Guys... something's not right. Clinton was too gracious in her conceding...

Guys... something's not right. Clinton was too gracious in her conceding. Obama and her are both putting on a show of supporting Trump and calling for unity. There's no way the big evil machine is going to let him stroll into the whitehouse without actually trying to stop it

Trump tweets about professional protestors ... possibly this was him using his legendary confirmation bias. He probably has intel of something serious going on.

They have all the ingredients for staging some kind of civil unrest, why would they not use it?


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It's all too fucking easy.

Hillary could have contested. The margins were slim enough. The popular vote argument.

She just gives up her life in politics & Obama shoots the shit for 90 minutes with someone who insulted the hell out of him for almost 8 years? It's all too easy.

There is no reason for the Soros professional protestors to do shit now that hillary lost. Its over. They now have a huge loss and no return on their investment so why are they protesting now?

Dems are under the assumption that Trump is so incompetent he will fail on his own immediately. They don't want to be seen as sabotaging him publicly.

Because Obama couldnt take our guns.
Its the only reason. If we where cucked it wouldnt of even been a second thought to them

>The popular vote argument.

there is no such thing. the federal government doesn't even track the popular vote.

No. Civil unrest is being pushed by Soros but won't lead anywhere. The real reason they aren't resisting Trump's win is because there really were large fraud operations in effect they just either failed or were overwhelmed by the people. Challenging the results would expose these efforts, better to just bunker down and try again in 4 years.

Perhaps they MK Ultra the populist who has the undying support of white america and then complete their Jewish plan.

Maybe they just know that they've been stumped and can't do anything about it.

Fwiw, moochelle is being pissy about it.

What happens if Trump gets barbell'd before January? I mean both legally and politically likely.

Would Obama be so stupid as to try and declare martial law?

>There's no way the big evil machine is going to let him stroll into the whitehouse without actually trying to stop it

They didn't, they threw everything they had against him with a nonstop onslaught of push polls and media propaganda. Then he won. Failed presidential candidates don't typically continue fighting after they lose. Stop trying to find problems, he pulled off a miracle.

It doesn't matter. Al Gore took a similar case all the way to the Supreme Court. Of course he lost, but he got to be a shitstain for months. The media ate it up.

Hillary is a lawyer at heart. She knew she had a case, but backed off and ended her life in politics. Something is not right.

Mk ultra requires a certain kind of person orphans, low self esteem, other problems like that and it takes a lot of time. Plus there is so much research out about mk ultra we can break the conditioning ourselves. Also mk ultra victims go crazy and kill themselves by around 30

Grow up.

Looks like hollywood is going to start thinning itself out soon then

They were both butthurt and just did the politically correct thing like always. You could see it seeping out in their speeches.

>Al Gore took a similar case all the way to the Supreme Court.

No he didn't. Go be 19 somewhere else.

He was set up as a fall guy and he won. He never wanted to ACTUALLY be president. My guess is he will get out of it through secret deals with faithless electors and tantrum about it for more ratings after the fact.

>Clinton was too gracious in her conceding.
lol no she fucking wasn't

or did you miss the part where she sent pedosta to tell people to go home and only gave her concession speech the next day after having called Donald when he hit 270?

and her speech was cut and dry. she clearly wrote it in a hurry because she didnt fucking have one

Wasn't Hilary bawling her eyes out on election night?

She's totally lost the will to go on. Plus Obama HATES Hilary. He's no doubt relieved he doesn't have to put up with her calling him for advice and other bullshit.

Trump goes in, Obama (maybe) and Hilary quietly retire innawoods onnalake house

But that's my point. What is fishy is that Clinton and Obama are putting on a public face of respecting Trump and telling people to give him a chance. They are not contesting publicly because they are aware of a covert plan.

Clinton has no incentive to not trash talk him even after losing. She doesn't care about this country, obviously. She's just a conduit of power and because of this she is easy to read. I'm not saying Clinton plans to take power, but she is possibly setting up the stage to look like a virtuous loser which will only embolden civil unrest.

IDK. All I know is looking at Trumps 100 day plan looks like a blueprint for revolution. The stuff in there to be done is what the globalists have been working on for decades. Assassination may not be an option, but distracting him with civil unrest and other domestic problems from false flags will prevent him from getting this stuff done

unless..he was in on it all along?

Civil unrest would be a good motivator to keep Trump making good on his promise to go after Hillary and the foundation. After all, with so much turmoil he'd need to bring Hillary supporters into the fold but if he has her prosecuted they'll go even more berserk.

Because she is fearing she is going to prison. Of course she will be nice.

Sorry, I was well over 20 when I lived through it. A shame you can't refute any of it.

There's always a new starlet ready to take that place.

They're preparing to rig the electoral college.

I feel you OP. They're being too nice. Especially Obama.

Something is fishy.

your completely retarded.

She got raped by the college. Clinton is not an idiot, she will not say the nation was wrong..

I'm fully convinced that they're trying to gas-light a civil war and get nato involved which means suspension of constitution/globalism fast-track.
We should really be working right now to expose more collusion and corruption, the media got absolutely outed with the last DNCleaks, Scott Foval pointed out Aaron Black was pulling the strings for blacklivesmatter before he got banned and even stated a tale-tale hint that the podesta/pizza link was true, we need to ensure that some of these fucks go to prison or die, there is no way to ensure their kikish ways will stop until they aren't aloud to participate in our society.

Either way, something is fishy as fuck and just like we saw with Brexit, kikes will continue to kike till the very end.

Obama is still president. If he decided he wanted Trump to have an "accident" he could make it happen.

you're exactly right, and I can explain why she backed off

trump is going to investigate how many dead people voted and institute strict voter id laws. we're about to find out who REALLY got the popular vote!

This is an old-format CTR defamation shill thread. We sage and hide, or ignore, shill threads. We do not call each other "you guys." They call us "you guys down there in your basements." We do not panic while perfectly capturing the panic in English Comp 200 writing. This is nonsense to make us look bad, not a legitimate contribution.
Saged and hidden.

It's too late, mate. Have you seen his face after his meeting with Obama? The big evil machine has absorbed Trump. You'll see him renege on his promises, just like Obama renigged on his. The protestors will realize that and calm down eventually. He is now one of (((them))) and he will act accordingly.

>100 Day Plan
>Blueprint for a revolution

Trump's cabinet shortlists just look like a bunch of Republican Party cronies. Muh change. Muh swamp draining. Its just going to be more of the same but with a celebrity Republican and a public that has become more comfortable with protesting and is more polarized from the party.

Obama wasnt a secret muslim...he was a secret Black Panther. He's making a bucha weird millennial Malcolm Xes. And they've got nothing to do but complain and cry.

I hope Trump doesn't disappoint. Hes ours for 4years



Think outside the box, as if you were one of the so-called elite. You would be playing 40D chess and have MULTIPLE plans to employ your goals. If you really think they only have one method to start WWIII, then you really are that fucking stupid. My bet is that Trump has ALREADY talked to Putin to make things look like the elite are somehow, getting their way.

It is ALWAYS "happening". NEVER let your guard down. NEVER!

this, they are already looking to the next election. trying to steal it from trump now would be like tripling down on a dead horse in a race.