Do you ever stop and think about how cool it is that an offhand event mentioned the the very first SW movie from 40...

Do you ever stop and think about how cool it is that an offhand event mentioned the the very first SW movie from 40 years ago got an awesome TV show 30 years later?

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>the very first SW movie from 40 years ago

It's even funnier when Good Ol' Georgie wasn't even sure what that war was like.
>I'll write it in post

Why was it referred to as "The Clone Wars"?
The fighting began long before the clones were introduced, between more significant ingrained entities too. Was it because using manufactured lifeforms for war was considered taboo?

This is thread derailing bait and nothing else. We all know why it's called that, and it's not an in universe reason.
It's cheesy, but the show didn't create the status quo.
Now fuck off.

>says thread is derailing bait
>derails thread in response to innocent question

>innocent question
That everyone knows the answer to.

Because it was between two sides, one who used a legion organic cloned units (with minor variations per role) vs one who used a legion of sets of identical robotic units (with variations between the sets).

Realistically, the galaxy should be glad the chancellor merely turned the clones against the Jedi. Any other sith lord, they'd turn them against the warlike planets who refused to contribute any fighters, but didn't particularly mind the fact that people died for them.

Possibly, or it could have possibly just been the first use of Clone warfare as they lacked the abilities to do so before.

If I had to give a plausible explaintion it would be something like this.
Clones are the new element. Battle droids have been around, tensions have been rising between the Separatists and the Republic, and now the Republic has busted out an elite army that had been a complete secret.

Every single line in the original star wars trilogy was basically broken down to make the prequels.

Recently I was thinking about how Yoda refusing Luke when saying "he is too old to begin the training" is what lead to the Jedis basically taking kids from their homes in the Prequel trilogy.

Obi Wan comments that Luke's father was a great star pilot, and so you get part of Episode 1 devoted to him being a pod racer even though Vader actually doesn't pilot all that much in the OT.

>Doesn't pilot all that much in the OT

He doesn't need to, he took out most of a bombing squadron in ANH, and survived in a careening TIE Bomber after being attacked from behind.

I actually like this though. Lucas looked at things like Yoda's prediction of what would happen if Luke left Dagobah and how Yoda's prediction was BS, and the whole "Jedi use the force only for defence, but go kill your own dad", and how Obi and Yoda didn't believe that Anakin could be saved, and he based the PT off this implication from the OT that the Jedi were arrogant, flawed, and set in their ways.

Yeah, at any rate the Empire didn't really focus much on dogfighting besides picking off stragglers and put their most important guys behind their warships, which is reasonable.

Rewatched episode 2 recently and Yoda says something to the effect of "Begun the Clone Wars have." before there's any real inciting incident fit to warrant the name. It's just author fiat.

>before there's any real inciting incident
I mean, Yoda was being a little forward by coining the name, but the inciting incident was Yoda taking the clones to Geonosis.

Are you aware of the sheer number of RL wars that were giving unfitting names because nobody could think of better names?

You're not wrong, but that'd be a lot like calling the first conflict with firearms the Gun Wars. If the clones were genuinely such a novelty you might call it that, clunky as it is, but the fact the Kaminoans could grow/train/equip a clone army strongly suggests there's a precedent for cloned forces, even if they've never been used on such a scale. Yoda's choice becomes not only presumptuous but also fairly unimaginative, and yet that's the name that history in-universe vindicates somehow.

Really I think the main problem arises from the holistic nature of the force here in that Yoda could very well be inferring the definitive name of the events before they're set to unfold. Given the clumsiness of his and the other Jedi masters' prescience throughout the prequels however that doesn't really hold water.

>Really I think the main problem arises from the holistic nature of the force here in that Yoda could very well be inferring the definitive name of the events before they're set to unfold. Given the clumsiness of his and the other Jedi masters' prescience throughout the prequels however that doesn't really hold water.
If you're gonna look at it from that angle then that's a fine theory, because they can still sense vague things like the dark side being involved with the chancellor (whether that's him being manipulated or him just being a soulless politician, they don't know), Yoda at least can probably sense that the clones are a focal point of things. The conversation preceding his comment actually implies that he means it that way. Obi and Mace are talking about the clones giving them their victory on Geonosis, and Yoda cautions them against seeing as a victory.
And as we know from TCW, the Jedi chase down loose ends regarding Sifo-Dyas and the clones when they get any clues.

and as for>If the clones were genuinely such a novelty you might call it that, clunky as it is, but the fact the Kaminoans could grow/train/equip a clone army strongly suggests there's a precedent for cloned forces
I more meant it like this
>Clones are the new element. Battle droids have been around, tensions have been rising between the Separatists and the Republic, and now the Republic has busted out an elite army that had been a complete secret.
That in this conflict, the clones are the new wild card.

All reasonable points, broadly I agree. Really my main takeaway is that the Clone War makes way more sense as a posthumous name than one that could be minted there and then. It'd be like calling WW1 WW1 before you knew there'd be a second one.

Yes, but dramatic effect and all that.

The name was decided after the events like most wars.

It'll be 41 years very soon. Also, what were the seventies like?


These two posters worked together to derail the thread.

wow, rude

No, the whole way the clone wars has been expanded upon is stupid.
For one, the clones should be the enemy. Nobody names a war after their own army.

No, I don't. That's not saying much, most of my thinking is devote wholly on fantasising about stepping in front of nearby trains and cars.

>their own army.
That they were forced to use at short notice and did not themselves commission.
>the clones should be the enemy.
Zahn is overrated as hell.
>muh art muh tactics

>the whole way the clone wars has been expanded upon is stupid.
Elaborate. And if you can, limit your problems to the actual thread topic, not the movies.



At least some of these events should have been a whole movie in addition to a show. Some of these multi-parters are far more plot relevant than anything that happened in Episode I or Episode II.

>Realistically, the galaxy should be glad the chancellor merely turned the clones against the Jedi.

It was. Not everyone was the rebels. Part of the point of the Clone War was to turn public opinion AGAINST the Jedi Knights. We even see this in the cartoon. The general public blamed the Jedi Knights for dragging the war on.

99.9% of the citizens of the Republic/Empire welcomed the news that the war was done and that the Jedi were practically wiped out over night.

The series was desperately needed to fill the gaps of the prequels. It is really hard to understand anything of Anakins motivations without the series.

>why was it referred to as the War of Jenkin's Ear?

These things don't usually make sense.

Copies vs Copies. Or Copies(droids) attacking people.

Droid Copies vs Clone copies. "Clone Wars". What's not to get or understand about that? Unless you're a retard with a preschool reading level. It's simple.

Star Trek had a better clone war.

here. Thanks for all your great responses. I guess I just wanted my own suspicions confirmed. Have a nice day

>my own suspicions confirmed
Which were?

Debatable. TCW had at least as high highs as DS9, but had more filler. (If we're solely talking about the Dominion War part, early DS9 had lots of bland crap).

One of my favorites is how Luke says his father couldn't have been a Jedi because "he was a navigator on a spice freighter". In the movie that begins the Clone Wars series, Anakin hijacks a spice freighter that he uses as his personal ship for almost the entire series until Obi-Wan gets it blown up.

More that it was prohibitively expensive. It took ten years of work. They had to engineer, create, train, feed, and equip the clones. The CIS just shat out tons of battle droids for dirt cheap. The clones practically bankrupted the Republic, which was part of Palpatine's plan to gain control of the banking system to run his Empire.

>an awesome TV show 30 years later?
I think you meant to say 24 years later.

Because what came before was merely a phantom menace.

CW Anakin and PT Anakin are pretty much completely different characters anyway.

>CW Anakin and PT Anakin are pretty much completely different characters anyway.

Not really. The show just showed more of happy Anakin. When shit got real for him he was just as irrational and temperamental as he was in the movies.

Without the series Anakin looks like a brat. who got everything easy and always complains. In the series we actually see how much weight he pulled in the war and was still shat on by the council. Also, he goes big bad in seconds in the movie without much buildup (killed muh sand people but that is all). In the series we see how he is prone to outbursts especially when someone important is in danger. Also he grews more bitter and serious as time pass.

Even with CW, movies Anakin still sounds like a brat. A retarded one.