Would you eat at his restaurant Sup Forums?

Would you eat at his restaurant Sup Forums?

>no chairs

It's a fucking diner

What kind of sane person wouldn’t take advantage of that offer?

>Good service
>Gives free food
>Get an art show

Hell yes.

>he never sits at the counter on a comfy swivel stool
>implying diners aren’t a kind of restaurant

That episode always made me hungry.

Hell yes, those burgers looked delicious.

me too

>tfw my dumbass 5 year old self thought Eustace was saying "bacon juicy" rather than "big and juicy"

Eustace seems the kind of guy who'd enjoy a bacon burger, wouldn't he?

Looked really comfy.

What was the problem with this diner again?

Courage thought he was harvesting flesh to make the burgers when Jean Bon was just shaping the patties into people’s heads as artwork.

>Jean Bon and his wife will never serve you food after making a meat sculpture of your face

Why even live?

>Watch where you’re going ya fool!

>diner obviously built inside a trailer
>had a basement

Is he a reality warper?

>hamburgers with meat the size of human heads
Sounds like my kind of deal.

See That’s why Courage was afraid

These days this funny fuck would be too problematic for people to handle. Shit makes me sad, man.

I'll never understand why that diner looked so comfy.

>Asian man can’t have an Asian accent
Are you sure? It isn’t like any of his humor was offensive?

There wasn't, that was the whole joke. This one creepy establishment in the Greater Nowhere Area was actually legit and just quirky with it's "Hamburger Art" feature.

Only if I could pork the wife.

God fucking damnit, Carlos.

Oh he is just hamming it up

The joke was that this one time it really was Courage just being paranoid.


Read that in Eustace's voice.