France/Le Pen General

We have to save France.

Continuation of .

Useful links:

>Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump's election isn't the "end of the world", but rather, the "end of a world".

Other urls found in this thread:

Then the only psyop is to ensure Hollande reaches the second round. I must admit this strategy has the potential to massively backfire, but it's quite probably the only hope.

Anyone seriously interested in doing this should be looking at the work of Vladislav Surkov. Supporting opposition is sometimes required to achieve a bigger goal – 5D chess and all that.

There has to be a clear narrative structure to this, that leads the French general public to the correct conclusion.

This means you have to first convince the Républicains that Juppé is the wrong choice and to pick Sarkozy instead.

Then the media narrative needs to be that people are horrified at the prospect of another Sarkozy term.

Then people have to be pushed towards Hollande in such a way that they feel like they have no real choice (à la Clinton) and that 'at least he has experience of high office' and 'doesn't say objectionable things'.

After this, true French people will be presented with the correct option of Le Pen, and with the right high energy campaign (movement), it should be possible to win.


What could be the French "Make America Great Again"?


Let's win this battle against globalism !

We don't have much time to convince LR that Sarkozy is the right choice over Juppé.

"N'abandonnons pas la France !"

Shouldn't have let the previous thread die, we lost everyone that was participating in it.

Yes! MFGA! Make France Great Again! Go!

1) Meme Marine to 51%
2) leaks to politically kill and meme her opponents
3) ????

Challenge accepted.


Voici la marionette Padamalgam bien snob, je vous conseille d'y réduire sur Photoshop pour pas perdre de qualité quand vous la mettrez sur des images plus petites.

MEGA (bump)

We need French politics general threads, a good OP pasta, and to urgently begin taking steps to ensure Sarkozy gets the Républicains' nomination.

> Implying we should meme Lepen when we have Melenchon
Praise the only politician who's better than most YTers

Time to Make Europe Great Again!
Praise Kek!

We are kind of forgetting about Austria


>No english subtitles

Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!
Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads! >Let's get #WhiteFeminism trending lads!

We can still save some countries in Europe
Yours is not part of it you cuck

Help from deep french state, CIA, FBI and all Trumper wanted.

Absolutly easy coz every french politician is epically corrupted by strangers.

Look what we did in a country that is only 60% European

Imagine what we do everywhere else

La France parle la langue de Molière, pas l'angliche.

Marine is a jew-loving traitor.

>The demographics of Front National’s high command indeed looks more like a Hollywood movie studio’s boardroom than it does a patriotic party for normal Frenchmen. There are claims (albeit unsubstantiated) from Front National dissident groups that up to half of FN elites are homosexuals. Two FN Mayors put into power during municipal elections, Stephane Ravier and David Rachline, are also ethnic Jews. It should be noted that the first thing these Front National mayors did in power is vote themselves raises with the state money withdrawn from groups espousing pro-Palestinian views. Stephane Ravier carefully hid his Jewish roots when he joined the organization in 1995, but after being exposed in 2008 he had already gained considerable clout in the now reformed Zionist party.

>These factors have played an important role in transforming Front National from a nationalist alternative, into a one-track anti-Muslim party. Marine Le Pen’s relatively low-profile meeting with the European Jewish Union vowing to crush “Holocaust Deniers” (like her father) and push the Zionist agenda in France. Front National’s abysmal dismissal of the 1.4 million French citizens who filled the streets against gay marriage has led to a truckload of complaints from FN’s grassroots organizations and voters, which Le Pen also tellingly dismissed. If Marine Le Pen publicly blows off her voters, her natural demographics, and even her own father, then who does she serve?

There is very little time remaining to help Austria before 4 December.

Perhaps the Axis Powers on Sup Forums should focus their efforts there, while the Allies focus on liberating France?

That makes sense when we're talking about a FRENCH politician

Ca ne va pas parler aux jeunes français qui sont en mode pokemon.

Pour les vieux peut-être.

Saved. ;)

Vive le France

Putain vieu, Je m'attendai pas a tant!
Worthy you are. FucK!

I know but English is the language everyone speaks in Europe and the rest of the west. We really need people to subtitle video's


Mon meme était en français cela-dit... j'essaye de parler (difficilement) l'anglois ici, forcément...

Could be tried.

Oh thank God we are back to Euro politics
This has all been to close to home for so long
We will export what surplus meme magic we have from Trump winning under budget

Rendons la France encore plus belle?

It would be better to push the narrative that they are both weak candidates. It would be more benificial in the long run considering lack of time

Le Pen can 110% beat Hollande. If she's already outright beating him, she'll trash him during the election.

Le Pen peut battre 110% de Hollande. Si elle l'a déjà battu, elle l'écrasera pendant les élections.

what is the source for polls?

Is there a french RCP. If not there is a real opportunity to make some money

Merci les gars, bah école d'art tout ça. Et puis je bosse sur un jeu pour faire enrager les SJWs.

On veut evoquer l'esthetique des guignols français, pas les pokémons kek. C'est une allégorie du petit gouvernement bien pensant.

It doesn't matter how gets the Republican's nomination. Focus on hyping Le Pen as the reformer populist. She can smash any of the Establishment drones if she has that label.

Past slogans here:

Front de Gauche 2017

All French politicians are jew-loving traitors. I would really love it if any decent candidate wasn't one. Even Trump is a jew lover.

Eh. Not much you can do about that, honestly.

Je parlais du slogan MFGA.

Regarde ces taux d'abstention... y'en a soit qui n'aiment aucun des deux, soit qui ont peur de voter MLP dans les sondages.

Pas vraiment parlant des problèmes actuels.


One of France's main problems is that its current situation stems from a multitude of small issues that slowly accumulated in the last two quinquenniums (and even before). If you want to make a slogan, it needs to be somewhat general. Don't try to target something too much.

Things like "La france x" are waaaay too overused. They don't have any impact.



Onward to France!

Vive la France!

Reformer/Nation stateist

>she's a hand grenade we can throw at the establishment
>First Female president

She really is the perfect candidate

Hollande ne va pas se représenter, il est à 4% d'opinions favorables, et il le sait.

Il faut diviser le Front Républicain. Juppé va gagner les primaires à coup sûr, il faudrait faire en sorte que Sarkozy fasse cavalier seul et se porte candidat quand même pour diviser la droite.

Lets make France great again senpai

Understandable. How about some sort of double entendre with Le Pen's name? I don't know French so that'll be pretty hard to come up with, but kind of like "Can't Stump the Trump" but in French?

Compréhensible. Que diriez-vous d'une sorte de double entendre avec le nom de Le Pen? Je ne connais pas le français, donc ça va être assez difficile à trouver, mais plutôt comme "Ne peut pas Stump l'atout", mais en français?

You're thinking marion maréchale and not marine. Qt's off the list.

jean-marie was GOOD. he stood up to the jews and he also didn't buy into the lolocaust industry. he also hates niggers. marine is ok and is best option, but it's marion that is a problem.

read this article Youssoupha is an anti white nigger rapper and she goes to his concert.

how many people see this and think that rap music ok and that Youssoupha is cool? he hates whites and french culture fuck that nigger.

Can't smokescreen Marine.

>Milf status

Plus you can post pics of her with Marion so that helps

She's more of a solid work-horse than a slender mare man. French people know better than to find that hot.

Nah the other angles are plenty good.

Is there a seriously possibility Sarkozy would run alone if he didn't get the nomination? I doubt that.

Y a-t-il une possibilité sérieuse que Sarkozy se présente seul s'il n'a pas obtenu la nomination? Je doute que.

Jews are supporting FN because Muslims are launching a wave of anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish citizens which include things like arson, assault, and murder. They're desperate.

Les juifs appuient les FN parce que les musulmans lancent une vague d'attaques antisémites contre des citoyens juifs qui incluent des incendies, des agressions et des meurtres. Ils sont désespérés.

Wondering if something can be done with the idea of putting France first (should act as a dog whistle but sound acceptable to all), and combining it with the idea of progress and unity? I speak French but trying to come up with very very short phrases which work well is difficult for me, as when you study you're usually trying to write more complex things.

Locuteurs natifs – serait-il possible de construire quelquechose avec l'idée de la France et 'tout d'abord' (en premier lieu) et 'à bord' (tout le monde à bord)?

It doesn't help to spam this nonsense when the Rebutle is so easy

In a week there won't be a person on Sup Forums that doesn't know this is not her

What are these fonts? They use it everywhere on their website.

Fresh Marine Le Pen. We got your back France. Qe will help.

He could if he thinks he has a chance.

>Is there a seriously possibility Sarkozy would run alone if he didn't get the nomination?

No – he led the name change to Les Républicains, he's not going to leave.

Kys ffs stop with your fake propaganda

Are you paid for doing that ? Otherwise you have a sad life.

Je suis agree my ami.

Sarkozy est un bon cavalier; il a monté Général du Bruni qui est une pouliche nerveuse et fragile du train arrière.

Elle a gagné le prix d'Amérique après une course palpipante; j'en suis resté pantois.

christ, they're not half clutching at straws

Be sure to crop the picture well and compare.

This picture was already proven fake. I know it's hard to watch a nigger make out with a white woman, but if you look closely you'll see nothing about her face lines up with Marion.

Euros do like to listen to their own rap, not necessarily niggerish rap.

Starting to think its a bot

Best ally, and those familiar with best ally, what are her odds?

What is her version of working class rural voters?

Le pepe est pas mal mais sinon elle ressemble a shreck la vieille.

explain the article and youssoupha then.
he is a nigger that hates french culture and history wtf is wrong with you cuck niggers.

Avenir Next Condensed Bold

Download here :

We need to start to work the Sarkozy > Juppé ASAP

Oh so we're really doing this?

>Sauvons la France
>La France aux français
>Jeanne D'arc... Marianne... Marine Lepen
>Rouge, blanc, bleu marine!
>Sans Marine, c'est la déprime
>Marine Le Pen c'est la prochaine

Save thanks

what to do if you can't meme in french?

I like that. Its simple and imply all muslims should be Toursed.


Vive la Résistance.

Given it's usage in a specific time in history, liberals will focus more on attacking the slogan than attacking the ideas and it will backfire on them.

Same thing that happened with MSM in the US calling Trump and his supporters racist and misogynist.

Bienvenue a la langue française du 16e siècle

We are surrender.

What are the chances LP beats Juppé just incase Sarkozy doesn't make it?


La France Apaisée

We will mess with the online polls and spam the internet with pro-Sarkozy messages in order to trick Sarkozy into thinking he has more support than he actually does.

Nous nous mêlerons des sondages en ligne et du spam de l'Internet avec des messages pro-Sarkozy afin de tromper Sarkozy en pensant qu'il a plus de soutien qu'il ne le fait réellement.

Our last hope

Is fucking David Brock coming up with these slogans for her? That is seriously shit.

On a une liste des sondages?

La france à baiser.

Don't disappoint us France.

Calling it now, Frexit is the next happening outside of the US.


I was expecting something different when I seen that link

he is a traitor and must be kicked out france but she likes his music? young conservative french see this and think it's ok. stop thinking with your dicks. she must be put in place until she learns.

I already bet on le pen to win @ 6 to 1.

Sans Marine Lepen, ça ne vaut pas la peine!

No, this is dumb –Le Pen won't beat Juppé, so you have to prevent him getting the nomination.


Also The french people might be inspired by Trump and Brexit.

anyone got any subtitled le Pen speeches?

Shouldn't you be getting hacked to death with a machete?

I have no idea. Hopefully the Frenchmen here will keep /France General/ alive and provide lists of polls for us to correct.

Je n'ai aucune idée. J'espère que les Français vont garder / France Général / vivant et fournir des listes de sondages pour que nous puissions corriger.

Soutenir Sarkozy en ligne aidera à le convaincre de diviser éventuellement ou pourrait effectivement l'aider à obtenir la nomination. Rien de plus que nous puissions faire pour aider Juppé. Autre que cela, nous devrions nous concentrer sur aider Le Pen plutôt que simplement parier qu'elle va monter contre un parti républicain divisé.

Supporting Sarkozy online will help convince him to possibly split or could actually help him get the nomination. Nothing more we can do to help Juppe. Other than that, we should focus on helping Le Pen rather than simply betting that she'll go up against a divided Republicans party.

Fuck off faggot. Almost all the music that Trump played at his rallies have anti-white undertones

Jews control the music industry

Surfons sur la vague bleu Marine !

Not sure if you got my gist. My suggestions are here and revolve around stopping Juppé by helping Sarkozy, but not trying to split the party and making Sarkozy think he can run on his own.