Michigan gay couple reports hate note from 'Trump Country'

Kris Harris and Neil Wolicki on Thursday, Nov. 10, said they found a handwritten note in their mailbox that read: "Faggots Get Out! Trump Country!" The "O" of "Out" contained a backward swastika.
The incident in Bay City is among a spate of similar intimidation acts to have occurred across the country since Trump's victory.

At Royal Oak Middle School, students chanted "build the wall" in a video that has since gone viral, with the caption that Latino children were crying as their classmates hollered.

White students at a junior high school in Dewitt, Michigan, made a physical wall to block classmates they felt were of Hispanic descent from entering classrooms or accessing their lockers.
"It's really made me afraid," he continued. "I've never had this experience, which is why it is so shocking to me."

Windt said he voted for Hillary Clinton. He also said he finds it "ridiculous" for Trump supporters to tell Clinton voters to "get over" the results or to treat the outcome like a typical presidential election.

"We live in a very diverse society now," he said. "Many people really like that and espouse the beliefs that we share together. This is my life. If (Trump's) election is causing people to think they have the power or the right to attack or threaten people, I can't get over it."
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>can't even swastika correctly
Fake and gay

>write nigger on the wall
>take a picture

This is happening all over the country.

My rabbi got a similar note.

Hey rabbi

"I couldn't believe that something like that was actually happening here," he said. "When you see things like that online, you typically think 'They're far away' or 'Someone is making this up; this isn't real.' When it's somebody you actually know, you know it's not made up, that this really happened. "It's really made me afraid," he continued. "I've never had this experience, which is why it is so shocking to me."

That means it can't be fake, guys

I bet they couldn't bring themselves to write an actual swastika


Lots of:

"This comment has been deleted"

in the article comments

Hey homos, whatcha doin?

Nose? Sounds like a polish jew


>im trans and converted this year
now thats legit trolling

I'm sure they wrote it to themselves, that seems to be the pattern with the so called hate crimes. They all end up being hoaxes to get the little faggots some attention and sympathy.


Did you even read the rest of it?

Now this...is Advanced Trolling

kek, I have to say, my burgerbros, your antifa false flaggers are even worse at their jobs than the scum we got over here

Swastika drawn backward and angled incorrectly, letter "A" drawn like a typical left wing anarchist.

seems legit.

Ironically that is clearly fag handwriting including the stylized swastika O. No one remotely homophobic would be so femininely artistic. The hoaxers are no less terrorists and bullies than the guys they are trying to frame.

This is frightening though.

(((they))) are seriously trying to plunge the US into a civil war/race war

989 here, this is getting viral all over my fb. The original post has a comment asking if this was reported to the police, but police said it was "not an emergency."

It's a little fishy though that the original post that's getting viral is by a teacher in Bay City schools, and not the actual gay couple that apparently received the letter... I'm doubting it's legitimate.

>backwards swastika

definitely wasnt Sup Forums.

The writing is from a feminine hand, and fags are known for flare for the dramatics, IE: huge swoops in letters, over-extending lines, punctuation marks that are off-set.

That couple made it up and wrote it themselves. Its a disinfo game and like all Liberals lie about everything until they get their way.

>that O

Yeah sure

>then he farted on my hand

Hahahahahaha holy shit

>that faggy handwriting
>dat messed up swasi
They never seem to get it right

Any real 'Trump Country' person would make the swastika face the other way.

We must debunk all these false flag stories.

LMAO I just noticed that holy shit hahaha

How dense are you?

This is called black propaganda.


This is marxist tactics 101. Works best in collusion with the (((media))).

They do this all the time in Germany, even if the claim is debunked later it wont get reported in the media.

They are trying to incite a civil war in your country. Its obvious. Its a very dangerous situation now

>I can't get over it

Maybe those faggots that made up the fake letter should get out then.:D



Hey Mr. Goldstein, watcha doin' there?

Trump Country sounds like a good SNES game


>backwards swastika
fucking casuals

I wonder when this will get debunked. Will it be Saturday or Sunday?

>backwards swastika
False flag.

Those things happened whether you want to believe it or not.

source: in Michigan right now

I wouldn't worry about it. Once Trump is in office he'll control the propaganda machine the Obama lifted the ban on.

I bet Obama is made he lifted the propaganda ban now.

I'm not trying to be dense, just explaining what I've seen on fb and adding more to the story to debunk it.

I've seen so many of these false flag propaganda by libtards on fb but this really hit them cause it's (((LOCAL))) and they'll believe anything that fits their anti-Trump agenda.

Guys this legit isn't funny.

Sure we all know this is most likely faked just like the dozens of other (((reports))) out there now. The problem however is that EVERYONE ELSE doesn't know this and now really thinks all Trump supporters do this. They spam this shit on Facebook and, safe from reading the title, the libshits and normies won't investigate if it's actually true or not.

WE ARE LOSING THIS BATTLE. For every article we (or the based police) debunk the Jews put out 15 more. We simply can't debunk all of this shit because not everything can be proven so easily.


>ill take things that never happened for 500, alex

hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

these kids have probably been told that being white is a sin since they were 5 years old.

honestly, all this leftist and liberal garbage has probably done more to make actual racists than growing up in a hick small town would have done.

anyone have any good reading on this subject?

How can a swastika even be backwards? It's like saying a circle is backwards. It's the same fucking thing.

Oh aren't you a 'pic related'

Yeah and thats the problem. This shit gets even recited over here over and over.

And of course none of the real attacks on Trump supporters are mentioned.

What my point is, that this is a real threat now, they are trying to incite something before Trump gets sworn in and now it looks like they are succeeding, arent they? Protests everywhere, riots, attacks on Trump supporters. They will probably use this to pressure the electors to vote Hillary or something or Obama to declare martial law.

You can tell almost certainly this is a false flag because the swastika is backwards. This is just like the poop swastika last year at Mizzou, which turned out to be drawn by an anti-semetic black.

0/10, try harder

Nice try

That penmanship is too fine to not be a gay guy

I'll bite.
Anti-clockwise and straight: Buddhist Swastika.
Clockwise and angled: Nazi Swastika.

If I crumple the paper someone might believe my bait

backwards swastika is actually a hindu symbol

The letters are bubbly outside of the ones that lend themselves to easy slants. The exclamation points too are hyper-gay.

>Fake and gay

Quite literally.

Fake. Also gay because made by gays

Sure thing. Thankx for the book report, queer.

Gee that sucks oh well nothing to be done about it

the swastika is wrong

here is an amazing thought guys, what if it actually isn't fake?

>maybe if i preempt this extremely likely explanation people will actually believe it wasn't me
lmfao, fag intellectuals

then one person in a 300 million plus country wants gays out

Today I was asked by a group of refugee Hillary supporters who also appeared to be otherkin transsexuals if I voted Trump. I replied that I could not participate in the American elections since I am not an American citizen. Then they beat me up because I didnt vote Hillary and carved a half moon into my back. plz believe me

>Hey Rabbi! Watcha doin?

i believe you, and that is just SICKENING

i am so sickened right now you don't even know

>White students at a junior high school in Dewitt, Michigan, made a physical wall to block classmates they felt were of Hispanic descent from entering classrooms or accessing their lockers.

oh dear god my sides, thier status: gone


That is hilarious. The dumb faggot didn't even change his gay handwriting, and he still expects people to believe that shit is true.

Thank you. I hope you will make sure Hillary WONT BE ELECTED by the electoral college. I am literally shaking right now and wont attend university for the next two weeks.

4D shitposting

so what? they can do fuck all now when trump is elected.

Just looking at that gay handwriting got me giggling.

>that neat handwriting with a mix of upper and lowercase letters to make "bigots" look stupid
>backwards swastika to make "bigots" look stupid
>a clearly unfolded and crumpled but still "dirty" looking piece of paper fitting in a mailbox


>"not an emergency."

This is not something that happens. Lots of things are not an emergency but they still respond.

Does anyone else read that with a lisp?

>They are trying to incite a civil war in your country. Its obvious. Its a very dangerous situation now
Why would they want civil war? What is the logic in that?

that wine glass looks very unstable on that plush carpet

>Police: Muslim college student lied about ‘Trump hat’ attack, robbery and hijab ripping


This just further proves the image is fake.

I guess I should clarify: the Bay City teacher who posted the image said the police said it was not an emergency. The police themselves did not comment on the photo.

Because a civil war torn US is less of a threat to them than a Trump governed US

Shouldn't have mistaken the Indian guy was a Muslim.

hey gayboi, whatcha doin?

It's funny because you can tell it was written by a homo.

>floaty handwriting

>He then farted on my hand and ran off.

Ok, it isn't an emergency but that doesn't mean they won't investigate. Unless is this not even a crime?

>less of a threat
Even if the result is a militarized left/right wing superpower?

Can we PLEASE meme right wing death squads into existence???

>Note in a mailbox
>All crumbled up
>Not the kind of crumbled up you get when you crumble something and throw it away
>the kind of crumbled up you get when you try to make something look crumbled

Looks like all that time spent on /po/ was not wasted after all

It depends, now their goal is to stop Trump at all cost since he has summoned white identity. They cant have that.
Remember that there is still the option of Obama going dictator. Or China and Mexico step in.
You underestimate them. Yes these stories are ridicoulous. But they are not aimed to convince redpilled people.

They exist to rile up leftists, and to supress undecided and Trump supporters. The same reason why there are thousand "hahah he is alread backpaddling pol btfo" threads. Its supression, preparation for an attack.

these swastikas are weak as fuck


Well, I said it in other threads:

You realize now why Hitler put the commies, socialists and establishment shills behind barbed wire right after he was elected?

Funny how all these happen in the form of notes and other nonsense....but the hatecrimes against white Trump supporters are actually caught on video.

I hadn't seen this before. I'll use it to reply to all the annoying FB posts

It is indeed jewish name
