Why are the french so okay with having naked children in their comics and cartoons

why are the french so okay with having naked children in their comics and cartoons
not even japan gets away with some of this stuff

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Because they're smarter.

please post some samples. for science.

wasnt there a thread recently about that cartoon with the naked redhead loli?

France isn't scared of anything at this point.

are they afraid of being called racist?

They used to be more permissive back in the days.

Because being naked is not sexual. Even less for children.

Sure, Satan.

Seriously, though, I don't think that's a big problem

Coldfusion go home

Why is clapistania the only country that thinks nudity is something sexual?

The funny thing is that this is permitted in comics as long as it's not sexual. But unlike US or Japan, possession of loli/shota hentai could get you into trouble in most of EU.
It's probably the main reason why jjfrenchie stopped drawing shota.

I've read some Polish law about child pornography and it does include "possession of manufactured imagery of a minor engaged in sexual activity" with up to 2 years of imprisonment as punishment. That could include hentai. But Berserk vol 15 (the one with the fake elves) was published uncensored, despite all the naked children running around.

Because it was founded by fucking puritans who were kicked out of Britain because they wanted to impose puritanism on everyone.

That's also why American pornographic works are usually hardcore out of the gate: an overreaction to culture of chastity. Manara's works usually don't even feature penises in his overtly erotic works, while Omaha the Cat Dancer shows full on penetration, even though sex is not the main point of the comic.

There is plenty of countries with heavy censorship in media. So it is not just the americans.

The fact that a bunch of high-profile frog feminists told the #metoo bunch to fuck off was pretty impressive

No, it was just competition for a market share.

no clue what you're talking about, but then again, I only read Asterix and Lucky Luke as far as French comics go.

What do you mean Japan doesn't get away with it? The literal most popular manga IN THE WORLD, Dragonball, gets away with it. Goku as a kid always was getting naked and shit, because he didn't realize it was wrong to show his privates

Man as soon as I saw that I knew the term "internalized misogyny" was going to be brought up and infect the discourse. And wouldn't you know it that bitch Asia Argento did.
It's nice that we have some level of resistance to that shit but more and more cancerous concepts keep crossing the Atlantic.


>but more and more cancerous concepts keep crossing the Atlantic
They've already crossed. But you needn't worry, right? There's a saying: "The French does things their own way, and nobody copies them".

It has already crossed to Eastern Europe. There already are pink-haired gender studies type feminists offended at Spider-Woman's ass. I got chastised by one because she found a bikini-clad bee girl in my sketchbook. To which I pointed out that maybe they should focus on actual problems, like our strict anti-abortion laws and how long does it take to prosecute a rapist.
Amusingly enough my country rated pretty low on violence against women and sexual misconduct study recently performed in the EU; then again we did say no to migrants and the few that came here left for Germany pretty quick

It's the first time I heard that specific term in the public discourse, even the journalist reporting on it seemed confused.
But no there's definitely an influence, that "anti-metoo" article was mostly written by older women and was received with some serious venom by the younger generation.

I still want to buy that issue

that's a random muslim (well, maybe a radical), noy he-who-must-not-be-drawn
Also the majority of french people would shit their pants if Charlie did another HWMNBD cover and would blame the cartoonists instead of the sick fucks if there were another shooting

Because we have dispatched the prudes and the easly offended to Merika. So you draw that stuff in Europe and no one cares.

And you should read Titeuf

The hell are you on about?

Among them Catherine Deneuve.

A Lady with charm that is worth a billion of feminists.

Talk to yourself kid.

T. muhamad who can't "play nice" for more than a year before sharpening his knife again

And then immediately the media published an "answer" from radical feminist discarding everything, calling them "defenders of well known pedophiles" and basically pushing the hate further, with every celeb approval because anger = truth.

Apparently it does and allegations equal conviction. Not at all surprised that guys like Weinstein abused their power for a long time but to fire garrison keiler because of one allegation is just fucking asinine.

holy shit, Clementine brings back old memories. that was quite sad

>I know what the majority of french people would think

Yeah, no. Trust a French: The majority of French people would buy Charlie Hebdo just to spit in the face of terrorists, if that paper wasn't total shit aside from the great humoristic drawings.

Fellow Frenchman here, it's more divided than you make it seem. I've heard a lot of people go full "they were asking for it" behind closed doors.

Well, everyone has their own point of view, I guess, as well as different people in their entourage, who also have their own opinions and that's a huge mess.

But implying that someone was "asking for it" is stupid. Be it for murder, rape, theft or anything. The only instance where saying "they were asking for it" is fine is when the person literally goes around asking to get shot.

the fact you did nothing to counter that idea is the problem.

I remember having a Dragonball manga that had Goku with his dick hanging out on the cover.

French dude here: I've noticed through my whole life that on the beach, for example, it's perfectly okay for a little boy (pre-puberty) to be naked, but if a little girl of the same age isn't wearing a swimsuit that covers her completely (by that I mean chest and crotch), it's a fucking scandal.

Basically France is a fucked up country on much more levels than foreigners could imagine.

Voldemort ?

>a little girl of the same age isn't wearing a swimsuit that covers her completely (by that I mean chest and crotch), it's a fucking scandal.

That's wrong I remember a lot of little girls at the beach with nothing on the chest. Fully naked is almost never though

>not even japan gets away with some of this stuff
Japs have an entire genre of porn featuring cartoon children that you can readily and legally buy in any comic book store

I did, but you can't force people to change their mind, especially an autist like my dad. Besides I partly understand where they come from: you don't poke the bear. It might be the right thing to do to make a point about your freedom of poking, but the bear will maul you to death regardless. And provocation is Charlie's M.O., which rubs some people the wrong way to begin with.

Wut. You see plenty of naked little girls on beaches. Less so since the big pedo scare of the last couple of decades but still.

>not even japan gets away with some of this stuff
There are little boy penises everywhere in Japanese cartoons.
Shin-chan especially comes to mind.


Of course they were asking for it, they are a bunch of retarded soixantehuitards wth more venom than talent. Not everybody can be Reiser, and Cabu or Wolinsky relied more on shock value than wits in order to sell. Still doesn't mean people support terrorism over them; even assholes got their freedom of speech garanteed by the universal declaration of human rights.

French law bans the "representation" of childs in a pornographic manner. Theorically it means this is only applicable to drawings of real children, but there have been a few abuses from the authorities, met by public outcry everytime. Some old manga collector got his /ss/ collection confiscated during an unrelated perquisition, and the end of one webcomic got censored. The problem is that you have to go see a judge to cancel the decision, a long and costly process.
tl; dr: not very risky, but beware of overzealous policemen (and judges).
Nudity isn't seen as inherently sexual (neither are bare tits, according to Paris chief of police). Even for children.

Because of the same reason for why Sup Forums is full of pedophiles.

For a majority of the time in France, we view the naked body as something artistic, and not something that's inherently sexual, as it is part of our daily lives after all.
In the beaches, prepubescent girls will only wear the bottom of their swimsuits, and will have the chest out in the open all day, or sometimes just run around in boxers, because it's not something that bothers anyone here. Once they do develop, however, it is then that they get the idea to cover up.
Even in children's comics, like Titeuf and Le Petit Spirou, you'll have innuendo sprinkled here and there, but kids will laugh because it's part of an experience that they are aware of, since they'll all go through it anyway, and it's something that their parents taught them, earlier in their lives Everyone in my first grade already knew what sex was, but we were taught how it worked in the 3rd grade. I mean, hell, we even have illustrated books for children that talks about the subject of puberty and sex, but I'm sure we're not the only country to do so.
Strangely enough though, violence is a big no-no in France. You would be surprised on how much stuff they censor violence in cartoons, like Adventure Time when it was still an adventure cartoon.

retard, they called her a defender of a well known pedophile because she is one
hint: roman polanski

I think the innuendos are bonus for parents reading with their kids. The little spirou story where his teenage girl friend lets him molest her when she "sleeps" is great, though. And is presented as a nice pirate adventure!

>Roman Polanski did nothing wrong

where are the janitors when you need them

Nah, even as a kid I knew what was up in that comic.

>They've already crossed
In France we got recently :
- inclusive writing shit : word have a gender and masculine is used as default for plural when you talk about a group of people with men and women. Some people says its patriarcal and use a more inclusive (understand retarded writing). ex : un(e) instituteur(rice).
The government told them to fuck of.

- the non-white allowed debate for racised people (I'm not joking) talking about muh intersectionnality/racism etc.
Fortunatly the French mentality is : citizen of the Republic first the rest is irrelevant (race, gender, etc...), so the majority of people hate the principle and the biggest group promoting it pretty much admit being racist against white.

- the fatphobia quickly make an appearance before disapearing.

Other fun story, one big leftist student syndicate tried the intersectionnality stuff and, as expected, they are now so divided (between the non-white gay, the LGBT, the black lesbian, etc...) they can't do shit now.

Very different attitudes towards bodies in general. Like it's pretty normal to see humanoid males just having penises with absolutely no dramatic context too.

Tits and dicks are considered good joke material for little boys, yes.

Somebody should ask her about her stance on Woody Allen.

This, kids run around naked because being naked is comfortable in warm climates. We'd all be naked if the weather allowed. And you know, there were no predators.

It's not like she was saying "Roman has every right to diddle kids", she was against the deletion of his oeuvre from the public space (a festival about him was notably cancelled) for what he had done in his private life. And it's the same reasoning she's got here: you don't suppress artistic expression because a guy was a criminal. We allow mass murderers and convicted child rapists to write books or movie scripts in prison, and for them to be published. It's basically an "art is sacred" stance.
It's pretty weird that this happens to come up in the same week as the whole Louis-Ferdinand Celine reedition fiasco.

You forgot how the new ministry for the equality between sexes is named "ministry for the equality between women and men", which flies in the face of traditional French grammar to make the statement that it's women's equality first. I know it's semantics but it irks me.

that's because running nude is not "being engaged in sexual activity"

There are saying that groping is not a problem. One said she wish she had been raped so she could show that you can get over it. Lahaie said that you could get an orgasm from being rape.

Most of them are old and out of touch. They don't understand the difference between seduction and sexual harassment.

It's simply not the same culture. An american would find some of our antics to be just as ridiculous. Some people got real mad after Sin City toys for example, asking for it to be removed as propaganda for Death Penalty.

> By "some people", I may be refering directly to Segolene Royal, who failed to become President and is currently the french ambassador for the North Pole or some shit

Anybody who listen to her nowadays knows that she completely out of touch.

canceling a festival praising him isn't "deleting his ouvre" or "suppressing his artistic expression", you're free to buy and rent his movies, he's just not gonna get sloppy blowjobs in the media.
or should companies and people be forced to work with him so his feelings don't get hurt?

>Lahaie said that you could get an orgasm from being rape.
Which is correct. Lahaie has forgotten more about sex than you or I will ever know.

>They don't understand the difference between seduction and sexual harassment.
So they're just like the other side of the debate then.

That being said yes, they are old, and they knew a time when sexual harassment was way more common and socially acceptable than it is now. And their stance isn't something new among French women or feminists either, French feminism always fought on the American feminist notion that women are weak and victims waiting to happen.

It has nothing to do with grammar. It's an habit. And I don't like it either. But I would feel the same if people were starting to say: "Messieurs, Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles" instead of ending with Messieurs.

That's ironic. The festival wasn't cancelled because there was no demand to watch his movies or because the company had decided so, it was precisely cancelled so that people's feelings don't get hurt.
>from the public space

Besides think of the whole Spacey situation, where they spent millions to re-shoot around him and in fact deleted his artistic expression.

>Which is correct.
Yes, but it has no place in a debate about men abusing their power to sexually harass women. The only thing saying such a thing in this context does is minimizing rape. Like: "yeah she was raped, but she came so no big deal!"

It's like saying: "Men can have erection when they are raped." So what? It's still rape.