Would Trump win if he run agains Bernie?

Would Trump win if he run agains Bernie?

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No, literally anyone else would have won against him

meant to say yes

>the city of me

Bernie is much more likable to the normies than Hillary is.

Bernie would most likely win tbqh

Probably. 18-28 year old turnout plummeted from Obama to Hillary, but in the primaries the same category came out to support Bernie.

No, Bernie would've done worse than Hillary. He is a communist atheist, ffs. Only college hipsters and underage kids like him.

Bernie would have been scorched as soon as his tax plan was made known.

Exit polls listed the economy as voters number 1 issue. What makes anyone think (besides a millenial whose never paid taxes) that the American public would support the biggest tax hike in 70 years?

Bernie doesn't have the recognition (both good and bad) to get out the vote better than Hillary did. We don't know skeletons in his closet would have been dragged out but if I were to hazard a guess it would be that Bernie wouldn't have done as well as Hillary did. The question is would Trump have done as well without the specter of Hillary.

yes. Nobody wants an actual communist. People are stupid but not that stupid.

Bernie was a jewish, atheistic, commie. With TONS of baggage like his wife running a college into bankruptcy. Hiding his networth, raising his wifes kids, being a weak cuck, etc

He would not have received the support of the DNC & media like Hillary did. Would not have received the support of the RNC like Hillary did.

Then again, maybe he wouldn't have lost the rust belt and the blue wall would have remained.

hillary would have won if she just didn't have a tax plan to raise taxes. What a nutter.

If they did in 2020 then no. Bernie fucked himself by sticking to Clinton like glue and Trump could hammer him into the dirt with that

I was a huge Bernie supporter. Do we think he was paid, threatened, blackmailed? Kind of glad he wasn't the nominee now that I think about it. I would hope Trump can't be manipulated like a lot of these dirty ass politicians... but it seems like Bernie could and we don't need that shit! These fuckers need to go down!

They still wouldn't have voted. College students are the most politically active people around since they have so much free time. They are where sjw comes from. Despite this they don't vote. They would bitch about free college to get their dick sucked but they wouldn't bother voting. Its a peer pressure thing. Like pretending you are a party animal to get laid.

No. Blacks fucking despise Jews and would never vote for one. Hence why Hillary crushed him in the southern primaries

No. Bernie was not a real candidate you dumbos


>Only college hipsters and underage kids like him.

its over. bernie might not live another 4 years

Who the fuck cares if he's an atheist. Y'all bitch about Hillary and how she and her fucked up crew control others. Why the fuck does religious beliefs even matter.

Yes, there wouldn't have been as much of a 3rd party dent, and since he's a commie and an outsider he'd get a bigger amount of white worker votes

>Bernard "whites can't be poor" Sanderstein

If he ran against Trump, Trump would've won Virginia and Minnesota too. The only Dem that could've beaten Trump was Webb.

If Trump does a good job, no one beats him if he runs for another 4. If shitty job, he will get blown out by any democrat not named Clinton

the political poll that predicted trump beating hillary at 98% gave Trump a 99% chance against Bernie

Anyone over the age of 30 hears about a communist running for president they would all
have voted for Trump

hes gonna be an 80 year old senile fuck by 2020 he wont run and if he does, he will fail after Trump turns this country around he will win in another landlslide

You don't understand. Anybody retarded enough to vote for Hillary in the first place didn't give a shit about tax plans. These people are the party known for wanting to increases taxes. That is the most important part of their party. Its like saying white nationalists would have stopped supporting Hitler if he released his economic policy.

its would have been very interestING to see...FEEL THE BERN IN FOUR YEARS

>trying this hard to be edgy.

Millennials wanted anti-establishment.Bernie had a 10%+ lead on Trump almost the entire time he was in a poll like that.

Yes. Trump won the primaries to the general because he had enthusiasm than the others. Bernie had more enthusiasm than Trump, but lost because the DNC rigged it against him.

Trump and Bernie are polar opposites, but the same in that they were "outsiders". The states that gave Trump the election, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, all voted Bernie. Trump also got a lot of former Bernie voters. Everyone knows Bernie would have crushed Trump, that's why Hillary lost

Whil it's impossible to say for sure, the polls all had Bernie trouncing Trump when he was still in the race.

And before you >polls me, what i'm saying is that Bernie consistently beat Trump by MORE than Hillary ever did. So it's possible that the correction for silent Trump voters might not have been enough to beat Bernie.


Trump would have beaten Bernie even harder than Hillary. I believe in this model 100% after this election.

18-28 turnout in the 2008 election was 51%. 2016 it was 18%. That's a huge drop. And they were fired up about Obama in the same way they were for Bernie.

Moral beliefs. The most important thing to remember is that he was a socialist though and socialists are retarded teenagers rebeling against mommy, that is all.

Trump got fewer votes than Romney or McCain did. Hillary had 10 million fewer votes than Obama did in 2008, and she still barely lost to Trump by small margins in several states, even with her scandals hanging over her.

I think Bernie would have been able to beat Trump. So thank God the Clinton machine was so powerful it forced the Democrats to choose the worst fucking candidate.

Trump still would of won. I worked for Bernie, and I can tell you in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina. Anywhere Bernie had a rally Trump would have one 4 times bigger. But additionally, I think Trumps top two against Clinton were here ineffectiveness and her insider status. He could of called Bernie one of the longest political insiders ( 40 years) and one of the most ineffective based on his vote record. 3 bills and 2 were for post office. Although I think their stance on jobs would of shifted the debate a lot.

Hillary also had a plus 10% lead on Trump. Really makes me think....
>Bernie is anti establishment
>comes from the establishment
>wants to tax people more money for the establishment
Anybody actually anti establishment would have picked Trump. Anybody that wasn't a commie would have picked Trump.
It would have been better if it was bernie though because the media would have praised him and even more people would have been woke.

He'll feel the bern in hell when he dies in 2 years of old age

It REALLY is hard to say, sure Hilary rigged it against Trump but Bernie had a lot of personality problems that people conveniently ignore because he had better platforms on issues that matter.

What if they ran together?
There is an alternate universe where this happened and shit was crazy.



berniebros came out big time for third party and trump. look at all the votes johnson and stein got, give those to hillary and she would have won more states. hillary also STILL won the popular vote and was super unpopular.

the general consensus is that bernie would have won because hillary was so damn unlikable to many



This election? Bernie almost certainly would have won.

Next election? It depends on how the next 4 years go.

Bernie doesn't have the balls for office. He couldn't even stand up to a sickly old woman when she stole the election from him.

Who knows?

But I'll tell you one thing -
If Bernie wins, I'm quitting my job and giving up on all of my future ambitions in favor of sitting around and mooching off welfare.

Because fuck this country; you faggots had your chance.

Trump won thanks to low voter turnout on the left.

Your country is being held to ransom by the left - you can thank corruption in the DNC for getting your country back.

You now have 4 years to do something ANYTHING to prevent the country electing another Democrat in 2020.

No, Hillary most likely would of got Stein's vote. But a majority of Johnson votes would of gone to Trump. I'll see if I can find the blog doing the math. Basically, Johnson pulled more from Trump then Hillary. If he wasn't on ballot most of Johnson would of gone Trump.

He would have had a better shot than Hillary. Voters in a lot of these burnt out states would have gone for Bernie more, maybe enough to tip the election. He'd probably have gotten more of the youth and black vote too.

Mcarthy had every right to be afriad of commies. In fact he was right all along too.


Next time try to come up with a real argument leftie faggot. I can't wait to give you a nice helicopter ride. It'll be free too.
Really though why do you raid this site? You aren't getting through at all and you are horrible at shilling, worse than real shills.