I know this is old news now, but literally what was the point of this...

I know this is old news now, but literally what was the point of this? Just to show Batman that under his "mask" he's always smiling and that he doesn't wear one? That's it? I mean, it created some nice horror imagery at least I guess.

>no lips, can still use the letter f

It was a gimmick to start selling New 52 #1's and then they realized they wrote themselves into a corner

Edgy shock value from a hack writer. Not much else to it, really.

Just use your teeth, you can still use the letter F.

The point was that artists should be writers in very rare exceptions which Tony S. Daniel isn't.

Just to be gross and edgy

He was making fun of Batman.
"See, my real face is a mask just like yours."
It had so much potential. Even the name implied we'd see a major character killed off. Nope, it was all one huge edgy tease. I loved the sheer grandiosity to it, though, Joker felt like TDK Joker - He was just everywhere at the right time with overly-elaborate plans.

I prefer to look at Snyder & Capullo's stuff with Joker as one big Clown Prince tapestry. Red Hood One stuff in Zero Year, (throw in Bolland/Moore's Killing Joke and WB's Under the Red Hood as addt'l base canon) follow through Death of the Family and Endgame and there you have it.

Was it ever explained how he got his face reattached/regrown? I remember a Harley issue set on a beach where she runs into Joker with his face back (albeit with minor scarring) and they never explain how it's back.

>no lish, can still yoos the letter esh
I tried, couldn't use F.

Lazarus Pit, if I remember right. And was Joker really an "entity" or was he just fucking with Batman again?

Just fucking with him, but with the three jokers thing who knows now

Hey guys, Laffin' Man back atcha

Dionysium/Dionesium - The story supposedly goes that Joker found a purer version of a progenitor to Lazarus and has been haunting Gotham as the 'Pale Man' or Devil-insert for decades upon decades. His joke was to convince everyone in the city that he was an eternal evil - and it was convincing, because how else does this guy fall to his death or otherwise find himself in mortal situations only to come back fresh-faced the next week?

That's the thing, we don't.. quite know if he was eternal or if he was just fucking with Batman.

I hope the 3 Jokers story clears up the after-events of Endgame. I liked that Joker a lot, actually. Scott Snyder writes a HELL of a Joker imo.

The what now?

It was implied that he wasn't eternal due to his fear at the end of endgame.

To show how crazy Joker was. I'm serious.
It was the same at the police station. He was "different". IE: he's more mean than ever, be scared Bats!

In one of the Justice League comics, Batman sat on the Mobius chair and asked it what the real identity of the Joker is and was told there are three Jokers. And it never went anywhere.

It shouldn't upset me that much that the upper panel looks like some pretty creepy monster design if you remove clothes and green hair and pretend like its face actually looks like that rather than being a piece of skin that is cut off and attached wrong.
Lower panel is the edgist schlock imaginable, though.


A terrible idea by Tony Daniel which led into the single worst Batman event of all time, by Scott Snyder.

I think there wasn't any explanation about what Joker thought he was doing or why. It just happened and then other things happened but why all this began? never explained.

actually I think the idea was a remake of Morrison's run, the first issue in fact. Snyder has done many remakes of plots used originally by Morrison.



About the only thing I remember from this event was somebody posting about the Joker massaging his damn face muscles after that horribly callused face came off. Can anybody dig that up?

Snyder requested nobody use Joker for one year.

Tony Daniel is a terrible writer who was writing Detective Comics at the time so he gave a reason as to why Joker wasn't showing up.
Dollmaker was his shitty villain for the first arc so he tied it to that.