I just don't see the appeal. She looks too much like her son

I just don't see the appeal. She looks too much like her son.



...and that's a bad thing, because...?

There is no inherent appeal, but fanart can always fix that

Shes cute

Also, she's a cat. Why would anybody want to fuck a cat? It would just scratch the shit out of you and die from internal bleeding.

>Why would anybody want to fuck a cat?

I miss caturdays so much. =(

we had a caturday this saturday no? pretty sure i saw it

No. Not really.

We draw in the drawthreads dumbasses

post more butt

you trying to lead into me saying that you should fuck the son too?

cuz I'm not gonna do that

It's cause she's got a pussy OP.

more like her son takes after her.

The way her head looks just manages to put me off most of the time.

Not to mention that she's built like a spoon with ears. Never saw the appeal in toon chicks that need overly exaggerated or detailed fanart to be sexy.

she is evil

there's no appeal in her
Sup Forums just wants to continue justifying their degenerate lust for their own mother, the inbred autismos they are

I think its her voice

Also she's a cat.

You...you'd still screw the cat, wouldn't you?