*shoots lightning at you*

*shoots lightning at you*

Bitch sit down.

This is how it is done.

Ah yes. I've waited so long.

Lightning technically isn't fire.

>gets impregnated by her brother at you

>by her brother
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Fuck off dipshit.

Record time Scrapper. Kill yourself.

No how about YOU kill yourself. Incest is fucking degenerate, and you either like or you sympathize with someone that likes it, which makes YOU a degenerate, which means YOU need to kill yourself.

*powers your toaster*
did it bother anyone else that high level bending became trivalized in lok?

Not everyone is fucking Scrapper, dumbass.

Scrapper you were permanently banned for a reason. You know evading is against the rules right?

Unless you have any proof that this poster has been permanently banned you need to stop the slander and fuck off.

>I cannot fight my brother, for it will be seen as just a sibling conflict
>Instead, you must go and fight your sister

Scrapper your new trip is a shitty anagram of your old one. Just stop embarrassing yourself.

modernization happened. "High Level" bending was a closely guarded secret by the Fire Nation's royal family for the most part.

>did you say fuck my sister?

Still no proof that this person is Scrapper, and still no proof that Scrapper was ever permanently banned to begin with.

Like I said, you need to fuck off.

Hi Scrap Crap

I thought you had to be absolutely focused to shoot lighting, how was she able to crap out so much of it after she became such a mental clusterfuck in her match against Zuko?
How did she not wind up blowing herself up?

Do you really think anyone is gonna take shit from an admitted pedophile and animal abuser? Get real.

Who is Scrapper anyways?

I wish I could kidnap scrapper and bury him alive tbqh.

Scrapper please just fuck off. Is there seriously an Avatar thread you won't ruin?

Do you think I'm going to take shit from someone who thinks he can just barge into a thread and start calling me names? I'm not Scrapper! You can't prove it! You can't prove anything, and so long as that is the case, your efforts in THIS thread are wasted so it'd be in everyone's best interest if you just fucked off.

I like to think that she was so crazy that her mind compartmentalized itself into several distinct entities who were individually capable of performing different tasks and functions even if the other systems were failing, but honestly, Bryke probably forgot about their own rules and wanted lightning in the finale because it's cool.

Alternatively, the whole "peace of mind" thing was just some bullshit Iroh made up on the spot to avoid telling Zuko the truth: he can't lightningbend because he straight up sucks. Hilariously, the omnipresent lightningbenders in Korra kinda support this possibility.

Well it was weaker than the lightning in the last airbender. Consider it like this, you can find karate schools in any city anywhere nowadays when way back ancient japan that was something only certain people knew.

Since Zuko's the direct heir.

Iroh had yielded.

Azula was already named the fire lord though.

>you can use lightningbending for your day job!
It's like a 4 year old wrote this.

>Implying there would be sparks flying between user and Azula.

>Alternatively, the whole "peace of mind" thing was just some bullshit Iroh made up on the spot to avoid telling Zuko the truth: he can't lightningbend because he straight up sucks. Hilariously, the omnipresent lightningbenders in Korra kinda support this possibility.
This is now my headcanon.

Azula a qt

Your name is litteraly just an Anagram of Scrapper, and you only ever show up when Firecest is mentioned. This is your most obvious “disguise” yet Scrapper.

>Jobs at you

Heh nice try kiddo

Wait who is Scrapper? I see them every Avatar/Azula thread I seem them in, but all anyone says is that they love Azula to a unhealthy degree.
>Animal Abuser

What the hell did Scrapper do?

> I see them every Avatar/Azula thread I seem them in
I see them every Avatar/Azula thread I visit*.

I looked him up. He is some tripname who the anons had a hardon for making shit up because he defended characters no one else defended.

>Not wearing rubber sole shoes

W-wait. STOP. You have 1 HAIR OUT OF PLACE!

This gets me thinking.

How do we create the ultimate Anti-Bender armor?

Scrapper is a tripfag who has an autistic obsession with Azula. He came on Sup Forums drunk once and admitted he wants to fuck children. He has also tortured several small animals to death and has full on psychotic behavior you'd expect from a serial killer. This is him if you couldn't tell by his no-so-clever trip.