Why are SJW Types so Quick to "Cut People Out" of Their Life?

Like the thread title says. Especially after Tuesday, I've noticed many SJW/liberal friends have been ready and willing to unfriend people who think differently than themselves. And they're not just ostracizing people who strictly voted for Trump, it's anyone who doesn't conform to their GoodThink. Someone who says something as innocuous as "I don't think it will be so bad", gets called all kinds of mean sounding labels and threatened with exclusion, and their words are contorted to conform to the SJW's worst fears.

I would have thought that this insular mode of thinking would have been repudiated by Trump's win. Don't they realize that they'll never be able to understand and appreciate a diversity of political opinion if they always shun people who think differently?

Other urls found in this thread:

aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/magnitude and components of change in b-w IQ-Murray.pdf

they are destroying them selves by being absolute

Because they dont want people who challenge them and make them critically think in their lives. They dont want to evolve past the developmental stage of children.

they don't think with reason like sensible people, they run on emotion. they consider themselves paragons of morality whilst bullying and excluding anyone who doesn't agree with them as evil

fucking mental

>Don't they realize that they'll never be able to understand and appreciate a diversity of political opinion if they always shun people who think differently?
Wait 20 minutes, post a thread about how black people are not inferior, and understand this board is exactly the same, just on the other side of the spectrum.

These people are cancer anyway they are doing you a favor

They try to cut ties with the problems in their lives, but fail to realize that the only problem is themselves

which is ironic, considering that an important step along the way to destroying our culture, to "progress", was the denial of absolutes, of objective rights and wrongs. It was modern, and post-modern philosophy that taught us there was no right or wrong, that underpinned new music, architecthure, art, literature all representing these values (and resulting in degenerate trash that is more the vomit of a civilisation that is dying, than the crowning artistic and philosophical achievements).

They will tell you that no culture is any worse than ours, than the Aztecs sacrificing thousands of their children was all fine and we shouldn't judge from our ethno-centric perspective. But dare say you think the worlds problems could be more complex than patriarchal conspiracy? BLASPHEMY!!

I used to care, but then I realized a lot of my friends are shit anyway. They get jealous when I do something big in my life. None of them would over get off their ass to go to the gym with me or invest in the equipment needed for any sort of outdoor life always leaving to be alone. Then the final straw is how cancerous they proved themselves to be this entire election cycle. I'm sorry but I don't really give a shit. You want to throw away friendships cause you're a butt hurt little cunt or faggot that's your issue. I don't really like people with zero morals or values anyway. I'm in my mid 20's now, already been around the world serving my country and at this point I don't even really need friends anymore. I just need my cars, guns and easy college pussy to get me through this stage of life until I'm ready for a family.

and how will we exclude you? faggot

Difference is we can't delete you homo, we have to listen to your retarded ideas.

probably by
>bullying and excluding anyone who doesn't agree with them as evil

To remove those who invalidate their problems.

They are not objective human beings, their brainwashing has transformed them into marxist robots.

because when you are a narcissist cutting people out is easy

but it's literally impossible for us to exclude you

we can bully you for being a retard, but that's the same thing as trying to persuade you to see things the way we do, only framed from a different perspective.

it works both ways, that's the reason this board is great.

What do you expect? The whole concept of "safe spaces" and other such bollocks is that these people cannot cope with obstacles or challenges.

When you disagree with them it is a challenge to their own ideology and the easiest option is it to block you so you cannot hurt them

tldr; they're faggots

Are you me

Good, let these people be miserable in their own circles. They're doing more good for our cause then they can imagine, every new person who get's isolated by them is another potential for redpilling

bullying avoids dialogue though, the people in the left blaming white men for this doesn't start a conversation.

Cult brainwashing.

eactly, the kind of friends who turn on you over such things were never really friends to begin with. I call them catfriends

and how will I recognize you in another thread? you chump

anyway, sjw/progressive mind set is based on denial of reality. redpill mind set acknowledges reality. there is a 15 point IQ gap between Whites and niggers. we have ASVB tests from the 40s which show the same relative gap. the minnesota transracial adoption study(and others) confirm it's almost all genetic.

This explains why niggers invented a stick, and we invented planes, cars, trucks, engines, space travel, sattelites, computers, electricity, fibre optics, wifi, radio, tv, the phone, refrigeration, modern medecine and virtually everything else of note

those niggers and shitskins should stop culturally appropriating our tech

>bullying avoids dialogue though
No. Bullying is dialogue. It's just dialogue that you don't like, which is why you're calling it 'bullying' and not 'dialogue'.

You have us, you massive faggot.

My cousin and niece unfriended me on kikebook. I missed them these last couple of days, the salt would have been delicious.

To show solidarity to the club. Ironically they are so hungry for a tribe that they create the un-tribe which is a tribe like any other I suppose, but an expansionist tribe that wants to take over the world, and will destroy its own members.

because they are pussies and hate being confronted with any ideology or theory that doesnt support their own

They are bitch niggers. Even my Mexican co-workers are cool with me voting for Trump. They have their own views and I have mine. I don't berate them for their own views, I just say they aren't for me just like how they figure mine aren't for them.

Maybe they should practice some actual diversity.

As far as I can tell it's a combination of autism and fascist tendencies.

user, because it is a fucking cult. Members of a cult will cut ties with anybody that questions the codes of the cult.

Thank you for your service

It's a beautiful thing isn't it?

Maybe a doppelganger? Those digits don't lie

Because they're narcissistic and don't actually care about other people. They see friends as tools or commodities.

Thanks baby

>Why are SJW Types so Quick to "Cut People Out" of Their Life?
It's because they are or believe they are mentally ill and they adhere to the idea that they need to remove all triggers and "negativity" from their lives.

Nothing wrong with cutting people out your life.

>tfw only friend voted for trump
>the election brought us closer and we are laughing at libtards

Hey man I'm just happy to have served. It was what I wanted to do since I was a kid. Thanks though

they're emotionally unstable and they can't effectively control emotional surges so they either avoid them (emo types) or cut them in hysterical fashion (sjw types) effectively easing cortical load with additional serotonin produced in this dramatic moment of quasi-joy.

Dialogue requires one party to be listening, beyond the "I read it" to the "I'm trying to understand it" point.

The younger you get, the less the B-W IQ gap, which would indicate it's an environmental issue. If you want smart blacks you just invest in it. I can pull out a peer reviewed journal for it, I got that shit saved somewhere.

>The younger you get, the less the B-W IQ gap, which would indicate it's an environmental issue. If you want smart blacks you just invest in it. I can pull out a peer reviewed journal for it, I got that shit saved somewhere.

I got you senpai

>The younger you get
people don't get younger, your retardation is showing

>which would indicate it's an environmental issue
you don't think there have been many studies into the heritability of IQ? tests on twins seperated at birth? tests on siblings raised in different households? tests on blacks adopted by Whites v Whites adopted by Whites? tests on East Asians adopted by Whites?

I have a mountain of evidence, you have a figleaf

are you me?

we should be friends, yank.

I have friends of all political backgrounds and we tend to argue a lot about stuff, but at the end of the day we can still hook up, get shitfaced together and laugh it all off.
You might think your "friends" are faggots, but considering the propaganda and shit spewed by everyone in this campaign I'm not surprised, even I am starting to get weirder than usual looks after saying something like "Trump is not that bad as everyone is making out to be" or similar.

> they'll just either self destruct through mass suicide or fade into nothingness because they realize they have no friends left
feels good

They're incapable of rational discourse, so the only option is to isolate themselves from anything that could possibly challenge them and prove them wrong.

It's all about protecting the fantasy world they've built up around themselves.

also, blacks mature faster than Whites, but stop developing at an earlier age

they spend one week less in the womb, raise their heads independently earlier, speak earlier, walk earlier, have puberty earlier, and have a shirter lifespan by a few years. in contrast, mongoloids are the opposite, but the effect is much less

>Does gestation vary by ethnic group? A London-based study of over 122 000 pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labour

Background Evidence exists that normal gestational length varies with ethnicity. This UK-based study compares gestational length amongst a cohort of white European, Black and Asian women.

Methods The cohort comprised 122 415 nulliparous women with singleton live fetuses at the time of spontaneous labour, giving birth in the former North West Thames Health Region, London, UK.

Results The median gestational age at delivery was 39 weeks in Blacks and Asians and 40 weeks in white Europeans

btw, this is a uk study, so when they say "asians" they mean pooinloos, not dogeaters

Te leftist meme complex encourages the host to act this way as a form of self preservation

Memes evolve and adapt just like organisms - they try to propagate and maintain homeostasis

>that snowfall
where is this magical place?

It's actually really handy. They kind of self deport right out of your life! Win win!

They think so highly of themselves that the notion of them dropping you, is so horrible that you'll be quiet or conform.
They've done this for a long time. When SD got a large portion of votes in the last election of Sweden, almost my entire feed was "If you voted SD, remove me". Don't mind if I do.

This is an anonymous image board. You can literally say anything you want n no one knows who/ what gender you are. This is why Sup Forums is so great. Also your faggy ideas will get criticize n it's up to you how you handle it.

Whites never have existed. Its just albinism. And their ashamed of it. Your whole fake and phony world is crumbling.

the funniest part is you ppl have no idea how much youre going to suffer for betraying your brothers and sisters. In this life and the next.

im glad i dont have friends or leave my house much

ive never had a run in with sjw irl

Same reason they need safe spaces.
Fragile world view.

yeah it's not like you've been trashing liberals for months while disregarding every aspect of their actual politics because all you understand are buzzwords and memes
>Don't they realize that they'll never be able to understand and appreciate a diversity of political opinion if they always shun people who think differently?
apply that to yoursel faggot, trump supporters are the fucking worst when it comes to make an effort and think. This whole "ctr shills" cancer was proof of that (not to mention trump's popularity among low iq, no education hicks)

And no, that's not emotional thinking vs reason thinking, it's thinking vs masturbating
>I'm ready to point out everything wrong with other people's beliefs but not mine, mine are top notch
literal autism

Probably near the great lakes

>flat noses
>Faceshape is apelike
yeah, whites are actually albino niggers.
now go racemix goyim

family is not who you're related to, it's who you trust with your life, possessions and everything else

my parents were abusive and my brothers and sisters dropped me, so i just dropped them from my life and met other people. i'm happy now.

get fucked, cunt.

Indians are not Arabs...

I am always willing to teach the ignorant.

Because to many people politics is just a way of affirming their moral superiority, giving their lives value and purpose. Challenge their beliefs and it's not a mere disagreement or discussion, but an attack on their identity.


This is what happens when ideological fundamentalists live inside an echo chamber and finally get a glimpse of how the real world works.

To live your life as a hyperbole and suddenly be presented as the opposite truth has literally broken the minds of these poor young sheep too desperate to feel like they belong somewhere that they force their brain into a very specific mold against its very nature.

Actually a group of whites bred with a group of black race people which then formed East Indians. Also to note. Just because they had dark skin doesn't confirm they were negroid black.

Am I going to have to correct you all day?

OP, fuck off back to kikebook you utter cunt.

Why is this board full of these cunts recently. Kys.

Well spoken Carlos

Most the reasons I've seen from my leftist friends is they think that they have some moral imperative to "shun hateful, intolerant, backwards people". The irony being that not only does that do nothing to change the hearts and minds of the people you are trying to influence, it also just has you exhibit the same qualities you supposedly are so vehemently against.

thanks mapleback but I was primarily interested in age.

aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/magnitude and components of change in b-w IQ-Murray.pdf is referring to cohorts across generation so I'm taking from a subsection of it:
>In infancy, the B–W difference can
be close to zero (Fryer & Levitt, 2004). The difference rises
through the preschool years, usually reaching about 0.70σ
on full-scale IQ batteries by 5 to 6 years of age, then rising
within a few years to about 1.0σ where it stabilizes for the
rest of elementary school

I'm primarily interested in differences that occur before age 5, because in infancy the brain goes through massive development at age 2. As leaf pointed out however that doesn't appear to be socioeconomic related, but I imagine the turning point would be there.

They are soulless insects.

When do we get to start dropping them off in Rowanda Solmolia Mexishit Haiti North Korea Liberia Syria Iraq Afganistan Pakistan????


Sociopaths. They do not feel attachment to people.

They need some good cultural enrichment. The things my family and other peoples families have fought for are just to good for these little millenialshits.

They wont have anything to worry about. They can just tell all they come across they are liberals. They all will have nice lives away from any white man white a dollar in his pocket and all the racist evil pigs in this horrible nation.

>The younger you get, the less the B-W IQ gap, which would indicate it's an environmental issue
Not quite.
You should check the heritability of IQ on wikipedia. It's a decent compilation.

At a young age the heritability seems quite low, as people develop at different rates. It steadily climbs until puberty, as people once again diverge is when they develop. Then steadily increases to even higher values until somewhere around 0.9.

This is the opposite relation you'd expect were it environmental. You'd expect to see some feedback from the differences present at an early age, that an advantage from the onset would last and probably be exacerbated. Instead it's eliminated, environmental factors having jack shit contribution at adult age.

Adding on to , another interesting study is the one on the rhineland babies. A bunch of halfs with white mothers and black fathers. It's also funny because oftentimes people bring up the study to support the opposite idea, which doesn't work great since soldiers had to take a mental aptitude test before enlisting. Anyway, it's known that the Y-chromosome doesn't have much if anything to do with cognitive ability. The X-chromosome however does. In the study they found a very (statistically) significant, and quite large, difference between the male and the female children. The male children, having only one X chromosome (from their mother) performed much better than the female ones who also had an X-chromosome from their black male parent.

Who say's they're not the ones betraying us? Maybe it's the left that's betraying humanity and God, Why is it always assumed by you guys that we're on the wrong side of history?

you're RACIST because you're saying blacks aren't as SMART

YOU just wish you had a big nigger dick! LOL

Because SJWism and modern liberalism acts the same way a cult does. There was a post on Sup Forums by an ex sjw who got converted by an ex-IRA member that summed this up perfectly

kek, this is true, they think it's the worst thing they could do with you. in reality though the time is coming when they will only have a very few cult members left on their friends

suuure, we don't exist. compelling argument

>trump supporters are the fucking worst
cry moar faguette. I accept your surrender

>family is not who you're related to
poor bate

are you acknowledging that blacks develop faster, but cease development earlier? how does this affect the conclusions drawn?

SJWs are useless, insecure crybabies. Throw them off the wall !

>The male children, having only one X chromosome (from their mother) performed much better than the female ones who also had an X-chromosome from their black male parent.
hmm, I read some study a while back that suggested a halfy with a White mother got a few extra IQ points(perhaps due to that extra week in the womb, and the mitochondrial controlling speed of development) than one with a nig mother

because they are unloyal.

catpeople have no loyalty and are extremely narcissistic

Because the KIKES have been running the school system and books for the last 50ish years. These dumb asses are literally indoctrinated by public school systems. Which we pay for. To feel guilt and remorse for being white at an early age. To feel like they are the bad guy. YOU PEOPLE LITERALLY LET THEM DO THIS SHIT TO YOUR VERY OWN CHILDREN and pay for it with YOUR MONEY!.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Really funny considering it was the KIKE ELITES that pretty much ran the entire transatlantic slave trade back in the day.


You happen to have the name of that study off hand? I'll google it if not.

more that it seems relatively even at birth, and appears to ramp up around the time kids begin school. not confident in any single factor being responsible for that at the moment though.

It's cult behavior. Insular, and removing everyone who isn't in the cult from their life. They use special words in public so they can more easily identify who is in the cult with them.

Because they see themselves as victims. Victims don't have opponents to disagree with, only abusers.

You like stereotyping don't you liberal? When the archetypes fit your ideals huh?

Waste of flesh! I bet you think you're smarter than white country folk. I bet you try o make fun of them every chance you get don't you?

Because you're so different from them with not even getting to know them but your just like Leroy Jenkins... Peas in a Pod!

>how black people are not inferior

But we have scientific proof of that and IQ tests of african american people are just the tip of the iceberg in that regard....

They are on average only better in athletic ability, which is completely irrelevant in a society where intellectual capabilities are key. And that homogeneous societies work better is not really an unknown thing..... (except where they are all black kek)

Sol Reason why I'm not starting anything,
salt is just too good.

>I'm so nice to my friends I'd build a wall around us to protect them even if they don't agree with me

Because they only want to use other people for their own personal gain or advancement. They use each other when in agreement to bolster their self esteem/belonging to a group - this is purely a selfish action. They are incapable of actually forming non superficial connections with people, so if you stray from the group, that is damaging to all people connected to the group so that person is no longer provides important interpersonal interaction because nothing is greater than skin deep.

modern day liberalism is a fashion, its practiced by people with no true compassion or empathy or concern for others. They care more about ideas than actual individuals, real people standing right next to them are worth less than the words from some politician or writing in a trendy piece of text.

Its the greatest irony of modern day liberals, an identity built on being more caring of others and nothing is farther from the truth.

Because pressuring people to cut all ties outside the group is how cults work.

If they unfriend you over this, they are not your friends. The people who think this way are mentally ill. They do not know how to have real relationships with people. They spend all of their time on the internet reading SJW conspiracy theories about how everyone who isn't a nigger is out to get them.

My own personal anecdote is:

I had a lot of shitty thoughts, poor emotional fortitude. Became NEET loser on welfare.

The only people who cut me out of their life were the extremely liberal friends. The conservative leaning ones are apt to call me a faggot but still recognize me as a person.

Their friends don't fit the narrative.

>more that it seems relatively even at birth
right there you are comparing apples and oranges. you need to skew all your data by at least one week. then you need to find out at what rate black brains develop as opposed to White ones, and factor that in

was the study of 122k 122 415 nulliparous women with singleton live fetuses acceptable to you as peer reviewed genuine research? or have you found some flaw in it?

>I bet you think you're smarter than white country folk
I AM White country folk, you big silly

kek, shut it befoer I tickle you

Tfw liberal "friend"
Tfw he texts one of my other pals saying how he's not talking to me for a while to avoid any arguments over politics
Loving every laugh

About the X-chromosome, from what I've read most seem to think it's the source of the difference in distribution of IQ between men and women. Men, not carrying two copies, are obviously far more likely to express any recessive genes present than women are. So the X chromosome having an impact on cognitive ability you'd expect to see more extremely talented men than women, as well as more extremely dumb men. As is the case.
Now I can't speak on any effect of the factors you mentioned, or the form of the study, but a difference between half-black children is expected. It's very much possible they controlled for this.
male - white X
female - half/half
male - black X
female - half/half

So the expected result would be M-BMWF > F-BMWF = F-WMBF > M-WMBF
The rhineland baby study only supports first half, but we'd also expect some difference when grouping them based on the race of their mother, with males elevating the results in white mother group and dragging down the result of the black mother group.