Fuck fuck fuck fuck

today i met a legitimate trump supporter, i mean a real one, not ironic like us. I'm so fucking embarrassed right now. What the fuck have we done, this guys supporters are fucking legitimately retarded. I mean jesus christ, they think a reality tv star would actually make a good leader of the most powerful nation on earth. Please kek, I didn't mean it, i thought it was just for fun. oh god im fucking having a panic attack.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=cuck hunt shirt&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS710US710&oq=cuck hunt shirt&aqs=chrome..69i57.2135j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=cuck hunt shirt&tbm=shop

She lost dude. Move on.

what kind of gay-ass shit are you trying to sell?

Holy shit I'm literally shaking wtf

omg are you serious op? I'm SHOOK!

fuck dumbf


Trump will never be president

CTR if i've ever seen it


>TFW Hillary supporters are all emotionally damaged and suffer PTSD and you can't possibly understand because you're a privileged white cis male and you should apologize for being born for your skin color, but I'm not racist or anything, it's just that all white people are evil.

Why does his shirt say "Cuck Hunt"?

What did he mean by his?

if you are a CTR faggot, listen to this.

At least they don't fuck up the whole country if the lose

>mfw have no idea what im saying

They're still in denial

just give it a rest lad. go have a nice wank

This is what he meant by this.

where can i get one of those?

I mean literally tens of millions voted for him, of course there are going to be a few retards

google.com/search?q=cuck hunt shirt&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS710US710&oq=cuck hunt shirt&aqs=chrome..69i57.2135j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=cuck hunt shirt&tbm=shop

I swear to god i know this guy. I woked with hima couple times. Northeast ohio

dis gon be gud niggaaaaaa


I'm super late to the MAGA party, but I think he's going to do a pretty good job.

just google cuck hunt i bought one

b8 or not I know what you mean. It's actually a little disheartening but I guess when you look at the alternatives it's suddenly not so bad.

You're dealing with the old right. With the way things are going now, white kids are being polarized in ways never before seen in this country. The hicks are getting phased out and being replaced with more respectable people that don't make a joke of our talking points by merely existing.

Pic kind of related

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>oh god im fucking having a panic attack.
Are you literally shaking OP? Do you need a safe space?

where the fuck did you get this pic of me and my bros?

that guy's from back during the republican national convention so you might actually know him

he triggered the lefties good

Same, f.am. He hangs out at a coffee shop in Lakewood a lot, I see him there all the time.

This election result is like The Emperor's New Clothes.

The race was called and the next day while discussing it in class, everybody in my lab group admitted to voting for him. "I voted Trump... hey me too... same here... wait, we all voted for him? I thought you were a liberal! Haha, I thought YOU were a liberal!"

My lab group consists of myself, a white pothead, a Mexican girl born in Mexico, a fat girl that has a Mexican baby-daddy.


Look we won we got Trump elected and more over we have the progressives attacking the establishment Democrats. The DNC is fracturing and may end up losing their next election due to in-fighting.

i'm mexican and i agree with
>what kind of gay-ass shit are you trying to sell?

handas de puto cabron jajajajaja al puto chile

Who cares now. Kanye 2020!

hey, hey, hey...Lord Emperor God Trump was the little boy telling everyone that the supposed kek was wearing no clothes...

why does soros still fund ctr after the election?

How old are you people? How much time have you thought about what you do and say? If you guys like nations where anything goes and anyone can come in why don't you move somewhere like Mexico or something?

I'm seriously confused as to why you CTR retards still post here. Are they actually still paying you after that cunt lost? why??

>implying democrats ever win midterms
Nigger please. People don't facespace about midterm elections.

He rolls his own cigarettes. He actually asked me to OC with him at the RNC.

Weirdest shilling ever
You are so low energy that you are more convincing yourself that Trump is great than us that he is not

fucking ctr is back. SHIT. WTF KILL THEM IN THE NAME OF THE GOD EMPEROR. WAIT, who the fuck is paying these fucks ? is it soros? is this phase 2?

who the fuck is still paying these cunts?

most probably soros that old cunt-eyed faggot

10/10 reply Australia approves

We were out drinking one night, and he wanted to load up the truck with every "red blooded white man thay still has a swingin' dick and a rifle" to take a trip to clevland and start shooting googles. Hes hardcore

This is phase 2 and everyone knows soros is manipulating all of this

>cuck hunt