ITT: We post scandals Trump survived. I'll start

ITT: We post scandals Trump survived. I'll start
>Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski's alleged assault on a reporter

>grab em by the pussy

Raped his ex-wife

>John McCain isn't a war hero. I like people who weren't captured.

Kept blacks off his property

The whole anti-veteran argument. I know they're a pretty big deal in the US. Especially since every generation generates more of them.

Jeffrey Epstien Loli Island trips.

Autism vaccines shots

Blood coming outta wherever from Megan Kelly

>mocking a disabled reporter

"You can't buy me off, Jews"

Trump implies he has a large dick on national television during debates

monica lewinsky
vince foster
email server
paula jones
fbi background scandal
norman hsu scandal
jorge cabrera
sniper fire scandal
1600 Pennsylvania scandal
clinton foundation scandal
cattle money scandal
2016 DNC scandal
Clinton speeches scandal

hol up, gotta flip it to page 2

>David Duke endorsement

Preemptively calling mass shootings terrorist attacks (he was right)

Don't think I forgot about that one. That was a brutal grapple that the female reporter didn't deserve by ANY margins.

Literally Hitler.

also his reaction to Orlando

6 gorillion women coming forward claiming Trump raped them.

Go back to breast feeding your wife's son.


Hoping they leave to the two black chicks in his new bedroom...

Faggot Kahn and his dead son and silent wife.

Allegedly raping 15 women minimum.

He said he's gonna go after the family of terrorists.

The funny thing is he didn't say he was going to kill them.

barron trump is one of us

Just in case someone calls me a shill, I don't believe it at all. Just realized that it might look like I did going off of that post alone.

He and Dr Ben Carson not getting on stage because they didn't hear the dumbcunt

When asked for his policy on ISIS he said "We have to take out their families"

Calling Ben Carson a liar
saying Cruz's father might be connected to the JFK assassination
saying Russia (or anyone else) should release any e-mails they hacked from Shillary to the public
thanking people for being right about the Orlando Massacre
his muslim ban after the Cali terrorist attacks

calling all mexicans rapists / they dont send their best

>breast feeding
also, that bitch who wanted to breast feed in court and trump said it was "disgusting"

the disrespect of the 10 gorillian

This smug cunt who turned out to be a GOP town bicycle

"you second amendment people, maybe there is" something you can do about hillary becoming president.

she got schlonged

ted cruz is a pussy

cruz's wife tweet

blacks will vote trump tweet after dwanye wade's cousin (or whoever) got shot

Suggesting Ted Cruz's dad had a hand in the JFK assassination.


Forgot about that one.
Every guy has said this
I have issues with this one
Veteran here and it didn't bother me as much as it "should" have
Again, as a veteran, veteran serivces are below illegal immigrant payouts.
(Citation needed)
Increase of 10,000% in the last 30 years. Maybe its just doctors diagnosing every "weird" kid nowadays, but look at barron- trump is on the front line.
She sunk herself.
Issues again (but funny)
Lol, truth hurts
What guy wouldn't?

But she didn't survive. She lost her ultimate dream.

There's no point to surviving if your life is meaningless.


never do this again you absolute newfag

When the reporter tricked Trump into saying women should be punished for having abortions

That should be a banable offense.

>Chris Matthews

Whiteagle is that you?

m-muh tax returns