What do you think of this future film?

What do you think of this future film?


Other urls found in this thread:



The flower transformation was bordering on nightmarish. And the voice acting is fucking atrocious, they literally say the words, "aaahhhh" rather than screaming.

Did shadman make this movie?

>that Audrey II

>saying "aaaaaaaaah" real loud constitutes as screaming
A meme I wish would die in voice acting. Surely microphones in recording booths can handle someone screaming.

The piranha plant thing has the best voice actor. I wonder if it's even going to be a character in the film.

Why does Germany keep screwing up making good animated films?
That Pixies film, The Seventh Dwarf, Maya the Bee, and now this.

>mother tells daughter to get up
>literally only 10 seconds pass
Who finds this relatable?

Just the character designs

loli feet

Not unless you're a little girl

I won see who will draw fan art of her first

this, I'm excited already

Not the best looking loli, but I'll take it.

so it's just fairly odd parents?

Definitely Shad if the news gets to him.



>The flower transformation was bordering on nightmarish
yeah what the fuck
>mouth full of never ending petals
>petals growing around her eyeballs
all it needed was vines or some shit sprouting under her fingernails and we would have hit peak 03AMPJSYWkrHqY63ijaSWpGYk1QeHo-7ztU7Z1szwpPeP9luLtuJnku1xogy8Ki3Y9Bzh_vSSJ6Sx9zJAxIL2Quy6f4eMA0uNeT3-V9SmYBktPvvgJxbeDjuTKkbDbvGUQL9jo45Y27kz_HGv7I0h-lHSI85etuk2S_c3htWLhFtswaQtJuC7j6ka6l4g3EwO0DsDFkRxe3EgQ6R-xAjT3NZ0Iu38RVPlo4g&th=,dYRXhKWwpNXcxeLBLya2xAzmVAGQfLrwAAAAQKAAAACdawOHLtJ73nZj_dTEtf24AgR-0ETtCPWjEpUJSWZucApWIO5mY6Lqmr-FYcjUpoWNCs7d-xDIvTxTZbXNicccNrpxCi3UVPK2d44ff1hA4lQ5wg13OhL3R3-HEdwmwXRp5PFPIlo54DVFiE2NPS9B1YK1KRgwQboq-zvZtqiXqhGxlzE6NzEYF5AgkTXNpM_2yhx0Y6V1ilH_Svk4AU5tjmLNcqqjhyfWX1x0cqLrraNvwoULpr4FjSzSMzDGTwigHx4pvayu4F8YRG7Dg4P_jFGaXyo9ktVCtpA5jvr1eZFM5WApGN6u6qbAP0kHG0pJGgUqG-t1iqKHjqCwsqQev_9a4cT8MIS-lz_LsMNO-_7gbXMc_12bUxuFtQ8B2SOM3GadZpJrvijbNoqQGGLMknN_VBReppz8AlRzIlyGT8RFl7Fm86VJqPjy2ai2kaexv6cWzwTu2xXqYlmzRxlltaZ0D4o35S8FF3pz_IERrmRdRBAiw0N9TbH0gDN9iZoIeyNCK1d1uHfxY6RgP1WU5Z8XaxBkcj7Pw_0ycE2Uk86WfL4k9cQktjyhyvX0epm8tcpSCJCCO1B5A6aNDk92tHUcTRM-MZ-uHgVVwY46QwS2XuBw41RXJdKJCbn856i91TVrI5M-ddyQiP4VZ4tmy5M2i24NI0y3ajKbNX15p7y16GBKfT0ffjGAmxo4F5JFEt6yufsAn2450nK0oN8S6EB6gbLIJmbU_VRChlmCaNOsCkN_n_I9uSkwwU1CbG4MnKoJTOPg6m5pLg9EBrVudAwrOHB7kUs9doJ54VIEz24CW2vx1ZcPO5CEz_4Pyp06gEUOztJccHu-VX8OXPFGoW3P7EO_99JMdrs9wcoO9wLhxzSs8sA145fXzjzsuaqDAPrg3J-b2rYU4CgpsZ9rzuNxtLaZubJIU32ubS70moKhUs4ocqZqoBqG19YXO0c7KxJ9tqFQUq56WavuSnxORQ_2v2d-TmAsO7wpmLJg8yooRASmfrR3FZTq5ioT-IuF-zWeiDyrlcUGC0PyhMWoU3HLYBtqV2Dv8Y_OYzSjWZyUjBd5ttqwbhdOe5ySxlKpcYCeghEeisJPAeT-zqTu_ZSNFBACqnzHd8le7WTH0OvhzREzpZQE4rSSWDcFZ-qp9qj1_Tmu9Av3TBPQT7tZqB4feJEZaHvFg995pSQ8y9SDprgWQxV48r5l

This trailer seems like it's designed to keep viewers from getting a good view of her one bare foot.

morning yoga

Looks like it has a lot of porntential.

>Maya the Bee
Maya the bee is animated in Belgium
Also, bite your god damn tongue

Are...are you alright user? Did you have a stroke while typing up this post? Can someone please check on this user?

I think your skin sloughed off, revealing your true robot self

The fuck

Nice to see yet another red haired cutie up on the screen.

PGP encrypted text?

Are you okay?

Is that the voice of Star Butterfly?

>peak 03AMPJSYWkrHqY63ijaSWpGYk1QeHo-7ztU7Z1szwpPeP9luLtuJnku1xogy8Ki3Y9Bzh_vSSJ6Sx9zJAxIL2Quy6f4eMA0uNeT3-V9SmYBktPvvgJxbeDjuTKkbDbvGUQL9jo45Y27kz_HGv7I0h-lHSI85etuk2S_c3htWLhFtswaQtJuC7j6ka6l4g3EwO0DsDFkRxe3EgQ6R-xAjT3NZ0Iu38RVPlo4g&th=,dYRXhKWwpNXcxeLBLya2xAzmVAGQfLrwAAAAQKAAAACdawOHLtJ73nZj_dTEtf24AgR-0ETtCPWjEpUJSWZucApWIO5mY6Lqmr-FYcjUpoWNCs7d-xDIvTxTZbXNicccNrpxCi3UVPK2d44ff1hA4lQ5wg13OhL3R3-HEdwmwXRp5PFPIlo54DVFiE2NPS9B1YK1KRgwQboq-zvZtqiXqhGxlzE6NzEYF5AgkTXNpM_2yhx0Y6V1ilH_Svk4AU5tjmLNcqqjhyfWX1x0cqLrraNvwoULpr4FjSzSMzDGTwigHx4pvayu4F8YRG7Dg4P_jFGaXyo9ktVCtpA5jvr1eZFM5WApGN6u6qbAP0kHG0pJGgUqG-t1iqKHjqCwsqQev_9a4cT8MIS-lz_LsMNO-_7gbXMc_12bUxuFtQ8B2SOM3GadZpJrvijbNoqQGGLMknN_VBReppz8AlRzIlyGT8RFl7Fm86VJqPjy2ai2kaexv6cWzwTu2xXqYlmzRxlltaZ0D4o35S8FF3pz_IERrmRdRBAiw0N9TbH0gDN9iZoIeyNCK1d1uHfxY6RgP1WU5Z8XaxBkcj7Pw_0ycE2Uk86WfL4k9cQktjyhyvX0epm8tcpSCJCCO1B5A6aNDk92tHUcTRM-MZ-uHgVVwY46QwS2XuBw41RXJdKJCbn856i91TVrI5M-ddyQiP4VZ4tmy5M2i24NI0y3ajKbNX15p7y16GBKfT0ffjGAmxo4F5JFEt6yufsAn2450nK0oN8S6EB6gbLIJmbU_VRChlmCaNOsCkN_n_I9uSkwwU1CbG4MnKoJTOPg6m5pLg9EBrVudAwrOHB7kUs9doJ54VIEz24CW2vx1ZcPO5CEz_4Pyp06gEUOztJccHu-VX8OXPFGoW3P7EO_99JMdrs9wcoO9wLhxzSs8sA145fXzjzsuaqDAPrg3J-b2rYU4CgpsZ9rzuNxtLaZubJIU32ubS70moKhUs4ocqZqoBqG19YXO0c7KxJ9tqFQUq56WavuSnxORQ_2v2d-TmAsO7wpmLJg8yooRASmfrR3FZTq5ioT-IuF-zWeiDyrlcUGC0PyhMWoU3HLYBtqV2Dv8Y_OYzSjWZyUjBd5ttqwbhdOe5ySxlKpcYCeghEeisJPAeT-zqTu_ZSNFBACqnzHd8le7WTH0OvhzREzpZQE4rSSWDcFZ-qp9qj1_Tmu9Av3TBPQT7tZqB4feJEZaHvFg995pSQ8y9SDprgWQxV48r5l


loli foot


> i wish. it's machine code

Hold on, this reminds me of when you're trying to copy an image from google but you only copy the thumbnail, like . Wonder what that means. Also, please note that I deleted most of the url from my example because it was too long.

Just to preemptively get this out of the way


Dude, how do you do this on accident? This had to be on purpose.

I've done it before, but I can't remember how. I think copy and pasting an image wrong or something idk i'm have too much vodka



Why do the mom, the pubescent girl, and the magical pixie all sound like they were voiced by the same person?

Uh, alright.

I already tried using the text that way as if it were a png, jpg, gif and bmp
None of them worked. Its an incomplete string of data

So how soon before he makes porn?

Someone needs to crack the code.

Looks like a torrent magnet link

I can’t check it out since I’m on my phone

What do you think she'll wear to school?

that trailer is almost two years old. I feel sorry for her.


>Why does Germany keep screwing up making good animated films?
Because that's how we roll.
Minimum pay, none of the staff has any experience/skill, producers don't give a fuck about quality or are incapable of telling good from bad.

It's how our entertainment industry works. Kids entertainment in particular.

t. German animator


A buttplug


>A meme I wish would die in voice acting. Surely microphones in recording booths can handle someone screaming.
They would, but unless forces people not to do it, the "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" meme will never die.

And I do mean never.

Is there anything interesting currently going on?
Or are there any rumors about stuff?

she should have an OUCH! t shirt in the fanart

did you worked one these movies:

whoops noah's ark is gone
son of bigfoot
robinson crusoe


as soon as he sees the thread

I don't know what interests you, but personally I'd say the answer is no.
Obviously since I don't want to put myself in danger, I'm not going to answer that. There's usually just a handful of German artists working on multinational European productions like that. Most of the work is done in France and/or Belgium.

Germany's part in (comparatively) large scale productions like the ones you mentioned is usually reduced to that of a financial backer. (The exception being Noah.) We like to give money to foreigners.

If you want horror stories, stick with all-German productions like the ones from Caligari Film (Basically a dozen Maya beginners churning out shit day and night at a tiny office in Stuttgart.), or any pretty much animation studio from Hamburg where "My Fairy Troublemaker" is currently (not) being made, because it's lost in production hell.
Sometimes it's better not to produce something at all, before it ends up becoming something like Knight Rusty or Coconut.

I knew you were lurking this thread Shadman

Holy fuck is this pedo bait?

Why would you even think that?

The voice actor is shit though
I'd prefer a sweaty shirt for her and short pants

Because i want to fuck that loli

So, if I were interested in pitching a cartoon, should I start learning French?

You should give up. Random people pitching cartoons, that's not a thing here.
You have to get hired by an animation studio as a writer (Good luck meeting their requirements.) and work your way up until you're in a position to make decisions. That's going to take you at least five years.
Or befriend an influential producer, but that's not possible.

Is there any chance to go throught the backdoor as a childrens book writer? How often does this happen?

Frankly, no. The children's book market in particular is overflowing with content. And only a select few who have already proven to be tremendously financially successful are adapted as cartoons or movies. Even if your book is amazing, you might never get this chance.
If you want to get into the cartoon business, get your major in writing and apply for a job somewhere in your country. (You'll never be fluent enough in French to be a French writer.) You have to know people in the industry first, before you do anything.

Or, you know, there's always Youtube. Learn to draw.

>look up oops where's noah
>main characters are two animals not on the list
>two male animals


I've already picked up Fun with a Pencil and I joined a course for script writing my University offerend to get some perspectives and also for socialization.


Two female characters also didn't get on the ship.They mated with the males but the offspring was sterile.

>trailer nearly 2 years old
>barely over 1k views
>only one comment
>"Hi ,I'm interested to know when the movie will be ,or will develop ,it is that I like this title ;)"
I don't know how to feel.

She got a distribution so probably fine

how'd you get past the captcha?

Surely you slammed your head on your keyboard, right user?

He better

excuse me?

That's really the German entertainment industry in general though.
There are literally like 5 movies total that were made by German speaking countries that aren't complete shit.

It's a shame because there are a lot of really talented people but they rarely have the chance to produce some good content.
Like shit, Gute Arbeit Originals is the best sketch/impro comedy that has ever been made in Germany and they canceled it after a year because the mainstream audience is too retarded to get it.

A new waifu every day.

I saw this cartoon before...its called the fairly odd parents!

A qt.

Pretty much every German comedy movie shows this rather well. The serious parts are pretty much beyond impressive but you have to sit throught incredibly unfunny and dumb forced jokes. It almost like every investor thinks ´that pretty much every movie needs to be a silly lowbrow comedy and that serious stuff is not allowed.

Also, is it just me or does German cartoon dubbing feel like it is mainly a way for actors to let off steam about that? Because I've got the impression that cartoons when dubbed into German feel far more serious than they are intended to be with OV.

German TV produces family dramas and light comedies almost exclusively. The public broadcasters target elderly people while the private broadcasters target working class mouth breathers, the former being Germany's largest TV audience by far. And then there's a small section that targets preschoolers.
Apart from that, there's almost nothing.

>far more serious than they are intended
I think that's just your impression. Can you name a few examples?

>Who finds this relatable?
Never lived with really really impatient people I see lucky bastard

I really can't pinpoint it, it just generally feels more serious and less quirky even if it is supposed to be quirky. I guess I've got that impression from Spongebob, Simpsons and some bad Canadian cartoons like Scaredy Squirrel or Half-Naked Animals.

>saw this cartoon before...its called the fairly odd parents!
Strange, I never wanted to fuck Timmy before this trailer

oh my god look at that ffabric


You wanted flowerpower

Shit German animation bump.

>freckle loli

>remember when the trailer was released
>posted on Sup Forums
>thread is dead

Why does it look more like leather?

I get it user. Good job keeping the hidden AI overlords off your trail.

Should we have a fetish bingo list for this movie? Looks like it'll be full of it.

if only her voice didn't sound like a 30-year old