So, is this the future? libtards and leftist are going to be the majority and normal people are going to be minority, seriously WTF ?
serious question, no joke, what are you going to do about it?
my country is already full of those retards although not the level of retardation and pathetics complains( such as "dont call me she, i am he" and so on) but is sickening to know that this is going to be the future.

Other urls found in this thread:



People change all the time.

There is a streamer I have watched for a long time, inutinua. She used to be a big liberal, made angry atheist videos, made videos on gay rights, followed liberals on twitter.
Now she is very conservative, like knits, sews, and cooks. She voted for trump, and her twitter is very anti sjw.

>is this the future

no. people always think kids are going to grow up to be liberals. thats just because theyre dumb kids. theyll get older and wiser

Don't worry OP, the mullenials are whiny bitch babies, but gen Z is starting to show as extremely conservative. Children will always rebel against their parents.

they're not gonna reproduce lol. most sjws hate children

>Current year
>Believing the polls

>they're not gonna reproduce lol. most sjws hate children
also most of them are cucks
thank god.


yeah i know, i literally enjoyed when the polls totally failed when emperor Trump won. the tears of illegals mexicans crying and complaining because they wont earn dolla's without paying taxes or being deported.
dont send them back, yous fucking kill those rapist.

god speeds leaf

>implying most millennials were Hillary supporters. Most of us supported the Socialist jewish pothead

that is even worst user.


I don't have any proof of this aside from anecdotal evidence but I find that kids the ages 12-18 are actually far more radical right than the 18-25 group.
At my current totally not underage school in fucking Sweden id say 90% of all guys support Trump, and maybe 50% of all girls
Then again I go boarding, so we're upper class.
I'd say Sweden democrats would get 80% male vote among he boarding students. Then maybe 15-18% are conservatives and the last small part is social democrat/Green Party/leftist party

No. They're young, of course they're liberal. Wait until they get their first paycheck and see how much tax they're paying. Then they turn instantly.

probably this.

most of them have never paid anything without their welfare check or daddy money.

how about old ppl?

HI! 34 year old gen x/millenial (prefer gen x, 1981 so on the generational edge).

I started out redpilled as fuck, wrote Christmas songs about Hitler when I was in the 3rd grade w/ my friend Mike. I eventually got bluepilled (Democrat family, it was bound to happen) but have slowly been going back to red.

tl;dr - the kids will change over time, they might seem blue right now but eventually a good chunk will see the BS from the left and begin to migrate.

Lefties are simply unable to see or hear anything that questions their world view.

It's like that episode from Drawn Together where they show the Gay Future with normal people living in sewers under cities training to kill Teletubies that turned the wold gay.

Generation Z
Generation after millenials
Grew up in the Recession
As conservative as the silent generation

Yep enjoy the next four years because starting in 2020 you will never have power again. We will win in a landslide and then we will abolish the electoral college.

We are the incarnation of our parents guilt friend!


as soon as blacks are no longer victimized by the liberal parties and as soon as immigrants realize that they will get a better deal going through conservative politics and turn into economically viable citizens we wont have this problem

I'm seeing that trend here as well. I think these kids growing up in the 2010s being told that they're to blame for slavery and black crime made them ask alot of questions early on in life.

They say this every election, you have to develop into a conservative and younger people are naturally more liberal through naivety and idealism that has yet to be dismissed by real world experience.

Get cancer, over the next few years the average person will realize what a mess you and your liberal leaders have caused.

Not if we make America white again.

easily manipulated young dumb kids is all they are
most in college, the liberal indocrination machine
or their favorite youtubers and tweeters shilled for hillary

things will change.


fucking blacks and mexicans man
they need to wake the fuck up and stop being imbeciles

that triggers me

At least she's wearing running shoes

>I will start losing weight tomorrow

They are totally grasping at straws. As soon as these millenials get into the real world they will stop voting Democrat no matter what like every generation. Then again maybe that's what safe spaces are for?

maybe ,if only you havent killed yourself , faggot

>implying Asians aren't shit too

>old people ruined everything for us!
>they're not even living that long anymore anyway!
>they shouldn't be allowed to vote!
Looks like this is the new democracy playbook post-Brexit.

It's not an age thing, it's a race thing, and the percentage of the population that is young and white is declining.

Once the boomers are dead Americans are in for a shitstorm. The election might seem like a domination over Clinton, but keep in mind that only 50% of the population voted. If all the non-whites voted, or even just a few million more in strategic places, you'd have a Clinton presidency.

Spics and Niggers will NEVER vote conservative.

A conservative is a Liberal who got mugged.

We don't do anything to the libtards...life experience will beat the naivety out of them, and they will move to the right. Every generation in history follows the same pattern.

How do we get them out?
I want them all out of america they vote like retards

i would, i dont have problems paying taxes and learning english as de facto language

>Spics and Niggers will NEVER vote conservative

In case anyone doubts this see pic related. You can add Asians to the list as well.

It would be, but most are killed in the upcoming civil war. They soon learn that as weak faggots they can't do anything against actual, hardworking Americans. We become a Republican nation forever.


Deport the illegals, build a fucking big wall, change immigration policy to exclusively white.

If your brownies kick up a fuss, liquidate them.

Cool outlier bro

If only. Too bad that in reality it wouldn't have mattered if it was Trump or Clinton or any other candidate. The only thing that changes and likely the only reason Trump was allowed to win is he's a perfect scapegoat for the coming storm.

They aren't going to realize the mess their leader caused, they're going to witness the aftermath while being unaware of the genesis.

Under Obama, the median household income dropped by $2000. The number of Americans in poverty increased by 10 million. The number of Americans on foodstamps has gone up 12 million. There's been a 40% increase in average family healthcare premiums, the home ownership rate has dropped by 4%, the labor participation rate is at the lowest it's been since 1978, and Obama will have accumulated more debt than every other president combined before him when he leaves office.

The end result is an impossible disaster nearing critical mass for Trump to try and disarm, and it isn't possible. The meme was fun and all but unfortunately before the end of his first year, likely before the end of his first week in office, Trump will regret ever entering the race.

That won't be enough. The illegals don't actually vote in large numbers and legal immigration will remain open to all sorts from around the non-white world as it currently is.

This was the last hurrah of white America. Trump will probably get reelected in four years if he doesn't cuck, but that will be it. Dissolution of the union is the only real long term solution.


that's not gonna solve anything, they'll just have to be replaced by 3rd world immigrants. The problem is that your eductaional system is teeming with communists and creating liberals.

you'll have to start turning your white population conservative again or they'll die out.

if you dont prevent democrats allow illegals to vote, you will have problems.

>tfw there is another me currently suffering in the Hillary timeline

once they get a taste of MAGA they'll come around. sjw shit is a phase, most will grow out of it, those that don't will be the deranged activists nobody pays attention to.

It's not the future. People tend to get more conservative as they grow up.

All the hippie flower faggots are now 60+ years old and you don't see this leftist crap from them anymore.

~28% of hispanics are not on welfare
I also expect congress to pass a strict voter ID law, and for a conservative supreme court to overrule any cuck courts in the states.

Undoubtedly. If that happens it is over the day after they great amnesty.

Deportation won't fix the demographic damage done by legal immigration, anchor babies, etc. Demographic winter is just around the corner and deporting the illegals without ending legal immigration and drastically cutting welfare won't do anything but delay the inevitable.

America is going to have problems regardless.

Australia has our shit locked down on illegal immigrants, we ship 'em off to shithole countries. But our politicians still like a lot of non-whites into the country via legal immigration.

>implying people don't get more conservative as they get older
>implying millennials will ever give enough fucks to vote

nice meme!

Pretty much this. We might be celebrating now but once the older White generations die off and America is left to non-whites and millennials, we are all absolutely done for.

Don't worry. I'm sure Trump & GOP will engage in unholy amounts of voter suppression and disenfranchisement. You'll still have a shot in the near future.

You don't need to be a stinky SJW to be pro gay rights and follow sane liberals (like: Sargog of Akkad, Bill Maher) on twitter

A huge proportion of them are non-white, those people will never vote republican.

It is just the non-whites.

See the exit polling

Younger people change politics as they grow older and have to pay taxes and face reality. This has been the way forever. The same whites who were hippies in the 70s became Reagan supporters in the 80s.

1/3 of latinos did vote for trump. there is hope there. Blacks though seem to be hopelessly un-woke.

1. This isn't an actual voting poll, its from some libshit website

2. Young people were always libruls

You're mostly right. But I feel a Trump presidency will either remove alot of illegal minorities and/or make minorities worried about emigrating to the States

Sargon has been moving further and further right

eh, hillary timeline you dies in 2018 from radiation sickness anyway
so it's not all bad

What website is that on?



It's an ONLINE poll.

Get on building that wall Juan, America will be fine. Besides, people change their political views over time, a lot of the people will look back at Trump era and say things were better back then, even if they don't like him right now.

Once they get a job, their own home, a family etc they'll lean more to the right.


Anyone who thinks demographic winter isn't around the corner need only compare the white youth vote to the overall youth vote.


Sauce for those stats?

>But I feel a Trump presidency will either remove alot of illegal minorities and/or make minorities worried about emigrating to the States

That would only stem the tide, it wouldn't actually solve the problem. The only way you're going to demographically secure whites in the United States is through either more white people, or less non-whites. And I mean less CURRENT non-whites, because based on the current amount of beaners and their birthrates, whites are fucked.

If Trump only does what you say, America still becomes minority white. Game over.

Remember all the polls that said she would win?

Reminds me of this poll.

No, the pendulum swings
Even the liberals (the actual ones, that talk about ACTUAL equality and freedom, not double standards) are mad at them
You cant be liberal and get behind those people, they have just hijacked the term, everyone that actually thinks is dropping them


This is clear evidence that the minimum voting age should be raised to 34.

Dude, CNN screw up with their polls before the election. Why would I trust them now?

Seeing as population grows exponentially, /and electoral votes are assigned based on population; states like California, New York and Florida will decide the outcome of the election. In other words, the US is bound to eventually enter a cycle of perpetual Democrat rule. Unless Amerifags do something drastic.

Because this is the same data we have seen for decades.

We South Africa now

Take all the darkies off the voting rolls and it's like they don't exist

By "normal people" I assume you mean uneducated, right? Fucking inbred morons voting for bank deregulation, coal power, and a general fucking of diplomatic ties and world-goddamn war. Fuck ALL of you for that.

Sargon uncucked himself recently.


With this election, the showed a clear desire to use polls as a manipulative tool rather than an investigative one. Trusting them would be as foolish as trusting a French woman to shave her armpit.

Exit polls are different, though not without flaws. Provide data to show how they may be wrong or fuck off.

Decades of exit poling shows the same results.


When he was cucked? Give me an example one of his videos.

The one that bashes the alt-right movement, it doesn't count, because he was right in what he said.

he is still fathering his wife's son, right?
that makes him a literal cuck

Socialist and liberal tendencies disappear with the first income tax deductions. In three or more years they will start to turn. Don't worry.

we already elected trump

The exit polls pointed to a Clinton victory as much as pre-election polling. Your source has proven themselves to be, at best, incompetent and, at worst, unbelievably dishonest.

Fuck off you stupid wog. Liberalism and Civic Nationalism, the belief that non-whites can be "integrated" into the United States, is the reason why they are where they are.

We don't hate non-whites for what they do, we hate them because they are in white countries being used as a weapon against whites, unwittingly or wittingly.

Jews use non-whites to suppress white demographics, so they feel safer and don't have to worry about one overwhelming majority getting redpilled and shoahing the shit out of them.

American conservatives have been courting the non-white vote for more than 40 years. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

>The exit polls pointed to a Clinton victory

Provide a source or kill yourself.

Here are exit polls going back to 1976.

They show the same trends as the ones from this election.