Why is the fandom dead?

Why is the fandom dead?

Because Gargoyles was simply never that good, Sup Forums Deal with it already

They started reading books when they realized how fickle and unsatisfying the animation industry was.

Better than mediocre at best trash like WITCH at least.

There's really nothing to talk about. I fucking love Gargoyles, but I can't really think of anything I can about it that hasn't been said a thousand times before.

Because nothing new since 20 years.

Not dead,

The Gargoyles fandom has basically been turned into stone

>Why is a Fandom of a show that's been over for almost 20 years Dead?

OP look. I loved Gargoyles too but it's time to let go

So we just need an eccentric millionaire/possible crime lord to bring it back?

Rewatch the show to your hearts content, but pretty much all discussion has been exhausted.

I want to fuck Lexington

The Comics say hi. They ended in 2009. So technically it's only been 9 years.

Also, how come the fandom was more active in the 2000s even before the comics came out?


Do you still watch Gargoyles? I have watched these episodes a million times

I think Gargoyles will get a new audience soon. The people born in 2000 are old enough to post on Sup Forums and they will proabably want to talk about the show a lot, since they haven't discussed it as much as other people

I hope new Gargoyles comics come out soon

nearly everyone who discovers it is becomes a fan

That's good. I'm excited for the next wave of Gargoyles fans to come in. It happens with many shows. Take SpongeBob for example, each year, there's a new generation that watches it and some of the old fans will get busier. The same happens to Gargoyles. A lot of kids are probably having fun watching it right now.

so, favourite moments?

I didn't like it when it was new and I still don't like it now.

>The people born in 2000 are old enough to post on Sup Forums

how would they adapt to 21st century life in 2018 in they awoke now

Xanatos was really a self- made man

>this fucking OP for the 5th time today


What type of clothes would the gargoyles wear if Elisa convinced them to lose their loincloths?

>no I'm not laughing, thats a normal size for a human... right?
>it's strange to look at, even as a hatchling, I was much bigger than that
>Even Lexington would dwarf your "Manhood!"
>don't worry friend, I'm sure that is *snicker* pleasurable to your partner
>I think I'm beginning to understand why human female are flocking to us now.

Gargoyles played a lot on TV in the 2000's.
Disney XD also used it as filler content for a while while they were building up their channel with new content.

yeah actually thats one thing I didn't like about the origional, I know their designs good, but do you know how cold it can get in scoland's climate.

>every thread until you like it

Considering their skin turns into fucking stone half of the day I don't think they get cold like people do.

Stone cold.

Goliath mentioned in Eye of the Storm that Gargoyles don't feel temperature the same way humans do, and can withstand much higher and lower temperatures then humans do. The arctic storm that would have freezed Elisa to death didn't even make Goliath or Angela shiver.

>also want to fuck Lexington (and Brentwood)
>other user tends to get annoying about it and mentions it in every Gargoyles thread
why you gotta be like this?

I'm more of a purple papa man myself.