Semi-Sup Forums related.

What went wrong?

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hardcore redditors flooded the place and filled it to the brim with contradicting shit

it used to be such a neat simple concept and now you can't look too much or you'll find a plethora of bullshit to ruin the feel

talking only about the site btw, confinement and containment breach are pretty good

>Original authors left, SCP steadily lost it's identity as extremely less talented redditors swarmed in.
>The lore got messy and convoluted, there was no real sense of scale or even rules for the mythos. 'Lel random' was the status quo.
>New people couldn't decide on what SCP was: a small and mysterious group of MIB, or a world spanning Illuminati.
>Plot holes. SCP getting way too powerful. Bullshit amnesiacs making coverups practically nonexistent, writing away a staple of 'weird stories.' Nobody noticing all the prisoners disappearing and the huge amount of people willing to be evil for no reason.
>Then came the SCPs like the homestuck obsessed horror, the neckbeard with the Japanese school girls, the edgelord dead dimension (which ticks off every cliche in horror), so on and so forth.
It's similar to the SW EU. All these different authors had drastically different ideas on the mythos and the characters, creating a convoluted mess that just isn't fun to read anymore.

powerlevel faggots and dont go and say reddit since Sup Forums ALWAYS has autsitic "who would win" or "this person from *insert universe* is in *universe* wat happens? threads

People who actually like those threads should be gassed

What were the SCPs you complained about? I'm curious

Those threads actually start being interesting when they turn into discussions of how the tow universes would cross over, which happens a fair bit. Theo not ones I've seen that are truly cancerous are the "Goku/DB VS Superman/DC" threads, which ALWAYS end in major DB-wank.

The nature of SCP means that you can basically just pick and choose what you want to believe about how the setting works. That understandably makes a lot of people annoyed, and it can be annoying, but the way people have expanded GOIs in recent years is really interesting to me. GOIs are another thing that some people get annoyed about, because admittedly it makes a lot of stuff suuuper complicated. But I'm in love the UIU and MC&D so...and at the end of the day you can just look around and find some good articles. Been on a binge lately, just read that one about the anomalous Sopranos dvd.

Confinement and Containment Breach are the only things that kept me interested in SCP ever. Considering what it was like now... I can't really look at it the same as I used to anymore.

They are never interesting and your doing what I hate about those threads fucking forget it

Calm down user. You're going to give yourself a stroke if (You keep on being so angry all the time.

power level fags, fetish fags, trash writers and the creatively bankrupt in general
you know, inevitable shit

>SCP 2721.
>SCP 29 pssshhh nothin personnel kid 35.
Digging for the 'harem free xbox' SCP.

People hate 2935? I mean sure, it's pretty damn cliche, but even so, it's a rather well-written piece all said. It doesn't even come close to what some of the older pieces were like prior to their revisions.

The thing about SCP is that your bound to find something you like or find cool.
There are A lot of SCPs I find boring or un scary but the ones that are cool are worth it and there are a lot of really cool SCPs out there.

Honestly, considering it's orgins and the internet as a whole, it could have been a lot worse. It could have been better as well, But hey at least we have Confinement.

Whats your favorite SCP Sup Forums?

When there are literally thousands of articles written by hundreds (I'm just guessing I assume it's in the hundreds) of different people then you're bound to find something good.

I want someone to adapt this SCP so badly.

The best ones are the least well known ones.

My personnel favorites are 093. there's also the Here There Be Dragons one. I forgot the number. 914 was super cool. Mainly a lot of stuff from the first series I liked and bits of the 2nd series.

55 easily.A sinister entity that people are only vaguely aware of has always been my favorite horror premise.

SCP 610 desserves a game so badly.

I have too many favorites, most recent is 1071
>mfw "That happens in the stories. It doesn't happen here. He'll be back."

Fucking terrifying

All of this:

Melnibone in a book.

>scp 1230
>here be dragons scp
>the AI scp
>Fish Head scp
>Town that got fucked by bears scp
>Gate Guardian scp


Too many meta and narrative based SCPs lately. Stick with the strange items with tons of testing longs if anyone writes SCPs here.

>Stick with the strange items with tons of testing longs if anyone writes SCPs here.
Those are back on the rise from what I've seen of the site lately, with things like "magic glasses" or containers and the like.
They're all so ridiculously shitty, you wouldn't even believe

Anything involving the Sarkicism and the Church of the Broken God, its the closest the SCP Foundation has to a consistent mythos, also their SCP pages are very engaging reads.

The one where some poor schmuck gets stuck in an endless plane of goddamn nothing except for the recorder he got teleported with, and gets himself unmade piece by piece until another accident brings what's left of him back here.

I dunno about you guys, but the way that one just details how fucking awful it is to just be thinking with nothing else to occupy you really fucked me up.