Is anyone here pro-abortion? At least we have that in common with the liberals


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who is this scrotum totem

I'm against it on a fundamental level. US citizens should have their rights protected.

I'm for it in that it kills a TON of niggers.

something something Moloch

I'm pro-abortion. The soul thing is no different than "how many angels can fit on the head of a pin". It's pointless. What matters is the practical effect it has on society, both from the perspective of family planning and the moral zeitgeist. I fetus is very different than a grown ass human being, a child, or a baby therefore I don't believe there is too much damage to the moral zeitgeist by saying you can kill fetuses the mother doesn't want given how fucking amazing for society family planning is.

Shitskin population control. There should be a free abortion clinic in every ghetto. Come in for a free abortion as long as you agree to get sterilized.

You will be judged among the Nazis and murders.

Sure. But I also don't care if it's illegal either

Were Zoroastrians anti-abortion?

No one would do it then, dumbass.

Abortion is a violation of the NAP of the baby.

Only if the baby is dead/sick and would die after being born or the woman has been raped and she's willing to

Funny you mention that it kills a lot of blacks. Kind of goes to show that we still have slavery in the sense that we have reduced the unborn to being unhuman. Just like blacks were considered sub or nonhuman once upon a time.

I am indifferent to the subject. Abortion is a secondary concern in favor of more pressing matters.

You can't dislike niggers and be anti-abortion at the same time.

If you decide to get an abortion I presume that you shouldn't have had a kid anyway.

pro-abortion. would have a child with a woman that's annoyingly obsessed with me right now if abortion wasn't a thing

praise baby killing

The baby has not registered itself as a corporation via a birth certificate yet, it's basically trespassing in the mother's womb.

fuck you molochnigger. kek will burn you with his divine light.

The practical effect is that whether or not someone is considered a person becomes entirely arbitrary instead of innate. Hillarys campaign was pushing full term abortions, they were on the road to killing inconvenient kids.

>Just like blacks were considered sub or nonhuman once upon a time.
They still are. A majority of them speak in ebonics and act like animals to get what they want.

We have too many people on this planet as it is. It should be mandatory so shaniqua doesn't pop out 14 kids for the bennies.


Nice trips chap.

I discussed that in my post.

I'm for it. Cause I'm against any support to single mothers.

I've always been threatened how I need to live in fear of aids, and impregnated bitches and shit. Not only that, but they've failed to inform me that I need to be afraid of oral herpes ... hah, no fucking wonder, it's because those pro-alzheimers fucks lurve the concept of pouring out support for the senile! Disgusting kissy SANDWIGGERS.

I think it is morally abhorrent, but i still want it to be legal, in case a loved one should need one sometime in the future.

The true issue isn't with abortion, it's with religion which in itself is an issue that stems back a thousand years. To think religion would become our last boss still. How do we win?

Deductive logic concludes:
If you were aborted you would be dead. If you were killed now you would be dead.

Killing you at any age results in the same thing, either it is all okay or all not okay.

Are you alright, user?

Even if I agreed with you, you're culling the wrong end.

I am, but I recognize that abortion is murder. I also support what is happening in the Philippines and I hope that every drug dealer and addict is hung or shot in the street.

abortion only exists because of the religion that demands the murder of children.

you molochniggers will all burn

I'm pro-life have you seen the protest our women are out of control

Doesnt add up. If shes obsessed with you she could have just given birth despite your protests.

Abortion only if it's very early.

I am because i hate niggers and spics and stupid white liberal cunts who are probably fucking those niggers and spics in the first place.

That said, I wouldn't mind abortion being illegal because it'd be great to see liberals lose their heads over it

You guys are for it because niggers abort future criminals, which is reasonable, but way more "ejoocated" white women abort their little masses of cells.

I'm against it personally, but other women are free to make their own decisions. They should just understand that it is murder and they are accountable for their lapses in sexual judgement.

That's a lie abortion rights groups are controlled by George Soros Jews
If it killed tons of niggers they wouldn't support it.

Google ilyse hogue she works for the Soros group's NARAL and moveon

I believe in "ethical" abortion, if the woman might die /was raped then sure, go ahead, I have no trouble, else, fucking deal with it faggot, you had many ways to avoid getting the bitch pregnant.

Black women can't afford abortions,it's a myth NARAL puts out

Atari Dumbledore from Porkslope Turkeyhandle

You do know most people on Sup Forums are Nazis right?

Planned parenthood is trying to save the U.S.

I understand its murder and dont care that it is. We advocate for the deaths of faggots, trannys, niggers, kikes, spics etc every fucking day here.

Why does it suddenly change when its inside another persons body?

as long as it's not late term abortions
i think there should be greater stress on birth control and safe sex though

Have you ever met a black woman who got an abortion or can afford an abortion?
I guarantee you can find video of Jewish females telling white teenage girls abortion is great.

Abortions cost less than bc

Quit lying

abortion should be mandatory

i am not pro abortion, but i am pro choice
this means that while i do not specifically condone abortion, i support the right of an individual to have this option without having to circumvent the law to do so. i do not support or condone late term abortions unless the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

For niggers only tho

what fucking gets me is that people are never arguing about the same thing when it comes to abortion

>libs: control over your own body is paramount
>conservs: life of the child is paramount

it just descends into baby killers vs sexists with no real discourse.

what really gets me is how libs think bodily autonomy should trump the life of the fetus but only until an arbitrary line of 24 weeks. Philosophically speaking, the only true distinctions between cells and baby are: conception, or birth. Any other line is completely arbitrary.

to be honest, I think abortion should be allowed. No one likes to think about it this way but is killing an unwanted 1 yr old baby even bad? It doesn't understand anything about the world around, has no thirst for life yet. It's just like snuffing a candle flame. I do think it would be in poor taste to ever allow an unwanted baby to reach that age though, ideally any baby would be killed in the first few weeks of pregnancy.

This they fall for Jewish tricks
Blacks can't afford abortions
And George Soros has ilyse hogue on his payroll

I pointed out the flaw. You argue that the fetus is very different from a baby, at what point is it a fetus and not a baby? Is it absolutely defined or is it an arbitrary definition?
As I said, the pro-abortion lobbyists are fine with full term abortions, if it's fine to kill it a moment before birth, why not a moment after?

I'm pro-abortion.

In fact there should be more of India, China and Africa.

George Soros move-on employees work for NARAL
Ilyse hogue is a jew

If only he could come back and try again..


against it. but i understand it won't go away in my lifetime. Feminists will aloha snackbar churches in exchange. I will voice my opposition to it if I know anyone in my life who is considering it.

At the very least, they shouldn't be forcing us to fund it collectively with our tax dollars.

what if it isn't a faggot tranny nigger kike spic?

You clearly do not have children because 1 year olds understand plenty of things and certainly have a thirst for life.

Have a kid and watch them learn, you'll realize they're not stupid sacks of shit that suddenly develop cognitive abilities when they hit 3.

If you had said a week old, even a month old, I'd have agreed, but a year old is too far gone.

especially in all cases of birth defects


I want there to be an incentive against getting pregnant for stupid reasons, but I don't want degenerates to give birth rather than face legal consequences. What do?

Not trespassing. The mother gave it permission to be there.

50% of all black children in the US are aborted.

>What do?

gas the kikes race war now

Abortion is 500-800 dollars black women don't have that in their purse
Planned parenthood lies it's mostly white liberal girls getting abortions

What if i told you I believe honestly that I am the reincarnation of Hitler and I am considering running in 2032?

If the liberals get too powerful we can always do this for every issue
>affirmative action
increases number of minorities who fail and drop out because their college is beyond their abilities
>gun control measures
reduces the number of blacks with guns since blacks lack the ability to get an ID
>allow illegal immigration
enables abuse of workers by large companies/farms, increasing profits and reducing prices

Why are you living in fear of AIDS and getting women pregnant? You shouldn't be having sex unless you are in a relationship where you can take care of your offspring.

No I don't support women killing human life. I don't support that i have no say in having a child. I do not support my tax dollars funding abortion. I don't support that I have to pay child support whether I wanted the child or not. Abortion is the ultimate bluepill. kys fags

Planned Parenthood and the restt of the abortion industry are controlled by the Jews. Birth control and abortion have caused the white population to fall, and is one of the reason blacks act like niggers.

You don't, God will still be there when you are dead.


That's a lie black women can't afford a 500 dollar abortion
Planned parenthood puts out false facts

>Abortion is 500-800 dollars black women don't have that in their purse

How come their abortion rates are so high then? Is it subsidised in certain states or something?

Every Jewish female comedian promotes abortion

I'm anti-abortion but it also means you have to get rid of welfare for poor baby factory women.

How about you cap benefits after the second child?

>Guys it's okay just to kill a couple babies
>No no it's not for Moloch totally not just some unwanted kids
>Come on they're only four years old they still think the world revolves around them what's wrong with taking care of a few


Free market lets you evict them if they don't pay rent.

It should be subsidized for all non-whites and all whites should be penalized for it. Honestly it's pretty fucking horrific.


The usa on the east coast abortion cost 500-800 dollars it's mostly white college girls that get them and a few Hispanic girls

vagina = sponge

I'm only basing what I said on those graphs and reports you see posted every now and then

They're still considered nonhuman by all of us.

Ummm, actually, hell yes I am. Though I did say they failed to inform me of oral herpes - in spite of that, I did not expose myself to it!

I don't have to suffer interacting with any Alzheimerzes either, not now of in any forseeable future.

One time, I got sort of, slightly prodded to consider aidsholes as legitimate people to socially interact with. Well, leading up to that, I did stoop to interacting with many prospective aidsholes. Fucking ooops!

I've had to deal with sandwiggers quite a bit recently, sick pricks that travel to the middle east and feel enlightened, root for ISIS, that kind of thing. Ugh.

It's not like most people who have abortions are going to raise decent human beings anyways.

Is abortion free in your country,have you had an abortion?
In America in the East coast abortion cost 500-800 the average black women can't afford this

It's college white girls using their visa\mastercard to get abortions

Are you a nigger? You sure write like one.

She is 8 months those abortions cost 800-900 at planned parenthood that's a late third trimester abortion.

Look at her clothes she looks poor

You'd have my vote. How will I know it's you?
You better not fuck it up again though. Get the jews gone for good and free us all.

Also red's my favorite color so bring that shit back

Handy hints for bath time fun, although you need a rubber glove too.

I wouldn't mind if welfare recipients were to accidentally die during abortions.

... like all of them.

why not, we go to war for less

Well as a non-murkin how the fuck am I supposed to know if a nig is poor or rich?

I am pro-abortion.

and im a classical liberal

Up to 3 weeks should be allowed without consequences, scientific research proven that the embryo is no different than a vegetable during that stage. Any later than this should result in a fine, unless there is proof the mother was raped (raped as in sexually impregnated with violence, not the memerape the liberals promote). If the fetus is too old, the mother should carry the pregnancy till the child can be removed safely with caesarean section. What happens after, depends on the circumstances, but if it were me I'd just make the mother (or mother and father if he can be identified) pay for the child's growth, while the child is assigned to a family that actually wants him/her. Forcing parents to carry unwanted children is the worst you can do for the child, just give him to someone else and make the original parents pay all the costs.