What are your thoughts on Über?

What are your thoughts on Über?

Edgy Tryhard Garbage.


Ja ja Allies, sehr gut, sehr gut...


I love Sieglinde and I wish I could impregnate her with my untermensch genes.


The "It looked like the allies had the battle in the bag, HOWEVER..." got old pretty fast. When is the next issue?

Why does that M1 Thompson have such a long barrel?

*Jaja, Alliierte, sehr gut, sehr gut... ALLERDINGS

user, it's an avatar press comic about supersoldiers in WWII, not /k/ Illustrated.

Dont try to explain the logistics of war when the statistics you out out are fucking impossible even with super soldiers

oh and the mutant lobster pressure cooker 9000

It's paper crack mane.

It's shit but is it worse then Cross?

Vaguely interesting idea that quickly fell to pieces.

It's much cheaper then getting a cab.

Crossed has been good on two separate occasions and is usually at least funny even when it is utter shit.

It needed to be set in early 1942 rather than late 1944.

Then it'd be more believable and have more tension.

Have Germany open it's Eastern front with a blitz of Ubers and invade Britain with the extra conventional troops that would have been assigned to Russia.

Now you have a ton of built in tension, can America mobilize fast enough before it's allies are overrun, can Britain develop it's Uber program in time to stop the invasion, can Russia hold it against the onslaught? You don't need the German-wank that a lot of the comic developed into.

Which is the only real problem. The author clearly admires Germany, though not the nazis. But still is probably writing the allies to win.

You need include some superpowers to allow the Nazis to invade Britain, like freezing the English Channel or something.

It's a good way to get a ride, better than Lyft at least.

It shouldn't have started so late in the war
I mean Hitler already had a gun in his mouth in the first fucking issue that's how late in the war this thing started
Germany's military and infrastructure would've been devastated far past the point that they could have done anything other than declare a ceasefire and try to hold onto the territory they already had even with the Enhanced Humans

The premise is fine the execution is somewhat lacking and being an Avatar Press comic it is filled to the brim with gore for the sake of gore though you could make the excuse that this fits a war comic

if you do it too early, and Germany too big of a threat, than there would've been an undivided US attention on Europe instead of the mult-front battle the US waged of Western Europe, Africa and the Pacific

It's actually pretty accurate, the barrel looks longer because part of the stock is obscured by the arm. Thompsons are rather large guns.

Who /Patton/ here?

The only thing that would've been better is if Patton was a Cruiser instead of a regular Tankman

The proportions are wrong.

swear to god if Patton jobs I'm going to buy a trade just to set it on fire on camera

I think the entire point of setting it in the late war was to showcase how much leverage and damage super powered beings could do. Enough to literally undue and trivialize the sacrifices of all the men who died during the majority of the war.

>Germany's military and infrastructure would've been devastated far past the point that they could have done anything other than declare a ceasefire and try to hold onto the territory they already had even with the Enhanced Humans

I mean that's the point, isn't it? Put Ubers in 1942 and there wouldn't even BE endless almost-got-'ems from the Allies because the German war machine at its peak plus Ubers would take over the world.

Ubers already make Germany unfairly powerful. Ubers plus maximum Nazi would be three issues long.

The only problem I have with Patton is that the style of warfare he excelled in was dependent entirely on him being flush with supplies and replacement manpower and operating as part of a larger combined assault across a massive theater. If he tried his real world tactics and strategy within the situation of Uber he'd rapidly attrition himself and leave his flanks open.

yeah it's an intentional thing.

i think Gillan might've also said that the concept was "What if the Nazis got the bomb" and the lateness might be related to that? like this is around when they would've got the bomb if they had got it?

only obviously the bomb is superheroes

It keeps him grounded. If he were one of the stronger ones you just know he'd be jumping in there all the time, throwin' elephants at fuckers.

This way he at least gets to get his lips wet while still understanding he'd be fucked seven ways to Sunday if he got careless.

>tryhard edgy
>trys hard to act edgy
>bait detected

Don't one of the super soldiers say "We can't win, but we can make sure nobody else does"? They know they're gonna lose so they're going to take everyone else down with them.

We've already seen the lightning attack from ubers and matching offensive to counter offensive is still the best tactic. Assuming a surplus of inferior material (which is what the allies war machines were) Patton still excells. Everybody who would be pissed if patton jobs have a right to be. This should still be his jam.

The problem is that by the time the comic is set the Nazis were at critical shortages of practically everything, including food. Even if the Ubers completely, 100% stopped Allied bombing campaigns, which is a whole 'nother issue with the comic, you can't Halo up some factories.

I think if you can halo up bunkers and deconstruct/reconstruct matter. Nothing is off the table.

>"We're totally going to lose this, you guys!"
>pushes everyone's shit in
>pushes everyone's shit in
>take a minor loss that still kinda works out in their favor
>continue to push everyone's shit in
>"I swear, we're going to lose any day now!"

I get that, but what I meant was that they knew they had no infrastructure left. Should they defeat the Allies to the point where Washington and Moscow are begging to surrender unconditionally, Germany will eventually collapse because the entire country has been made to look like, well, the picture I posted.

It'd be a Pyrrhic victory at best.

Don't start nothing won't be nothing.

>lose a single battleship at the enemy cost of five Zephyrs
>enemy can gather no intel about effective use of zephyrs because they're all dead
>same zephyrs could have completely wiped out your entire non-battleship ubers and unenhanced support troops before anyone noticed

My interest in this series centers around whether or not Larry is in it.

The series is currently set more than 8 months after the situation of Nazi Germany could be described as "desperate," that's the issue. The super Uboats the Germans invaded America with? In reality they took 6 months overhaul after construction to be sea worthy and by the start of the comic of the three shipyards that could perform the necessary work, one was captured, one was being bombed, and the other was besieged.


This might sound strange, but I enjoy the series while agreeing with virtually every complaint I've heard about its historical accuracy problems.

Okay is this comic good? What is it about?

After seeing all the Alan Moore quotes praising Uber, I started with Uber Invasion #1 and was completely confused with what I was reading. It was like I jumped into a fantasy world without context. What is this about? WWII with superpowers?

>swear to god if Patton jobs I'm going to buy a trade just to set it on fire on camera

I think Patton jobbing is what it would finally take to break my suspension of disbelief.

What if the Germans found the A Bomb but the A Bomb is Superhumans.

There's some stuff before Invasion, I dunno how many trades.

Two have been shown to be able to.
The crazy Russian woman, and the one (was she German?) Halo sniper constructed her own tower.

They should have showed Allied armies shitting their pants more when first encountering enhanced humans.

For comparison, the very first time that actual military tanks were deployed in battle during WWI, German troops just flat out dropped their weapons and gave up.

They saw a bunch of clunking metal beheamoths coming at them, that they had never seen anything like, with bullets bouncing right off them, and went "HAHA NOPE, NOT DEALING WITH THAT."

And this was at the time when tanks were so shitty that most of them would break down before even making it to battle.

So the storytimes are over?

They're on hold until more issues come out probably.

Sure, the problem is that the comic never accounts for the fact that the European theater was massive and that actually deploying the ubers to the frontlines would not only take time, but that there are only so many ubers to go around.

Encountering an enemy Uber would be like encounter fucking Superman on the battlefield, if Superman was a psychopath.

The very rumor that they might get helplessly torn in half while advancing forward might have been enough cause to defect on a regular basis.

new issues SOON™ comrade

For starters there is only something like 2000 Ubers at the beginning of the comic, all but three of them are the early version tankmen that can be killed with man-portable explosives and high powered bullets, who can't maintain constant halo usage, and we're talking about war full of indirect artillery fire and landmines. When you account for logic the Allies would be able to maintain continued offensive operations for weeks because the Nazis simply wouldn't have the Ubers needed to stop them. And once they did have enough ubers, the need to concentrate their forces, particularly once Allied ubers came into play, would mean that the Allies wouldn't actually be facing that much uber resistance when you take the entire front into consideration.

I guess I'm asking too much out of series that took 30 issues to remember that the Italian front was a thing.

>Italian front
>like anybody gave a fuck
>even the Italians

I'm pretty ignorant on WWII events, but I guess that's a blessing? This is fun as shit. Before reading, I thought it was going to be super soldiers tearing things up with their bare hands, but it's actually super soldiers blowing everything up with psychic laser blasts, which is really, really, stupid fun.

someone post it

I actually had a very, very similar idea to this before I had been exposed to Uber. Felt kinda weird when I found I had the same pitch as someone else.

Still, it's pretty cool.

Even a basic understanding of the logistics of WW2 will make Uber an infuriating read.

I like Lift better

Please tell me it's about Zyzz.

Uber Invasion is the second part. You need to read Uber first

Goddamn pressure cookers. My great grandfather used to tell me horror stories about them.

God, Geltmensch were bad.
Unbeknownst to everyone, the general had deciphered another fucking branch of the codex. Made only fucking 3 of them, and they lasted just long enough to greatly lengthen the storyline

better than getting a taxi from those indian fucks

>but in my country I was a doctor

Superpowers in WW2 isn't exactly untrod ground. Hell, you could even make some parallels between Uber and Zenith, which, aside from being completely different in tone and content, predates it by 25 years.

Les Sentinelles is the better Weird War comic, and gets bonus points for being set during WW1 and taking a different thematic approach to supersoldiers.

I'm not saying I had a completely original OC DONUT STEEL idea. I just thought it was funny how close they ended up being.

The main, albeit huge, difference was that Germany won the war because the girl who inspired me to write it has a huge Nazi fetish.

>When you account for logic the Allies would be able to maintain continued offensive operations for weeks because the Nazis simply wouldn't have the Ubers needed to stop them.

This isn't a very well known fact, but it was actually a huge problem to get soldiers on both sides to legitimately attempt to kill each other in anything but the more dire of offenses/defenses.

Most soldiers weren't there because they wanted to "murder" (quotes, because in war it isn't murder, but the principle of taking another person's life is similar) anyone, they just wanted a goddamn paycheck and go home. Each side would just take random potshots at each other to say "Yep, I totally did a solid day's work today."

Obviously, more modern military training takes this into account in order to train soldiers to dehumanize enemies, but the existence of an Uber on the field would make practically any regiment go "NOPE, I'M NOT BEING PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS SHIT."

Had to steal double stacking and mid-class Ubers from the Allies, but was somehow able to create Geltmensch, which apparently doesn't work with just anyone and has to be specifically tested for compatibility despite them not decoding the actual Codex entry on testing for compatibility.

>Even a basic understanding of the logistics of WW2 will make Uber an infuriating read.

It's not supposed to be taken seriously. Just have fun with it (although it would be a lot more fun if the entire Allied powers didn't JOB constantly.)

>Alternate Universe where Finland wins WWII

20% is the number usually thrown about, but that's not a hard rule and was massively impacted by morale, presence of others, etc. That is also specifically for riflemen and whatnot against specific enemy soldiers. It also cuts both ways, and would probably be exacerbated by being an Uber, as you'd now be mostly invincible and exploding people who can't hurt you into a shower of gore.

There comes a point where you have to ask, "how exactly are they pulling this shit off?" and it ties into the jobbing.

I heard it was more like 60%, but I have no source to back that up, so I'll have to look it up again sometime. This is, of course, not counting the variable that they're going up against Ubers.

I remember somewhere Gillen explained how he had to to a lot to hurt Germany but it's not as noticeable because a lot is like the basis for the book. (Like how the allies found out about superhumans to begin with)

Personally I find that history is something you should never try to wrongfully interfere with. You can't purposely lead people astray.

An adaptation, especially one written as a comic book should never be interpreted as historically accurate. It will take liberties as it should to make a compelling story. Just like a good historical movie. At some point you just need Germany to put the hurt on everyone else otherwise it would end in ten issues or less. A level playing field is always better than a curb stomp like the Americans and Russians racing towards Berlin.

I wonder how every single Uber the sides have picked have managed to be almost universally pyschos. I mean killing a few people at range, could be stomached by most people. Maybe a majority might be able to keep ticking because when they caved in that guys head with a shovel they were high on adrenaline. But the Ubers generally seem to be totally fine with smearing the blood of everybody in their way from Berlin to Warsaw.

Don't forget the allies ruined two Battleships, won't upgrade two more because niggers, lost track of the German battleships because masks, Russia's doing jack shit because their goddess went isolationist, and Japan sent their one Battleship(who should've been dead) after America instead of Russia or China.

We get it Kieron, you saw some smarmy yanks that didn't understand how fucked everyone else was in WW2. You didn't have to shit your story for it

>mein fuhrer the allies have completely cut our supply of oil coming from the mediterranean and africa - what should we do?
>dude, just super human army

I figured the process just made them more aggressive somehow
It's a good wonder though. Worth asking Gillen himself.

Give the average person super powers. Put them in a war and say there are few to no consequences for exercising said powers. What do you think they would do?

Justice League had it right.

Its always weird to see these "what if hitler did this one thing differently" comics and threads. The fight wasn't even close, germs got blown the fuck out

Really depends if they made the Soviets their enemy sooner rather than later, as well as diminished relations between the new world and the old. But mostly the Soviets.

>girl who inspired me to write it has a huge Nazi fetish.
Lucky bastard

I have to ask though, what would bringing back a guy who killed himself when the Soviets start marching in, do?

Actually the end point sounds so much more interesting, then what we get. The endpoint hinted that all the nations get dissolved and parahuman feudalism ensures. So why couldn't we start at that.

Have you even read this comic. This is like gore, but art form every second page. The majority of people would fall to shreds over it. People had to walk out of Logan or Deadpool which are tame as shit in comparison. Now imagine doing it. Not seeing it. But feeling spines snap, blood splash everywhere and the screaming.


Didn't matter much, actually. If you take the DCAU timeline into account the High Command said 'who will lead us?' and they just took Hitler out of the freezer because no one else could seeing as how the enemy had super heroes on the front lines. Implying he was either crazy or ballsy enough.

I have. My reasoning is as above. They lost a guy who supplied them with advanced super tech and when that guy disappeared they put the old guy back in charge.


Maria best girl. What was the reasoning for pouring all their focus on physical enhancements? I thought when they discovered they could split the stats, they could experiment with both kinds of soldiers, but I'm seeing mostly physical soldiers so far, and far less big flashy halo wizards.

Allies can only double stack Phys, Nazis can double stack Halo and Phys, Maria is an outlier and they have no idea her stacks are distributed but she would seem to have at least one physical stack.


It's great, but it would be good if it came out sooner. When is the next issue?

You can’t /thread your own posts ya dingus.

the thing with blondie and maria better lead to something.

I hope zany Ukrainian gets her shit absolutely pushed in by the monster she's helping create.