I guess most aliens Homeworld Gems have encountered were non-sapient...

I guess most aliens Homeworld Gems have encountered were non-sapient, so they did have any encounters any foreign alien civilizations, at least until they reached Earth, with humans being the first sapient species they made contact with.

Anyways, Steven Universe discussion thread.

In the vast reach of the Gem Empire, over literally thousands of years, and the only other civilization they've come across are Humans?
Either Beerus is present in the SUverse or Rebecca can't into world building. Because that is ludicrous if there isn't a single other space faring civ out there.

It is an interesting idea that gems have only gotten as far as they did, because the only opposition they had encountered in the colony planets had been the native fauna.

>Anyways, Steven Universe discussion thread.

Why do people like this show?

Sounds realistic enough for me

>Stevonnie starts killing the wildlife much like how the diamonds killed the wildlife in order to survive


What is Self Defense?

It used to be pretty and have cool monsters. Now, not so much.

Who said these things weren't sentient?

I said sapient, not sentient.


>Stevonnie doesn't have Steven's shitty pacifist no-kill rule
Based Connie

Have they actually said that? Besides Rose, the rest of the gems didn't give a shit about humans, which would probably hold true for other life. And Rose is from Earth iirc.

honestly considering the nature of SU i’d be more suprised if they did portray it as self-defense

I know this is a bizzare as fuck question, but if you were tasked with designing and creating a character that was the complete opposite of Steven and/or Rose Quartz how would you go about it?

There's literally no indication one way or another as to how many advanced civilizations actually exist, since we're the only even remotely advanced civilization that we know of. For all we know we could be entirely alone, or there could be millions. Shit we haven't even found surefire signs of extraterrestrial life period, let alone advanced civilizations, and we don't even know if the evolutionary mechanisms behind our own intellect could be replicated elsewhere, period. It's not ludicrous at all to assume that there might only be a handful, anymore than it is to assume that there are billions upon billions, because the truth is that we just don't know.

Thin, tall, gnarly, dark colored, edgelord.
Black Pearl.

any leaks on the new eps?


tonight apparently

A frail skinny bald man in a dark green suit who kills with a touch.

>stevonnie breathing in space
>stevonnie growing a beard
>stevonnie fighting perry the platypus
How long until Jasper and Pearl interact

The alien designs look like a fucking preschoolers drawing, ive never been so dissapointed in this show

>complete opposite
>edgy rock daughteru whose meatbag father was assimilated into his gem wife and passed on to her
>the father led a revolution against the gems and she wants to carry on his vengeance

>Being more disappointed in some shitty alien designs than them dropping the ball with Lapis so hard she literally made other characters around her worse.

Why don't you just put the whole world in a bubble, Mr. Universe?

>so they did have any encounters any foreign alien civilizations
I'd be interested to see the turnout if they met the Combine or the Xen aliens from Half Life. Both are advanced alien civilizations that invade planets and strip them of their resources and use strange light based weaponry(Dark matter in the case of the Combine)

Not a fan of the small single fighter ship that Stevonnie is flying, it looks like the Gummi ship from Kingdom hearts.

growing a beard?

Ive been hyped as shit that theyd pull a trasnformers G1 season 3 and introduce new alien and alien villains. I guess they dont make writers like they used too COBRA “cough” “cough” “cough

That is the lamest looking drawn creature I've ever seen in an animated show. Why is this show so fucking terrible?

I hated lapis in general, so glad they wrote her out and peri might actually get with a better character


fake and gay

What makes you think that? I think that'd be pretty boring if that were the case.

Check the ad yourself, it's there.

animals are are sentient. humans are sapient. Able to think, with reason, philosophy, that stuff. In fiction, other sapient creatures can communicate, reason, go to war with humans, etc.

What do you think ROnaldo's favourite pizza is?

Like, nega-Steven? Disregard for organic life, possesses some natural ability to corrode/crack/corrupt gems and other lifeforms, I guess.


So....the Diamonds?


>Either Beerus is present in the SUverse
Hey now even the DB universe had sapient races on other planets.

oh, right. If Pink Diamond has some essence within Steven/Rose Quartz, I wonder if White Diamond has some kind of antithetical power to Steven's healing.

Thinking about it, do you really think CN would let them show a humanoid creature getting cut up and killed

> I wonder if White Diamond has some kind of antithetical power to Steven's healing.

Apparently NASA recently found some galaxy far far off with several earth-like planets in a row.

>this single planet out of all the countless billions of planets in the cosmos is populated by non-sapient animals, therefore no other sapient life besides humans and gems exists

That is the single most retarded conclusion you could have jumped to, OP. I guess the saying is true: OP is always a fag.

I suppose it comes down to personal preference, but when I tried to watch this show I found all the MCs to be totally unlikable

Theres millions of earth like planets in our galaxy alone, coupled with how life can evolve in environents totally unlike ours, it would be fucking stupid for there not to be a shitton of alien races flying around and if sugar doesnt have the gems encounter any then shes a hack and im offically dropping this fucking show

I've been out of the loop, has the whole episode been leaked?

No, nothing has been leaked.

The fact that no other alien species had been named as of yet, and because most of the gem tech has a fatal flaw that it's not designed to incapacitate or contain organic creatures, just further proves that the gems had no contact with sapient aliens besides humans.

>just further proves that the gems had no contact with sapient aliens besides humans.

It literally does not. Gems don't consider organic species to be worth anything so there's no reason they would be named, and aside from collecting specimens for Pink's zoo (which Aquamarine and Topaz did quite handily on their own without specialized equipment) Gems have no reason to incapacitate or contain jack shit.

If any of the species were space-worthy, or at least a somewhat of a threat or a rival to Homeworld, they would at least have names for them or their tools be adequately prepared to deal with them.
That's just more proof that the gems hadn't encountered any space faring civilizations and probably not even any sentient species, besides human.

Stop browsing on Sup Forums and pick up that can.

I'm starting to think that you don't understand what "proof" means.

Well shit...

English is not my first language.
I think the more appropriate word would've been 'Implication'.

since it's pulling teeth just to see gems outside of Earth I doubt we'll ever see other aliens unless sneople become the new big threat, it would be cool though to see a different planet with a group similar to the crystal gems protecting it's lifeforms/civilizations nut good luck with that
would explain why in the flashback from lapis that jaspers were fighting with SPEARS

>The ability for a planet to harbor life means that intelligent life must be common.
t. brainlet. It took 3.5 billion years for intelligent life to evolve on Earth, even if life were exceptionally common intelligent life could be exceptionally rare.

You must be fucking retarded to think with all the planets that have life on it that intelligent life isnt fairly common

the reason the Jaspers in Lapis' flashback were fighting with spears could be because it was during a raid at the Beta Kindergarten and they were newly emerged/unprepared, it has already been hinted that the Beta Kindergartens gems were fighting from the second they emerged by Jasper and Eyeball, we know homeworld already had spaceships and stuff before the war started so the war wasn't fought with primitive weapons

Gem physiology basically demands that Gem vs. Gem combat be melee, anyway. If you poof a gem using ranged attacks, you still have to close the distance to it for shattering and/or bubbling before your target can reform or is rescued by allies. If you just engage in CQC from the get-go, your target is right there and can be shattered/bubbled immediately after being poofed.

>Yellow Diamond's power affects a gem's physical form
>Blue Diamond's power affects a gem's emotions

Following this pattern, either White Diamond or Pink Diamond has/had mind control powers.

that might be sort of true, but making missiles that have enough force to shatter gems probably isn't hard for homeworld to do, and if other gems have powers like opal they can use their ranged attacks to simultaneously poof and bubble gems

The Diamond powersets are disappointingly underwhelming as of now desu

There's not any actual way to know that m8.
We have no idea what the average amount of time is for intelligent life to evolve, if it ever does.
On Earth it took 3.5 billion years. A great number of stars don't even last that long period. And that's not factoring in the number of planets harboring life vs the number of planets harboring complex life. We really, really don't know the conditions that even made multi-cellular life first evolve here, so for all we know it was a freak accident or otherwise something exceedingly rare. Hell it took 3 billion years just to get that far, never mind intelligence. There could be tons of Earth-like planets that never even get beyond single-cellular life.

It's all just speculation. We don't know until we start finding some examples. Getting mad about an intelligent life-empty universe in fiction is fruitless because for all we know that could be completely right.

>white diamond gem stone placed on mind
>mind powers
>pink diamond gem stone placed on her navel probably representing birth
>birth powers aka healing or some shit idk

Pink Diamond could probably create and restore life, which is somehow related to Steven and Roses spit and crying powers.

>Getting mad about an intelligent life-empty universe in fiction is fruitless
No its not, its very boring. Thats why i hate gundam
>because for all we know that could be completely right.
Dont fucking even say that, if that turns out to be true then i would have nothing to look forward to and be totally without any wonder left

>implying the cosmos is there to entertain you

>Implying a FICTIONAL anything isn't made to entertain people

nice detail with the cough

>if that turns out to be true

>Implying your perspective and beliefs on how fiction should entertain hold universal value to all people.
t. brainlet.

Tall, skinny, apparently emotionless, void eyes, walk with long steps, bald, wears a white t-shirt that's a little too big.

>calls people brainlet
>thinks the universe cant be filled with life because it makes him fell like a smarter then everyone else elitist by calling them idiots for wanting alien life
>even takes his autism to how people should enjoy fiction
Fucking retard, thats why i hate most sci fi animes because there filled with nihilist fucks like you that think “hurr durr aliens arent real and too goofy lets focus on boring colony politics instead”

You motherfucking brainlet
I said it could go either way you fucking peabrain
It's up to the people producing fiction to take it in whatever direction they want numbskull
Some people like settings with lots of aliens and some don't you bonehead
There's plenty of media that goes in either direction, the only one acting as if fiction can only be enjoyed in one of these directions is you shit for brains

I wasn't even the user you were replying to nor did I say that in my post. Your post said that 'the cosmos isn't there to entertain you' to an user who finds your opinion on a fictional cosmos boring. Your comment implied that the fictional cosmos isn't there to entertain when fiction is supposed to be a form of entertainment.

humanity were the first sapience-hosting species the gems attempted to catalogue. that is why gems are hominids.

Youre moving goal posts and denying what you said, only a thicc skulled retard like you would have any doubt the universe is teaming with life

Fuck you, I still like it, warts and all.

>Finally other non-gem aliens
It's only took them 6 goddamn seasons! Sugar you hack

A missile that has enough force to shatter gemstones in the blast radius would also damage the surrounding terrain -terrain which Gems require in order to procreate. Fucking up the landscape directly affects a world's reproductive value.

And the Opal thing is pure conjecture. We have no idea if Gems with power sets similar to hers even exist, but if they did they probably would have been in wider use. But from what we've seen they aren't -otherwise the rebellion would have been over in however many minutes it takes to drop a load of that kind of Gem on Earth.


>accepting horribly shit aliens that look like a kid drew them
Fuck you, i love some of the characters but even this pisses me off, especially since ive waited years for properly desinged aliens

I thought they were going to eat the poor fucker

>YD is a giraffe
>Topaz was a slab
>half the corrupted gems
>literally every second of Peridot's slow collapse into a gremlin

No offense but what the fuck did you think you were going to get?

Remember that forced fusion that was a ciclops with a giant foot for a hand?
Good times

Something like sugars weird art from pug davis

You're a retard if you hate Gundam for not including millions of alien races. It has nothing to do with the story nor the world the creators were intent on establishing.

Youre a retard for liking the shit story the creators chose instead, faggot

>space-faring sci-fi stories must adhere to my very specific worldview or they are bad

Like 40% of the show, the rest is Steven dicking around boring humans.

>boring space politics about class divisions in space must means its deep and mature

Something out of Phyrexia would do the trick, half organic half inorganic skinny bitch that wants all organic stuff to ascend into the inorganic superiority

>b-but it'd be better with aliums!
Ok my dude

The plot would be better if they did alot of other things, and yes it would be more interesting if they featured aliens. Get fucked

Steven Universe is a deeply flawed show. There are many ways you can take the existing script, change it, and suddenly have a better series.

>add aliens
Is one of the dumbest fucking "improvements" you could ever suggest.