What is the LOST of Sup Forums?

>cultural phenomenon
>intricate mythology
>tons of fleshed out characters
>constantly introduces new mysteries
>fan theories through the rough
>ends up answering nothing and angering everyone but the ending itself is sweet and hopeful
What comic is like that?

Probably that Homestuck shit those fucks wouldn't shut up about for years.

>myriad characters
>Convoluted storylines
>Stuff they spend waaay too much time on used for a total payout of: nothing

I think they all bitched about the ending, too.


As someone who haven't read Homestuck I can honestly answer: Homestuck

But LOST was actually good.

Hard to say, but as someone that read Homestuck, it definitely isn't Homestuck.

in recent years Over the Garden Wall or Gravity Falls

As someone who didn't watch Lost and didn't read Homestuck, I can say on good authority that the Lost of Sup Forums is probably Homestuck


Hahaha, good one.


except Lost answers absolutely everything that is known by anyone that's alive.

the only unknown is the source of the power from the island and what it ultimately means/is used for, because the only person who ever knew, The Mother, died.

I'm betting SU will be eventually. It might answer people's questions but I'm sure a lot of them will be disappointed by the end of it.

I wouldn't call the ending hopeful, its very much inline with the rest of the show, the ultimate meaning of the ending is that good can only triumph against evil through sacrifice, which Jack embodied, but so did multiple other characters.

and I disagree, the show explained absolutely everything, ultimately the name of the Show was really that people were lost in their lives, and they found purpose in coming to the island.

all the main characters find purpose and closure on the island (or die before they can, nothing is guaranteed) the only one who really gets screwed is Jack, but he knew what would happen and he was willing to sacrifice his life for it.

Comic wise you could say Hickvengers. Multiversity could fit as well.

Cartoon wise I'll toss in TLA and Korra.

Lost was great for 3 seasons then had a notable dip in quality until it hit the time travel shenanigans, then even though it didn't make sense it was a huge ton of fun, until the last season which was shit but had a decent enough ending that unfortunately wasn't a great series finale.

Gravity falls espically with the ‘ends up answering nothing and angering everyone but the ending itself is sweet and hopeful’ part

also I find Jack's turn from an angry, athestic pragmatic, but also empathetic character, to one who truly believes in something more than himself and finds peace in his place in the world was really well done, and it was a very slow character development.

the show makes you think Locke is the main character, with all the ominous plot points hinting at his importance, but its an instory red-herring, created entirely because he time traveled into the past and told other characters that he was important, creating a self-fulfilling false prophecy.

when in fact, Jack is the chosen one.

one of the best chaotic netural(then chaotic Good) roguish characters ever.

Actually it's because the writers had no idea what they were doing long-term for 99% of the show.

Morning Glories

>that time he called Hurley 'Jumbotron'

this, it's underrated as fuck, but it's literally lost the comic.