Bernie Sanders: Losing White Working Class to Trump an 'Embarrassment' for Dems

>Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said in an interview today that it was "an embarrassment" that millions of white working-class voters decided to support Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

>"It is an embarrassment, I think, to the entire of Democratic Party that millions of white working-class people decided to vote for Mr. Trump, which suggests that the Democratic message of standing up for working people no longer holds much sway among workers in this country," Sanders said, calling for a reshaping of the party's message.

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Well duh, just look at Detroit: a product of decades of democratic neglectence.

Well he's not wrong. The left doesn't realize they've become the party of establishment politics and billionaire-loving sycophants.

> the Democratic message of standing up for working people no longer holds much sway among workers
The double-think at work.

If they actually *did* stand up for workers, there'd be no problem.

Liberals have only themselves to blame. They created Trump and his diehard supporters. After years of demonizing straight white men and women, the left is now reaping what they sowed.

if you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor.

no shit. the dems haven't stood for the working class since 04. its all been identity politics. muh black vote, muh spic vote. they always counted on whites just not voting at all, and trump tapped into that. the others are called Minorities for a reason.

I mean, it is really easy, stop calling the working class racist misogynists just because they might disagree with you on an issue.

"Maybe we should stop insulting everyone who has different opinions"

Instead of learning this lesson, the left has essentially stepped up their divisive rhetoric. Couple that with the number of people putting out false stories of: "look at what Trump supporters did on day 1 of Trump's presidency, guys. Omg so evil. What? No, I didn't have my buddy beat me up so that we could slander Trump and Trump supporters, that's just silly." And we have the fuel to spark a legit civil war.

Honestly, the lying from the left is only going to make things worse. Attacks against white people are just going to continue to increase.

It is actually quite frightening.

>Democratic message of standing up for working people no longer holds much sway among workers in this country
>Calling for a reshaping of the party's message

So they refuse to realize they are the problem, color me surprised

since clinton ran for president

>Bill Clinton and Al Gore are a "new kind of Democrat"

This coming from a guy that said whites don't know what it's like to be poor. Fucking nigger needs to kill himself.

boy how could this have happened?

Well when you want to tax the shit out of me, to send a bunch of already entitled retards to college, so that they can scoff at white, working class me, of course I'm going to join the other side.

2 problems there Bernie.
1- DNC nominated Clinton
2- You then ignored working class by supporting Clinton

I will say this though good for him for realizing what went wrong unlike everyone else who seems to be doubling down

It's too late to be salty, Bernie. You should have found your spine when they cucked you in the primaries.

>Kike who didn't work until he was middle aged.


>yessss goyim, we are gonna reshape the message to be more appealing
So what they are saying is that they'll change the message but not the policies?

I don't know. It's a mystery

White people were the first poor people in America.

I agree with Bernie "White people don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders. Poor dems :((((((

>kill all whites!
>the country will be better with no whites
>why don't whites vote for us?

He knew this would happen. He knew it and still endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Spineless cuck.

>bet the farm on pandering to spics
>30% vote for TRUMP


Even Politifact had to condemn him for that statement.

Bernie "white ppl can't be poor" Sandnigger. He would have lost white working class too.

I love this new meme that libs think he could win against Trump.

He kinda had to. If he didn't Democrats would say Trump only won because of him.

But still,
>switch sides
>lose again

What a faggot.

Exactly. I grew up poor as fuck, getting charity Christmas presents and having 1 pair of jeans to last each half of the school year. I lived on 29 cent boxes of shitty macaroni and cheese, or 3 of us sharing a can of spaghettios. Oh, and being bullied by nigs everyday, who had better stuff because mama had welfare for 8 kids.
And some Jew fag tells me I am privileged, I don't know aboit poor. He is lucky I left the US.

Gee I wonder if it has anything to do with them thinking and acting like all blue collar workers are fat retarded slobs pic related

Also, working class people don't want shitty handouts. They want to work

says the welfare king

Maybe that cuck should have actually ran as a third party and gave the middle class someone to vote for. I lost all respect for him when he endorsed the face of Wall-Street cronyism.

When you deny racism toward whites does not exist and neglect whites for employment you are not gonna get their vote.

they realize it, they're just pretending they don't.


Nevermind that the polls said Hillary would win. These people are brainless.

Funny thing is he would have won
Bernouts got so mad that Hitlerry stole the nomination that they didnt show up to vote or even voted Trump to spite her

Why does he still appear publicly? He has no political future, zero. After he got btfo by said Dems, no one would trust him in position of authority again or fulfilling any task at all.

If he`d just lost, its be one thing. But he got cucked hard, supporting Clinton while she and dems shat on him.

He's totally fucking right. Honestly, for me the Trump election would have been an ok moment. But how democrats shot themselves in the foot, disregarding the TRUE democratic candidate (fuck everything else, you may not like him but you gotta respect him -he actually believes his shit and has fire in him) and marginalising him - that made it fucking cathartic. Seeing democrats flock away from the party, disgusted by the criminal hillary, the same people who would have given Bernie likely a landslide (the bitch won the popular vote, how'd you think he would have done?) was one of the best things I've ever seen in my life.

Ill be fucked if the world doesn't need more people like Bernie, who may hold the wrong views but at least defend and represent them properly.

But trump didn't win because of the white vote. He only increased white votes by 1% compared to Romney. Meanwhile he increased black votes by 7, Hispanics by 11 and lowest income bracket by 16. Trump won by cracking into erstwhile dependable democratic demographics in key democratic states. This election was not decided by the white vote although I'm sure tons of white folks were indeed angry at the establishment too.

He should have run as Jill Stein's VP.

Hillary was a shit candidate anyway

Probably should have stopped taking us for granted then.

>If I'm not rich no one can be rich

Standard liberal statement.

If he wasn't ancient, unless Trump turned out to be the best president ever, Bernie would hold a realistic chance at the next election. As it is, he'll be too old. And the stupid fucking clever liberals will pay through the nose for their mistake cause they can never correct it.

>if you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor.
Don't bully the civilized races just because we got our shit together 500 years ago m8.
Maybe if you'd invented the cannon instead of worshipping a fucking elephant for 7 millennia you wouldn't be poor.

She was, but pissing off half the democratic voter base on the road to nomination didnt help either

But then, where would he put his self-respect?

You know I just realized something. Now we know that the DNC made Bernie sign a pledge not to attack Hillary on certain issues like emails.

Remember during the first democrat debate when he said "This is not good politics, but we're sick of hearing about your damn emails!"

Was this actually a jab at Hillary and the dnc that the emails were a genuine issue? Saying "it's not good politics" is kinda suspicious.

Except Trump won because of christian working class white people that are feeling the effects of the terrible economy the Dems are pretending is doing great, the ones that he kept insulting even more than Hilldog. He appealed to the liberal college vote and only the liberal college vote even harder than her. He would have been destroyed.

You should have run third party then you sHill jew

I'm still not sure it's dawned on them that they only have themselves to blame for marginalizing that demographic for so, so long.

No, he wouldn't have won Zues, and we need to dispel this fiction once and for all.

Bernie was a weak man who got cucked by BLM and wouldn't even challenge Hilary on her emails. He was a socialist who only got as far as he did by promising gullible idiots free college.

The ONLY demographics he appealed to were leftist college students and aging hippies. This is why he lost to a woman under FBI investigation.

Trump would have slaughtered him.

Look at the Democratic voter show up and compare it with previous elections
They didnt swing
They literally refused to go and vote
Democrats lost because they were shooting their feet on the entire campaign

>tfw he will never hold a major position in office

Well that and Christian whites found Spirit Cooking and "let's make partial birth abortion a fun and wholesome American fundimental human right" truly deplorable.

I know that's what got my Trump vote

He was quoting Bernie Sanders.

Bernie talked about healthcare for the poor, a minimum salary, paid vacation.

How the fucking hell, in the country with the least rights for working men in the world, is that not for the working class?

>says the guy who wants to tax your whole paycheck

How can he not put this together

Bernouts are the entire reason Hillary lost. They are the scum of the the Earth. They refused to vote for Hillary and then fucking protested the day after the election because Trump won, the mouth breathing fucks.

They thought the increasing percentage of minorities meant they could run a campaign towards them and win. Issue is, they forgot to actually check where those increased percentage of minorities are living. Pro-tip: Most of them are in hard blue states like California.

Hilariously Bill actually told them repeatedly they needed to fight Trump over the white male working class vote in the rust belt to win, but they snubbed him as 'behind the times' and kept trying to appeal to minorities and women.

>Bernie Sanders: an 'Embarrassment' for Dems

Running communist front groups in the 60s while the cold war was at its high just after stalin had killed millions in purges.

traitor, cunt and professional hypocritical leftist rabble rouser who never worked an honest day in his life

This is still Bernie "you don't know what it's like to be poor if you're white" Sanders, right?

Gee, I wonder why they didn't vote democratic

the dems really btfo themselves this election.

I've started carrying again, and I can't wait for some Oakland nig to get in my way

Because none of it was about actually doing anything about repairing the economy. These people don't want handouts, or free fucking college, they want the opportunity to build their fucking life for themselves.

Leftists have been attacking, mocking, and humiliating white working class voters for 30+ years.

White working class Americans are the only ones that it is considered "politically correct" to make fun of. Leftist's make fun of how they talk, what they like, how they dress, what jobs they work, etc. White working class Americans know that they don't have a seat the table of Progressive Wonderland. They wouldn't even be let in the door.

Leftists will never get the white working class vote because leftists are religiously anti-white.

This really
>left plays identity politics
>gets made when white men start acting like a minority group and voting 2 to 1 for trump

The native americans were poor first, idiot.
Then europeans smallpox'd them and litterally stole their crop fields full of corn and pumpkins.

Maybe the americans shouldn't have been cucks.

>Ill be fucked if the world doesn't need more people like Bernie, who may hold the wrong views but at least defend and represent them properly.
Basically this. The man is a socialist kook but he at least seems to genuinely believe and care about the majority of Americans.
I'd rather have a load of Sanders' in power than Hillary clones.

>Bernie was a weak man who got cucked by BLM
The irony being that Bernie was a civil rights activists in the 60s and actively helped blacks earn the right to vote in the first place.
If only niggers could read.

>The native americans were poor first, idiot.
How can Native Americas be poor if they dont know the meaning of being poor. wtf is a poor native American during the tribal era?

He was quoting Sanders mongoloid.

Couldn't help think of this

great article

"Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.

“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off.

Bernie Sanders Didn’t Make a Paycheck Until He Turned 40

Bernie Sanders Didn’t Make a Paycheck Until He Turned 40

it's cute that hillary's supporters just expected everyone to fall in line with her

Huh, you mean decades of ignoring them and then calling them racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. for asking why they're being ignored makes them not want to vote for you? Who the fuck would have thought?

>Dems are pretending is doing great

This is by far the most befuddling thing about the whole election. Trump was the only one who acknowledged that there were serious problems across the board with the country, it's the goddamn basis of MAGA. But instead of agreeing on that simple base point, the left instead decided to push a narrative of "everything is fine, the only problem is that women and minorities are socially bullied! Let's fix society because the economy is doing great!"

Like shit, there were no promises for more jobs or a more stable economy, it was a campaign built entirely on "WOMEN AND POC! WOMEN AND POC!". How could anyone who actually lives in the real world expect to support such a narrow minded campaign?

Well, he's right. HRC ignored the democrat base and basically let Trump have free reign in her "firewall." Turns out that ignoring 60% of the country wasn't a recipe for success.

If you think the quality of the work environment and workers rights don't matter for the economy, you need to educate yourself.

See, Marx isn't famous because he advocated racial mixing and liberalism. He's famous because he helped along the theory that labour, the worker, the conditions he works in matter for the economy, I.e. labour being an important aspect of it.

This has been proven time and again in dozens of cases.

>Inb4 ultra socialist country that failed

It has to be moderate. You have zero rights. So you have a long way to go before it's too much.

We can't allow Bernie Sandals to get popular again. He's the only threat to Trump in four years. Remind people how he sold out and was always a part of the establishment.

>How could anyone who actually lives in the real world expect to support such a narrow minded campaign?
The political elite don't live in the real world. When is the last time any of them actually visited bumfuck nowhere, Wisconsin and talked to real people?

No, they are just elitists that took took everything for granted. They thought they had the women and non white vote so it didn't matter.

"It's the economy, stupid!" beat a Clinton due to hubris.

>>How could anyone who actually lives in the real world expect to support such a narrow minded campaign?
>The political elite don't live in the real world. When is the last time any of them actually visited bumfuck nowhere, Wisconsin and talked to real people?

Bernie would have liked to tell them how he spent until 40 bumming round spouting the communist manifesto. It wants them to behave and accept he is the vanguard of his 'revolution of da workers' and that is why he never worked.

>"It's the economy, stupid!" beat a Clinton due to hubris.


maybe this perfidious geriatric kike shouldn't have conceded like a bitch to the physical embodiment of everything his campaign opposed

That's Bernie. Hillary is different. Her and Obama aren't liberals, they are neo-liberal scum that are as bad as the neocons.

Hillary's plan for the economy is the same as Obama: let the Fed print fuck tons of money and give it to the banks so they can distribute it how they please. AKA trickle down economics the neoliberal way.

Ivan pls calm down

>attack white people constantly
>oh no! How did we lose these voters!
The fact any whites, especially men, voted democrat tells me a lot about the state of our nation and culture.

Why is this literal sell-out pretending he has any sort of high ground

Oddly enough, they didn't give him a 'pants on fire' rating which means the comment isn't only false, it also makes an absurd claim.


He shouldn't have waited until the election was over, but he'd probably just (((commit suicide))).
Nice to see the DNC crumbling in their weakest moment, by the man who had the most influence among the young voters. They're going down.
Have we started the fire?