johns.

Bruce Wayne has been Batman for every generation, and is involved in all his best stories. Same can't be said about Barry, who has not been every generation's Flash, and also unlike Bruce, he's not involved in all the best stories. I'm of the token that there shouldn't be one nebulous Flash. Not Barry, not Wally. There should always be someone new to help spice it up.

I won't speak about the other families, but you are completely wrong about the Flash family. Not only are they trying desperately to down play it, but when it was around it gave way more life and creativity to the series. Seriously, Flash comics have not been good since they tried dissolving it.

The only classic barry stories are his trial and his dead.


I think Barry served his purpose as the ideal silver age Flash, and it was also good to see Wally's run deconstruct the things introduced there. The problem with current Barry is how completely directionless it is. They just seem content with recycling the same 5 stories over and over, to the point the Flash is just a meme.

Erased by Flashpoint.

It's Bart. DC is very big on the next generation learning and progressively becoming better than their predecessors through experience

>Wally is his "Claremont X-Men" and there's nothing wrong with that.
FTFY. Barry's not a horrible character or anything, but like Stan Lee's X-Men he just isn't the character(s, in the case of X-Men) who got The Flash really going.

>DC is very big on the next generation learning and progressively becoming better than their predecessors

>Wallyfags should accept that Barry is now the most famous, popular Flash. Wally is his "Dick Grayson" and there's nothing wrong with that.

Give Wally more relevance and stories in the Flash comic and I can accept it. The problem is that Wally overshadows Barry in every way, and the writers are too afraid to use him. They don't know how to do it without making one of them look bad.

>DC is very big on the next generation learning and progressively becoming better than their predecessors through experience

Did you miss the late 2000's and New 52? I really won't blame you if you did. Good for you.

Think Rebirth will bring them back?

Bringing Hal back had purpose, he had a deep connection to several of the important villains. Barry doesn't have that and his boring character keeps getting changed so that he's more like Wally anyways so what's the point?

barry was better dead

my problem is barry stealing wally's rogues and stories, it's just lazy

also flashpoint/flash rebirth are garbage comics so barry has a hell of a handicap

Dick has been the most-used Legacy character in DC's history.
When has he EVER been allowed to be better than the Bat-God?
When has one of Superman's legacy/sons been more Superman than Superman?
Donna Troy became a terrible not-funny joke.
Wally and Kyle were only allowed to be "duh greatest" when their respective elders were Dead/Evil/Insane for story purposes.
They are both second-fiddles now (at best).

Every DC legacy character is doomed to be Gohan.

I hope Kyle will never become the most greatest lantern and i say so as a fan of him.
What so good about an omnipotent character? Nothing, he only becomes boring. I hope he will stay just a Green Lantern (btw between all the lanterns there isnt a huge power-gap, not right now at least)

Uh, I'm agreeing with you here? What I meant with is that DC at least tried to be about the next generation getting better than the last, so we got a bunch of legacy characters / old characters progression in the 90's, and all those you mentioned, while "being better" than the originals is subjective, they had opportunities to shine and begin to grow for possible future stories. But then they back pedalled hard and went back to basics. Legacy be damned.

The difference is Gohan was never good, so it was ok to drop him.