More organized edition

More organized edition

Here we discuss meming California into 6 states.

>6 states? why would I want more nanny liberal voting states?

Wrong, it is divided to isolate the shit hole cities and give other people living in the state a chance at freedom and less electoral votes for democrats

>It's filled with liberals, what do we care about them, they dug their own grave

Despite what you think there are more republicans in California than most states. For reference, 5 million Texans voted for Trump while 4 million Californians voted for Trump. Many republicans stay home on election day as well since they feel they don't have a voice.

>Well wouldn't they all go democratic anyways, they're still outnumbered?

Well this would be true if Democrats were evenly split but they are not, much like other states, they tend to concentrate in cities and then ruin the whole state. So splitting it into 6 states would actually create republican and swing states, ultimately dividing up Californias 55 electorals.

>Sounds interesting but how can this be done?

Here's the thing California has propositions every year, if a proposition gets enough signatures then it can be put on the ballot.

>Getting signatures sounds hard, and I don't live there.

Here's the thing, someone already got all the signatures, he's waiting to put it on the ballot so he can better educate people.

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>Oh great so what should we do

We must meme, and meme hard. We educated America and memed Trump into office, now it’s time to meme this. It will be harder as we have to meme California but it will be oh so satisfying. This would also guarantee a re-elect.

>The legality

So the legality is a little fuzzy, states aren’t supposed to be split or combined but this has happened in the past so it can happen again. It also seems like it needs congressional approval. Now democrats would never approve of this but right now there is a republican house, a republican senate, and Trump at the top so now is our best time to act, if it can’t happen now it there isn’t much of a chance in the future.

Attached is the 2012 votes by county, and this would shift dramatically in favor of republicans as well if they felt they had a voice, which splitting the state up would give them. On top of this, many of these states would have laxer gun laws and be more strict and co-operative on handling illegal immigrants.
On top of this, once the cess pool of California is better contained they will have overall less national pull. A state like California as a whole has a lot of political power and can’t be handled by the federal government, which is why they get away with sanctuary cities. But when you divide them it’s much harder for them to make economic and political threats.

All we have to do is meme this, convince them 6 californias is good for them, promise the liberal ones sanctuary cities, and promise the republican ones freedom. Then this shithole of a state can be made livable again. If we continue to let California run rampant and step on constitution and allow more immigrants in they will doom the rest of America. And trump removing the Mexicans is a good step along with the wall but we cannot let it get as bad as it has gotten ever again and this is another way to help ensure that.

>the website

I guarantee something like this would require a supermajority of California residents to vote for to approve. MAYBE I see a Jefferson secession but a 6 way split is not happening.

Would get shot down for Gerrymandering.
You'd get North and South California at best, with the northern one having San Franscisco to ensure a dem victory and the southern one having Los Angeles to ensure a dem victory.

uh would this not actually just make it even easier for democrats to win even if not all of the state is liberal?

I mean if Trump can win with CA as it is now why would you want it to change anyway

On the website it also states that the 6 states can choose to merge in ways that they feel fit. So maybe we will get 2 or 4 states.

The people have to vote it, but we need to come up with ways to make it sound like a good deal to liberals. The death penalty just got confirmed to stay and sped up so that could be used as ammunition.

And not supermajority, just majority, that's how our propositions work.

I feel that we can do this lads

Bump for Potential

There's been discussions of breaking California up pretty much since it entered the Union and it's never really amounted to much. I like the idea, though. I think at the very least we should be trying to meme Jefferson into existence.

Wet dream

Bump do it for kek, do it for America, and do it for those enslaved Republicans. As Mexicans flood and force them out they'll replace them and continue to do so in other states. California is a cancer and it must be treated

At the executive level, it would most certainly break up California's bloc vote. The danger comes in with introducing two senators for every new state. That could be a real clusterfuck.

It's always been discussed and it almost made the ballot, it qualifies to be on the ballot next year. We must make sure it passes

Please help us pol I hate living in California I want to finally live in Jefferson!!

sorry techfags but silicon valley is only your shit city of san jose

Agreed but as I said before many would be Republican and with Trump deporting the illegals and keeping them out there's a much lower risk of them being infested

>Trump can never win
Meme magic, mother fucker, do you speak it?

Let's make Jefferson great again!!!!

Fuck this no one wants to put more stars on the flag

Also senators could be used as k leverage for Democrats to vote for it, if they think they're getting 10 senators and more centralized control of areas they might vote in favor of it

If all 6 are created it would be a full small row of stars that would continue the pattern

Another batch of maps made obsolete.

The reason why this will never happen is because it's always proposed by fuckin idiots who live outside California and have no understanding of it or it's people. All of it is California and always will be give it the fuck up.

>remember seeing this
>knows it'll never pass because the supporters are dumb as fuck people
Who are the educated people supporting this first pal?

desu 6 states is to much, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego are basically the same shit. The North and Sierras are completely fucking different.



This is a stupid idea. Water rights in this state are already a clusterfuck when it's just one state's problem.


Trump with PhDs slightly more democrat than republican but also earning a lot less which is indicative of shit degrees

Add Jefferson to Oregon