How do Batman fans feel about the Telltale version of the story...

How do Batman fans feel about the Telltale version of the story? Not a fan of Penguin's redesign but I like the backstory they gave him, and it's interesting how they have Harley corrupting the Joker rather than the other way around we're used to.

I just hope they don't pull something like "Joker was the real mastermind the whole time and all of his interactions (between Bruce and Harley etc) were all just an act"

I was thinking they might do that and I'll be so salty if they do.

I hate it!


I hate it because Telltale didn't even gave me the chance to romance Harley

>Doing your bro John like that
The game actually lets you flirt with Harley on a few occasions.

Telltale is Telltale.
Not like Rocksteady Studios, but they had a bit of originallity right now.
Arkham saga was the best

Harley doesn't deserve someone like John. She deserve someone that understand and cares about her at all, her good side and bad side. John is just using her!

I know they let you flirt but that's all you can do, you can't even receive a kiss from her, even if you act like her bitch at all times which I may or may not have done

>Going for the obviously manipulative sociopathic bitch by being a spineless worm and trying to cuck your best bro
>When Best Boy John is right there waiting to rescued from his horribly abusive relationship.

He's rescuing him BY stealing his bitch, user. Or at least trying to.

Wayne Enterprises hired a complete stranger/supervillain to CEO the company based on his fake resume. It's comic book retarded as fuck and I'm fine with that

Y-Yeah, I'm just doing that. I'm just rescuing him by stealing his bitch so he is free, yeah. i'm taking one for the team, you see

>John is just using her!
John is a sweetheart, how fucking dare you.
According to Regina the board wanted to virtue signal by hiring the Penguin since they stole his family's land.

Tommy Wayne stole a lot of people's stuff

Kind of hate Penguin. There's no need to de-age him like this, and directly tie him to Bruce's childhood. Oswald is supposed to be old money

They really, REALLY didn't need to make the Wayne murder a hit, or drag their name through the mud. Also Vicki Vale was fucking bullshit. How she got those toys and that fighting experience I'll never know

And I don't know why they made him brown with a British accent.
Vicki's whole thing was that she was like the reverse of Batman. Her parents were assassinated like Bruce's, but she let the tragedy break her unlike Bruce and used her money and skills to hurt rather than help. Probably has her own female Lucius.

Because he's a fusion between Arkham and GOTHAM Penguin. Really creative there, Telltale. As for Vicki, still doesn't explain all that shit. Kind of a forced twist if you ask me. But hey, elseworlds so whatever

I hate that no one ever makes Riddler interesting

Though gadget fighting cane/crook is more fun than just traps

At thos point though it just feels like theyre taking Batman villains and subverting them in one way, its not that impressive

They def get points for Lady Arkham being original rather than Arkham Knights its just the red hood

Freeze still seems pretty much the same.

I look forward to Bruce and John's friendship making it to the end and John becoming Robin.

I have heard that most of Sup Forums plays this game like some sort of fujoshi Fanfiction. How true is that?

I wouldn't know, I just got it because the first one was free on PS+ and got me addicted. I try to stay true to Batman's character while at the same time being as nice to John as possible because he's a bro.

I taught him how to throw the Batarang but didn't let him keep it because I felt it would come back to haunt me. But now I feel like he might've been able to save you with it or something, Episode 4 cannot come soon enough.

You legit get to go on a date with the Joker. Granted, it's his "practice date" for asking out Harley later, but it's still pretty gay. As is every other interaction with the Joker.

>Friendship is gay

It's Joker, that's guaranteed to happen and that's why he's boring.

Well it is.

I just hope nothing bad happens to Harley, Telltale has been on a killing streak with the villains and I'm afraid that Harley is gonna meet her maker

Are you suggesting Telltale has a railroading problem?

What streak? They only killed The Riddler so far, and they had the perfect opportunity to kill off Catwoman but pussied out.

Lady Arkham is dead too. Well not much of a streak but they aren't afraid to kill characters, even if they could have been useful later on

Selina implied Riddler used to be like that before the Agency broke him. Hopefully we get his full background in the next episode.

>kill off Catwoman but pussied out

Telltale said that John genuinely thinks of Bruce as his friend. I think he'll be pushed way over the edge in the next episode, but I don't think it was due to any masterful manipulations.

I feel like I'm the only one on the internet who hates Tiffany.

I hated her at first, but when she apologized for turning us in I kinda saw where she was coming from. Besides, Bruce needed a new Lucius.


I don't care how good Catwoman's pussy is or how wide her hips are, she's always getting herself in trouble and expecting us to ignore the greater good to save her. Saving the Mayor, our relationship with Gordon, and not blowing our cover are more important than getting pussy from the pussy.

I wasn't even trying to make that pun, thank you for pointing this out.

>I like the backstory they gave him
It reminds me way too much of the dumpster fire that was Hush for it to have any appeal with me.
It does remind me of that line in Batman Returns where Max Shreck says to Bruce that he and Penguin might have been friends in boarding school if Oswald had a normal childhood. I can see why it was added.
But I'm absolutely sick of characters whose entire backstory and motive consists of being like Bruce Wayne but with a twist, and I find it revolting that they stripped down Penguin's appeal and characterization to make one of these characters in the game (especially because they already had Harvey to be a childhood friend).

It seems to me like joker is an amnesiac, considering he doesnt remember anything before arkham and always had his hair and skin since he can remember
Maybe he planned everything and wiped his memory

They made harley fuckable

Harley's fuckable in everything but Suicide Squad user.

>You will never gently coax John out of his abusive relationship with Harley
>ywn steadily grow a relationship with him as Batman's sidekick
>ywn fuck him into staying a good person, ensuring he never turns into Joker
>ywn cum inside him as you laugh internally about how you cucked Harley and the rest of the pack out of potentially one of the best villains Gotham had ever seen
Why is Telltale like this

I think SANCTUS could be responsible for many of Batman's villains. Maybe they made the serum that created Blockbuster in Season 1. Or the drugs that Thomas Wayne and Vicki Vale would use to make people lose control. It's also likely that they are responsible for Venom. Maybe running tests on inmates at Peña Duro which led to Bane acquiring the drug. So many possibilities.

Why no one liked Arkham's Riddler? He was fantastic.

>(especially because they already had Harvey to be a childhood friend)

He isn't. He could've met Harvey later in adulthood.

just more sjw like always about "woman strong, men weak" so I avoided it

>Not fellow caped crusader and equal
Though I guess they don't want to cuck Clark out of that role.

She's fuckable even in suicide squad, it's just that she's hatefuckable.

Harley seemed like she really wanted to cuck Joker with Bruce. It was pretty hot.

Yeah, it was pretty obvious in the elevator scene in episode 2

He was just the best version of comic/batman TAS Riddler but not anything new or interesting

Though a little too annoying/breaks down cuz "he was so clever; but how?!?" He felt like an an Anime side villain

>implying that isn't hot by itself


I'm going to feel so good when not giving him the batarang does not bite me in the ass.

the riddlers fate annoyed me he is favorite batman villian.

Don't worry they'll probably bring him back with a Lazarus Pit.

Just feels like a bunch of stabs at doing something different but none of them are any good, and the whole 'this character is actually a parallel of Bruce/Batman' gets old real fast.