What is the most inclusive online community and why is it Sup Forums ?

What is the most inclusive online community and why is it Sup Forums ?

> no profiles
> no genders
> no races
> no bans for disagreement

only mockery and debate.

Try to disprove it, you can't.

>Select all images with a storm front.

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It's been agreed upon for a while now that we are the true multiculturalist.

Kek confirms

desu, I'm not really racist, even if far left liberals would call me racist for some of the opinions I hold.

I just really, really like using offensive words because they're fun to use. Nigger, chink, spic, faggot, etc. All really fun words to say.

But I don't think that people should be judged by how they look, but how they act. I think social solidarity is more important than racial solidarity, but given that people tend to date within their own ethnic groups I'm probably wrong on that on a genetic level.

This is what a successful multicultural society looks like. Liberal idiots can't do it right.

>offensive words

there is no such thing as offensive words. There are only idiots who get offended by words, and that's non of your business to worry about.

They call you whitey, cracker? You get offended?

>im not really racist
You'll understand soon, kid. Lurk moar

i got banned once because i said blacks are superior to whites. This is not allowed on pol. hahahaha. I think i had a good argument also. people got furious.

>no races
I never get called a kike here, right?

I'm a racist, but I make exceptions for individuals who aren't niggers

too many kids in here. Also you should drop god and praise KEK.

I never said I don't believe in KEK

thats complicated, when every one in the world is a nigger. Whites are just not that exposed to the sun long enough. check history on pic related.

if you hit one more i will have to call you the chosen one.

You know what I mean, what words that society has deemed offensive. Words only have as much power as you give them, and etc.

>kike gets 88
I love this place

Different nationals and ethinicities pickering about almost everything even the most trivial shit.

We truly are multicultural society in microcosmos.

there is no such thing as racism. It's a derogatory word and idea created by Leon Trotsky for auto-dismissal.

However, there are races. Many of them. Some races are superior in one things, others are superior in other things. Some are inferior on every subject.

Neo-humanists will disagree but there is not easy way to avoid reality in current year.

kike isnt a race friend

> no bans for disagreement

uuuh tell that to gook moot and his small platoon of CTR mods

>inclusive right
Serbia is right desu

On Sup Forums no one knows I'm a balding jew.


well its funny and i agree. People that call each other nigger, kikes and stuff like that have no basis in science to do so. if the human race is only one, there is no black race or white race. This is a cultural diferentiation. So there is no point looking in biology to try to sustain a racist argument.

Reminder that Sup Forums is satire.

Well you're not wrong.
>No profiles


> Implying evolution is real.

You need to go back to junior high, Mehmet

>but given that people tend to date within their own ethnic groups I'm probably wrong on that on a genetic level.
I don't understand why that makes you wrong, the ingroup breeding preference is due to our tribal instincts from long pass. It is less about breeding to preserve a race and more about social cohesion of a tribe. Outsiders make cohesion hard.

I'm pretty much the same, I have friends of different races and religions.

I'm mostly here because of the sjw cancer that is destroying academia.

Because under anonymity we don't have the visual cues to determine whether we should trust our instincts and take a more defensive approach when dealing with another person.

Of course, through dialog and shitposting we can start pinpointing what kind of idiots are behind post IDs, because there are patterns in the way people post.

Silly Caipirinha, he means individuals who act like decent people (ie blacks who don't nig)


i don't actually fucking hate anyone unless they're a cunt

but god i love using the word NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

why is it so fucking satisfying

anyway, i think modern liberals have deviated quite a lot from the classical liberal. it's so fucking ironic too.

>classical liberal knows science has shown niggers are predisposed to violence and dumber (this does not mean you need to hate them, there's always an outlier to the bell curve...you just need to be aware and not relax around blacks unless you personally have gotten to know him)
>classical liberal believes in gun rights as they are pro-human rights and want people to be able to defend themselves

it's so fucking funny, ever since the progressives infiltrated those leftie cunts, they've turned into what they used to despise the most. i think you cunts would LOVE classic liberals (and i think with trump's victory the left might go back to classic liberalism or it will die out) because they stand for a lot of principles we all believe.

Hehe you'll never catch me Sergey. After all, you need to say a demon's name to catch it and none of you can correctly pronounce Soros György.

>Select all images with a storm front.
Jesu to i tebi store front captche?


Yes it is, newfag.

That's because nationalism is the best kind of multiculturalism. It might sound like a paradox at first, but when nations have their different states, which they know have some pluses and some minuses to them, conflict on the basis of identity is pointless.

The liberal shitfest is here because they judge people on gender/race/sexuality and try to divide people, telling them how much whites suck and how they are the reason for their oppression.

From what I have seen most people on Sup Forums hold classical liberal values such as rule of law, human rights, and equality of opportunity. Many also have ideas that would typically be tied to the left - caring for the little man, making sure cheap imported labour does not devalue domestic one, etc. There are the occasional stormfags, of course, but this is to be expected.

The nation we are from has little relevance when we hold similar values. This, however, is no basis for the removal of borders of the destruction of the Nation State, since these values encompass the protection of ideals such as sovereignty and independence. The scary part is that the world often sees us as far-right when the ideas shared here are often centrist, and just not as far to the left as the insane political elite expects them to be.

I am drunk sorry for typos.

jesu, treba li da paranoisem?


>It's a derogatory word and idea created by Leon Trotsky for auto-dismissal.
It was around before Trotsky

agreed. most of us think we're right wing, but we actually sit in the center.

the problem is, as i've highlighted in my post above that classical liberalism died a LONG time ago.

progressives have been subverting it for a long time to twist it into what it actually hated the most.

several of the founding fathers were classical liberals and they would be disgusted at how authoritarian the left has become.

the real left is not that bad, if you just don't go too far down the rabbit hole. they do make some good ideas, like everyone having the right to self defense.

>not knowing CLING CLING CLING

i know. but i had to check it since burgers are very low educated, even for brazilian standards.

I basically simply notice certain patterns with certain groups, that's called common sense.

Also I hate that diversity is only targeted against white countries.

It really annoys me that SJW's have been using the term 'progressive' because it basically makes every other progressive seem like someone who is pushing gender identity politics down other peoples throats and getting mad at people over gender pronouns.

There are many progressives who care about things like how cities should be designed in an efficient way, decentralisation of the energy grid, ending the drug war, how automation will effect humanity and a mission to mars.

I feel like these tumblr tards are sucking all the oxygen out of the room for actually important issues!

gr8 b8 m8


Nascimento with the bantz

to have multiple cultures they have to be separate to form, then you can meet people in a safe space where nobody gets hurt unless you bait a dunecoon into Muhammading all over some christians.

Remove that and you're right
Only mockery

I'm sure you feel that way.

why do they call themselves progressives?

what is so progressive in bringing every single difference to analytical perspective than trying to enforce your own vision as superior to other?

also every ideology is same reactionary pile of crap in regard of parent ideology. It's basically cycle-jerk of emotional reaction to unsolved problems.

Don't be a fag, I want to know too.

fuck off poostreet

the only reason you never debate anyone is because you don't ever bring up a good point.

just shit.

It depends on the progressive person, but to be honest, many of them dream of an utopian future a'la Star Treck, where everyone is equal, everyone gets free gibsmedats, crime is minimal, humanity is united under one single banner, etc. So they are "progressing" towards this particular ideal step by step. Them believing they are fighting for that perfect system and perfect future for everyone is also what fuels their righteous zealotry which lost them this election.

No i understand and i heavily pity the true left for how they've been hijacked by these subversive and downright insane cunts.

The true left historically stood for a lot of ideas Sup Forums would get behind, ideas the left and right would find common ground on...but the movement's been all but destroyed and most people shifted to identifying as "right wing" since the right was the only remaining place that supported what were once shared ideas.

>Gun rights for all, self defense for all
>Forward thinking science such as nuclear power, in order to burn less coal (simply more efficient, like today with 4th gen breeder reactors that eat their own nuclear waste....something old lefties and industrial capitalists would both love)
>The workers not being abused like third world trash gets abused
>People having the right to do what they want in the freedom of their own homes if they're not being insufferable or hurting anyone

And yet today, the left is anything but that. Look at my country, it's a nanny state authoritarian nightmare filled with kafkaesque organisations everywhere.

They're not truly progressive, they just use that moniker to infiltrate the movement.

What they actually are is subversive jewish cunts.

See, a long long time ago both the left and the right hated the kikes and for good fucking reason. They've been trying to twist both the left and right into parodies of what they actually are and turn them both into supporting big government and authoritarianism (where the jews can seize control easier).

They've been turning the left into rabid SJW's
They succeeded in turning the right into nazis

And eternally pitted two sides against eachother, when they once had common ground and would have removed these fucking subversive cunts.

Divide and conquer.

If anyone is curious i can explain the history of this in more detail, this goes back a LONG time.

It's just fun to piss people off.
It's not just white people that post here either, this thread is about....well, political correctness. We are a parody of the real world.

I will admit some people take it to the extra level.

Just don't take the trolling into the real world, humor makes things less serious and there are very serious people out there.

Catches up 20% this month.

Don't call me a fag you cunt.

It's from Devilman.

No pubes at all. Only had about 2 encounter with a normal amount of pubes, and they shaved the next day

The truth is that we love each other for what we are; a bunch of anonymous faggots that shitpost on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.

Thanks fag

yeah, i thought about that, but then you can see in Star Trek that everyone has one distinguished national background (ie. Picard is french and dreams about romantic french countryside, other figures have they're own national/racial background stories etc.).

So in such utopia, nations/races are not blended into one, they're all pretty well separated but act as one for greater good.

Modern 'progressivism' is just about faggots, muslims and minority hipsterism.

>implying the cambrian explosion dosent disprove evolution

Izgleda po državama djele captche, nama su store frontovi i select all images witht the street signs
Neke države imaju da zaokruže avione

Kek we wuz kings n shiet

This place has had a weird effect on my life. You're a HueHueHueBRBR?!, the guy below you is a britbong, below that is a kebab that needs removing. The leafs, the strayans, the amerifats, the roaches. if I ever told someone in real life about those names I have in my head for all these nationalities, they would look at me in shock.

Yet I love calling you guys this. I love to make fun of you and watch you make fun of me, my nation, my heritage, even my taste in video games. There is a Catharsys in not taking oneself serious, and you guys help with that.

ENGLISH, Kebab. Do you fucking speak it?

A history, my Mongolian friend. Just history and facts.

I was a democrat up until last winter, it was the crazy liberals that began my move to the right withe the social justice shit. Glad it did, I found out everything I believed was bullshit and became a better person. There really isnt any room for moderate democrats anymore, at this point you're either with the Tumblrinas or against them.

Shut up, kike. You're not a race.

Could not agree more mate.

I love sharing information about what my country's really like with people too, i've learned so much about other countries too, just small little things.

It pains me to see so many of my friends not taking the red pill, it's atrocious.

It's a tall order with the way the liberal media outright lies to everyone. Seeing that was the big game changer for me.

Type away keyboard warrior

NeoGAF is.


Exactly, how does a gradual process cause such variety to just appear? Only creationism explains this.

> no bans for disagreement

Watch me.

Horses of smaller than average size are superior.

A true NatSoc would hate the democatic party. While black people are inferior, encouraging the worst of their race goes against nationalism. They could be our best warriors.


>multiculturalism and diversity brings strength

>everybody's face when a forum of childless single men who masturbate to anime were the only people in this world to consistently prove this true

it's beautiful really