No wonder comics have plunged in relevance

No wonder comics have plunged in relevance

>reading capeshit and calling it comics
Don't call it a grave.

>Plunged in relevance

What comics do you read, tripfaggot?

In capeshit, ive only read stardust and ambush bug
In comics, Im currently re reading riceboy.

>hurr hurr me read judge dredd... he punisher with autistic hat is gud comic only reed yurop comic xDDD

Riri's going to get fridged. This meme is old.


you under twenty-five year olds are insufferable.

Comics havent been relevant since the 60s, or the 90s if you want to push it. Marvel's current batch of legacies have nothing to do with it and you'd be idiotic to suggest so.

Me have brain, me big boy make darkness cry, me logical conservative. Unga bunga global conspiracy.

adding more geniuses that can cobble together ironman tier power armors in their garage, diminishes tony stark and ironman.

ironman had entire sagas built around him trying to keep his technology out of the wrong hands. every badguy ironman knock off was a supposed to be a special threat.

yet now. any nerd in their garage can put out a copy of a Mk2 ironman

being a nameandtripfag renders anything you post worthless

In marvel being a genius is like having a high school diploma in real life

cape comics had relevance?

I agree hipsters shouldnt hate on capeshit but
>hating on judge dredd
Thats 30 in the iso cubes


I actually don't give a fuck about Rayquaza SugarFriedChicken Ironman knockoff.

The problem is that her comic is boring as fuck, at this point the only thing that can save this shit from it's beyond mediocre status is turning her into a villain, I mean she already speaks like one.

Her sin isn't being a token character riding on other hero name, she is just boring as fuck and that's the worst thing you can be in a media that wants to sell printed shit.

go back, Sup Forumsposter. this is old news

except it has nothing to do with Sup Forums
she is a comic character, just an awful one.

it's hilarious to be that Riri's book is the first Bendis book i've liked in ages

> They replace Iron Man with Ironheart in the MCU.
> Absolutely bombs at the box office because it's not Iron Man.

What's the odds of this happening?

Yeah it's totally because one shitty legacy character was made and existed for like a year, not because comics are only sold in special hobby shops, are written specifically for 30 year old manchildren and cost an arm and a leg to buy

The comic book fans are responsible for their hobby declining. They're too insistent in clinging to their tradition of only following the same comic book characters for literally decades that they don't give new ones that break the mold a chance. It's pathetic. Marvel didn't kill comics, their audiences did.

He meant that people from Sup Forums are shitty casuals who don't know shit about comics.
Which is an accurate description.

>It's another "OP complains about state of book he wasn't buying." thread
Joined by the usual chorus of faggots, of course.

Honestly riri is nowhere near as bad as a lot of new marvel characters. America and all of the new inhumans (barring komala) are far worse

Never. Feige isn't dumb enough to use bad ideas in his billion dollar blockbusters. Especially shit ideas conceived by Bendis

I'm all in for old characters taking a mantle, but donut steel ones are a big no.

I mean I don't hate Hulk, but Riri takes the cake on being shit especially since we had a certain character that was already stablished as having a shine to the Ironman mantle while being related.

The inclusion of Riri feels just like a cashgrab someone was trying to pull in his retirement fund and justifying it with diversity.

Unlikely, as in the movie ever being made, however no one would want to watch Riri to be honest.

yeah, thats one of the reasons Bendis left Marvel isnt it?
He was told to fuck off from the movie division

the fact that you don't know what I'm talking about proves your Sup Forums heritage

This. Comic books are dead and comic books fans killed it. They're like Star Wars fans that don't want things to ever change, stuck with this Light vs Dark, Sith vs Jedi, Republic/Democracy vs Empire/Fascism mentality that engulfs the franchise. I'm beginning to hate other comic book fans because, just like SWs fans, they would rather want the entire interest destroyed than watch it change, grow, and develop outside their dying circle of misfits.

never been there, thanks anyway

Comic books are shit even when they aren't written by hard leftists who insert their politics into ev erything though


I didn't read it but dat Carol gives me a boner

I dont like marvel for a lot of reasons
And i dont like their sjw shit
This guy gets it

She looks like a dude there, are you gay

Probably not because dick would be a deal breaker.

>No wonder comics have plunged in relevance
This short sentence doesn't convey what you mean by 'relevance'. Do you mean relevance as in relevant to a regular comic book reader, if so that's debatable or do you mean relevance as a 'social commentary' or some other high brow notion?

He means to shitpost and trigger some idiots sperging about sjw, nothing beyond that

Oh good.

Comic hipsters. Great.

>not a left winger with fetish for gay and interracial characters

my point still stands that comics are fucking garbage

Then stop reading them, Broken English user.

i don't

>doesn't read comics
>says they're garbage

>read comics in the past
>don't read them anymore

how hard is this to understand?

If the last time you played golf was 5 years ago and someone said" do you play golf"
would you say yes?

>that they don't give new ones that break the mold a chance.

>No you see, it's your fault for not reading our NEW REVOLUTIONARY versions of the same characters.
>Sales are going down because you didn't keep buying the same thing you did for decades?
>That's your fault.
>Stop looking at DC! They don't love you!

It's not their fucking job to just accept these thing. If you change the product then you'd better get new buyers or you're shit at this. Guess what happened!

So you sucked at golf so much that you tell the whole world golf is shit. Amazing.

>not because comics are only sold in special hobby shops, are written specifically for 30 year old manchildren and cost an arm and a leg to buy
And yet:
>They've been selling only in specialty stores for two decades
>They've had an ageing readership for three decades
>They've had Diamond monopoly for two decades
>Variant covers and speculation have been back for a decade
>$3.99 pricepoint has been there for a decade and Marvel's numbers basically held steady or grew (2012-13) throughout

The results:
>Standard attrition for -3% annually.
>Except for big relaunch years like 2011 (N52), 2012 (Marvel Now) and 2016 (Rebirth) when various floppy quadrants of the market actually grew quite a bit.

And yet somehow the market only really, really started to tank when Marvel went full SJW on all fronts.

is it me or is the foreshortening on that arm terrible?

Ah, I see, comics died because old fans clung to the characters they liked.

Meanwhile none of the new characters caught on with new fans.

And Marvel editors and writers chased away old fans in frustration.

But this is somehow the old fans' fault. Because they should have pretended that the new "diverse" characters were actually interesting, when they weren't, because NO ONE bought them.

Now that's what I call garbage. No wonder you hate capeshit.

Why do you think it's up to the old fans to somehow create or facilitate this "growth"? They have nothing to do with it.
That's all on the newer creators and their ability (or lack thereof) to create new characters and new stories that last and that don't feel like quick cash-grabs.

The new Star Wars creators have done a mediocre job at this. The new movies have made money, but it's a case of diminishing returns and there isn't much evidence that the younger audience really connects to the new characters the way that the old audience connected to the old characters.

With Marvel and with comics, the newer creators have done an absolutely abysmal job at "growth". The old fans don't like the new characters. Nor do they like the new stories about the old characters. And there are no new readers to speak of.

This subject would be null and void if the creators of "new" comic properties could actually attract a sizable new audience.

If Squirrel Girl or Riri were selling 300,000 copies, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's not my fault that I don't want to buy those crappy comics.

>And yet somehow the market only really, really started to tank when Marvel went full SJW on all fronts.
It's hilarious that you actually believe that the market has "tanked"

Sales of Marvel are down, yes, and it's because of their bad creative decisions, and it's causing huge problems, but that's only because this market has been on such rocky ground for so long even a tiny dip in the traditional readership is catastrophic.

The fact that not appealing solely directly to manchildren hobbyists and no one else causes the market to "tank" as you put it is REVEALING how irrelevant comics are, not causing it.

Not being able to sell to literally anybody except the traditional customer who's been buying comics for decades is the very definition of irrelevancy

You are right, but the art is bad for more reasons

All that tells me is that yes, comics have been selling like shit and SJW shit doesn't sell and in fact make it worse in most cases. SJWs aren't responsible for them tanking, but they sure as hell AREN'T HELPING. That's the thing you don't want to admit.

Not him, but sure it's not helping.
But I don't blame them for trying, they have to look for ways to expand.
The so called SJW push is shit mainly for lacking any quality.

the problem isn't the SJW characters in of themselves, its there politicized characterizations and blatant agenda pushing at the expense of telling decent stories

examples being {unsolicited opinions] and the "No your gay" scenes. They serve no purpose other than hamfisted political commentary.

the sooner the story is placed above personal politics and the writers aren't shit the quality will skyrocket

To be fair, if they were written well or at least with earnestly, I wouldn't call it SJW shit. It'd just be left wing to me. Eg. Alan Moore's stuff. Even his WORSE comics aren't really SJW shit.

magic teenage nigger bitches smarter than white men building technology
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Elon Musk
Douglas Engelbart
Norman Abramson
Jack Nilles
Marty Cooper
Nathaniel Borenstein
Robert Metcalfe
Tim Berners-Lee
and of course:
welcome to the modern 1984. All bullshit divershitty quotas even if it is patently false