We all voted Trump because he hated mexicans, right?

We all voted Trump because he hated mexicans, right?

mexicans, muslims, niggers, and faggots

I see you read the democrats' propaganda

I voted trump because he'll keep businesses in America, he'll kick out undocumented migrants who commit crimes, and he'll actually stop radical Islamic terror.
This is the meaning of "Make America Great Again"

Opinion invalid. You didn't vote

hating mexicans just for being from other race makes you retarded, hating being abused by foreing countries is what this is about.

if he only kicks out undocumenteds who commit crimes then he won't be making america great again. they all need to go

no fucking half measures

don't be cucks

No I hate sjws, leftists, and any illegal who takes advantage. Not the hard working ones who actually pay taxes via a tin number

>keep businesses in America

How is he going to do that exactly?

Well Sup Forums certainly did.
Problem is, Trump never said anything explicitly racist. He toed the line on purpose to rile up the zealots, but never said anything damning so to speak.

So let me lay it out for you.
Over the next 2-3 years Sup Forums is going to pretend that he didn't want it in the first place, that it was only the media saying this, and that they were merely pretending.
Then they will get bored / the newfags will leave, and the board will revert to a natsoc board that wants all the jews dead.

There saved you some time.

I voted Trump because guns and I wanted to see the liberals all finally out themselves for the violent deplorables they really are.

He's not.
There are plenty of jobs that simply aren't profitable enough to have here.
Unless of course they are subsidized by the government, which he can't do because Republicans will throw a shit fit.

Lowering the tax and regulation

Trump got 40% of the Hispanic vote. And that's after 18 months of non-stop, vicious kike propaganda, against a guy whose central plank is building a wall and deporting illegals. It's a total failure for Democrats.

This is why Soros is pushing the riots. It's not sour grapes, it's a last ditch effort to spark civil unrest. It's not over by a longshot.

>Trump got 40% of the Hispanic vote.
29% actually.

isnt illegally immigrating crime? shouldnt they all be deported then

Go away CTR. Saged and hidden.

He'll use tariffs, as he has often said before. Tariffs will artificially raise the price of foreign labour and thus make American labour competetive.

We hate illegals and chicanos too for the most part.

It kinda sucks you hate people just because we were born and live elsewhere.

I voted for him because he was a candidate for classical liberalism

>Impose a tariff to prevent foreign nations from having lower prices than US manufacturers.

I don't care what you do with all those wetbacks but dont send them back, we don't want those fucking cowards here

no, because he hates globalists.

I voted for Trump because he wasn't openly advocating nuclear war.

I voted Trump because I love America.

I don't hate Mexican's but I do support a white majority in white countries.