Its coming

Are you faggots ready to fight your fellow americans?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll fight socialists. They aren't really people anyways.

Only if they manage to rig it so Trump doesn't take office. You can be sure the military will fight for us when hes in.

Army of hardworking Americans who don't get ptsd after going to a shooting range vs an army of queers and manbabies with dildos.

No contest

Yes just make sweeping generalizations about people who don't support the don. I know many liberals that are trained and own guns. This place is a cancer.

Pol you die first!

Oh yeah I'm totally sure there are just as many liberals with guns as conservatives. That's why California and New York are so pro gun right?

This is me
Wishing a nigger would.

It's no worse than tumbler or reddit on that score, user and just as filled with drama queens, apparently.

300 million plus guns in America. It will be a bloodbath.

We'll hire the Japanese to make it into a game show.

oh stfu, drama queen


If a civil war starts, I'm moving to Texas.

>Its coming.

No it's not.

The first stop ought to be the Presidio of San Diego. Good thing General Joe is going to take the American naval enclave out before they have time to grab their weapons.

I'm foaming at the mouth. I literally don't think 95% of them could load and fire a gun.

They don't have guns and don't know how to use guns, user. It'll be like fight between a toddler and a heavyweight boxer.

>300 millions guns
Double that number. Surely you don't believe the media...

I love triggering you guys

Locked and loaded sir

The south would turn into Haiti without the union


The fires of revolution will unite us like better before. We have the technology to become self-sufficient from government. All citizens will be free to do as they please free from the oppression of the bourgeoisie.

You guys are hysterical. The people protesting are literally kida who got participation trophies. They are inconsequential kiddy boopers.

The people calling for race war are the same loud mouthed do nothing racists who always have.

There will be no massive armed civil conflict. If these laughable morons ever became a threat the police crack skulls. if aomehow it got bigger the national guard cracks skulls. if somehow it got beyond that, God help them, because armed trump supporters and respectable americans would slaughter tham in spectacular fashion.

Inb4 some deluded leftist retard thinks they would stand a chance.


You're just like a niggers and the rest of the trash unable to make logical assessments. Of course there are outliers in any given data set. Outliers do not represent the average.

Good luck retard. Prepare for your family to watch you get killed on live stream lmao

We would cut the gibs and blacks would flood the North. You pay us to babysit them.

Down with the eagle and up with the cross!

Pretty sure this is a fair estimation. People who owns a gun generally owns several guns. 2, 3, 100, who knows, there's no oficial figure for that.

i wish this happened

usa couldn't die sooner tbqh

At this time there were men in the both side nowadays it's not the same.

Trump side have like 99% of the guns in all the US anyway.

We don't deserve to be a first world country anymore.



Hahahaha did you not hear? America is entering a golden age. Tweens and 20 something kids marching and chanting stupidity will be entirely, 100% inconsequential for anyone other than themselves getting arrested and pushing more away from their ideology. We're sending your countrymen back too. You guys can make mexico shit again.

You are the problem. Communism is a disease of the mind. Off yourself immediately.

Fuck yeah. I can't wait until we have Flynn's March to the Sea, in which we burn and pillage California (except for the red-pilled areas).

Lefties are too cucked to fight.

I would rather die than kill a fellow American.

not ever going to happen, you guys are scared to leave the house

Too young to remember the last days of the USSR, obviously.

Already whistlin' Dixie, M8

Can't wait for technological unemployment when all you tendie eating autists will get royally fucked and realize both the blue and red pill never existed in the first place. Realize that you fed into the propaganda machine harder than the hillbots and now with a smaller government you are left to starve and die on the street.

Fuck off kike.

I live in the Bay Area but I don't even care any more. Just fucking nuke us

These people aren't my fellow americans, They're interlopers.

They're Communists, not Americans.

Liberals, kikes, niggers, spics, and communists are not my fellow Americans. But at any rate, yes I'm ready to fight them. Hopefully we can meme the state of Jefferson into existence amidst the chaos. I'd love to live in an uncucked ocean border state with beautiful forests.

founding fathers were liberal

blacks have been in america longer than most whites (especially west coast whites)

hispanics are descended from native americans


>i just read an article talking about automation
>muh UBI
KYS homes. Smart people are in recession proof and automation proof careers already. Productive ones who arent will be transferred and trained for other careers.

With all the illegal megsicans being sent back even you millenial BA in underwater basket weaving types will even have a chance to mow lawns and pick fruit.

Just wow. Holy fuck. This has to be bait. Yeah this is bait.

Trump doesn't appear to be. So I guess you're on your own Hans.

what exactly did i say that was false



>i dont have anything intelligent to say
KYS numale trash.

>founding fathers were liberal
Classical liberals. There's a difference

>blacks have been in america longer than most whites (especially west coast whites)
Nope, most of them came after 1965

>hispanics are descended from native americans
Who cares?

2/10 made me reply

founding fathers were blacks you racist piece of shit

most black americans are descended from the slaves, how the fuck did most of them come over 100 years after slavery ended? and you call my post bait

The only thing that's coming to America is a big party. Put that olive in your martini glass and sip it.

You're not getting the Southwest back, Paco. New Mexico could kick Old Mexico's ass without support from the rest of the country.

You are the kind of person who would eat ass and wonder why it tastes shitty.

fuck off kike

will there be a foreign legion for trumps side?

But liberals are mostly pro gun control and don't carry any sort of weapon, so what the fuck are they going to fight us with? Their strap-ons? I mean there's niggers with their glocs, but they're too busy killing each other.

Why does are state have a hockey team? They are so irrelevant I even forget about them until I read the News & Observer every morning.

The only state that would realistically start a civil war is California, and possibly Washington. That's it.

Why not New England? They rarely get butthurt at election results because as much of cucks they are for wanting Clinton, at least the only riots that result are from BLM and Latinos.

And why would California want to start a civil war over this? It'd be a couple million liberals and SJWs with kitchen knives and pepper spray versus millions of republicans with guns, the US military, and trade bans and embargos that will destroy its already declining economy. Hell, Texas alone could destroy California in a state versus state war, regardless of population difference, because of the fact that the only ones protesting and rioting and begging for secession because of Trump being elected that HAVE GUNS in the first place are the dindus and the mexicans that would rather not get killed fighting for liberal cucks.

And also think about how bad the water situation in Cali is, they'd have to buy water from other countries, and if the US is blocking them by land with vastly superior ground forces and the US Navy is blocking them from sea, they're fucked.

You guys are easier to bait than SJWs.

>I mean there's niggers with their glocs, but they're too busy killing each other.

You mean Hi Points?

It will be different this time. No clear boundaries or allegiances to target.

The question is, do we burn the cities down or let the fuckers starve? You can be damn sure they won't be coming to fight in our backyards.

Hey c-canada. I'm having t-this party in 2017. Y-you want to come? You can bring Justin, n-no homo.

You dont know the first thing about eating ass you little faggot. Syrup or jelly?

fuck off kike

I have no problem sacrificing my life to fight Cultural Marxism in the US. If they want to go hot, I'm ready to go hot.

>Kill all the men and ugly women
>Kidnap pretty women and make them a source of dairy

I once took an oath to defend this nation and constitution that defines it against all enemies foriegn and domestic. And I will stepovn the necks of as many cold dead leftists, communists, SJW's, snowflakes, feminazis, illegal immigrants, and dindus as it fucking takes to honor that oath

>receive living off of American taxes
>live better than most of the human population
>wipe your ass with the flag because you don't get a free limo and a mansion made of white pussy on your EBT card

I don't see any Americans.

It's ironic you say that, considering how many trannies are on this board, you know Trump supporters who happen to be trannies too.

What about the gay following Trump has?

>owning a computer
>talking shit about "le bourgeoisie"
good one m8

Ass tastes good desu, nothing like tongue punching some slut's fartbox before you fanny fun time her dirty down diggler ditch.

Most likely, first, California will secede.

>most black americans are descended from the slaves
Yeah, except they're not.

>how the fuck did most of them come over 100 years after slavery ended?
Because they breed like rabbits

We should be meming to incite them. The harder the stance they take the worse they will look. This is the chance to get a real race war started

Watch the autists continue to take the bait.

it's funny that liberals are the ones preaching peace yet they're also the main cause of violence in this country even more than the nigs. I don't think trump voters would be rioting in the streets this much if hillary were electing.

>Born just in time to slaughter Californian liberals with my buddies from Sup Forums

What a time to be alive!

NRA card-carrying rednecks against SF cucks and 300 lb pink-haired feminists?
$100 on the red.

Also, I could join as a volunteer if I get to keep a harem of 3 feminists taken as war spoils (one CAN find three non-disgustingly-ugly feminists in the whole US of A... can one? ...right?)

Thats the only way i see this ending


you gotta learn the difference between a gay man and a faggot.

one day, it might save your life.

What's that song the niggers were singing in the streets when Obama was elected?

My president is Trump
My lambos blue


Slaughter? But they are like the richest state. They have no issue just splitting with the rest of the US. They're basically the 6th economy on the planet if they go separate ways.

They're both the same to me. Except faggot can be just a casual insult.

Whereas gays are just degenerate faggots.

The highest estimate for hellbound abominations here is something like 4%. They are completely irrelevant.

im a gay bottom and i would still be able to kill at least 3 of them with my bare hands

>free from government
>Soviet flag

пиздeц ты eбaнyтый

erm, I mean, please kys rn

or better yet, move to Venezuela while you have a chance to witness the glory of a far-left government

I mean, they're but a shadow of a True Communist party, but that's about the best you're gonna get these days

(and no, NK won't work - they won't let a baka-gaijin out of a gilded cage)

gays and faggots get the gas
trannies get the ovens without the gas, pretty simple

IF the Irish Join us again we will be victorious

Hes a Leftist. we will him like the rest.....

wasn't there a battle during the Civil War where Irish volunteers fought on both sides?

The Irish.
Never the ones to miss a good fight.